Operation Sophia soll Libyens Küstenwache unterstützen


Die EU-Mission im Mittelmeer vor der Küste Libyens, die Schleuser bekämpfen und den Zustrom von Migranten und Flüchtlingen über das Mittelmeer nach Europa verhindern soll, soll künftig zum Aufbau einer libyschen Küstenwache beitragen. Darauf verständigten sich die Außen- Verteidigungsminister der EU am (heutigen) Dienstag bei ihrem Treffen in Luxemburg.

Die neue Aufgabenzuteilung für die Operation Sophia der European Naval Forces Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED) ist noch recht generell gehalten. Aus dem Ratsbeschluss:

The EU stands ready to offer security sector support in response to possible GNA [Government of National Accord] requests. Should a Libyan request be forthcoming and following consultations with the Libyans, a possible civilian CSDP mission could support Libyan efforts inter alia through advice and capacity building in the fields of police and criminal justice including on counter-terrorism, border management, countering irregular migration and smuggling of migrants and trafficking of human beings, as part of broader Security Sector Reform support. This possible mission could draw upon the existing planning capacity of EUBAM Libya. In addition to the possible civilian mission, further consideration will also be given to support that can be provided through EUNAVFOR MED Sophia, by enhancing its capacity to disrupt the business model of human smugglers and trafficking networks and to contribute to broader security in support to the legitimate Libyan authorities, for example through potential capacity building for the Libyan Coastguard, and the implementation of international law.

The EU will ensure that its contribution responds to the requests and needs of the Libyan authorities guaranteeing full Libyan ownership, and is coordinated and coherent with other international support under the overall coordination of UNSMIL. Furthermore, the EU recognises the importance of the security of Libya’s borders for regional and European security. In this regard, the EU will consider ways of enhancing its regional support, including through existing CSDP activities in the Sahel.

Da scheint noch mehr drin zu sein als Hilfe beim Aufbau einer Küstenwache. Aber die Details dürften erst später klar werden. Vor allem bedarf es entsprechender Anforderungen der neuen libyschen Einheitsregierung.

(Archivbild: Seenotrettung der Korvette Ludwigshafen am Rhein im Mittelmeer am 22. März 2016 – EUNAVFOR MED)