Bundeswehr in Libyen? Gar nicht nötig.

Heute morgen bekomme ich zwei Dinge nicht so richtig zusammen. Liegt vielleicht an mir?

Der Bundesverteidigungsminister  in New York, gegenüber Reuters: Bundesverteidigungsminister Thomas de Maiziere rechnet vorerst nicht mit einem humanitären Einsatz der Bundeswehr in Libyen. Derzeit erwarte er keine UN-Anfrage für einen EU-Einsatz, da sowohl die Truppen von Staatschef Muammar Gaddafi als auch die Rebellen Hilfslieferungen passieren ließen, sagte de Maiziere vor einem Treffen mit UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon am Mittwoch in New York. Selbst die umkämpfte Stadt Misrata, wo schreckliche Bedingungen herrschten, könne weiter mit Hilfsgütern beliefert werden.

UN News Centre:

“The humanitarian situation is growing increasingly urgent,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned today, adding that the priority is to protect civilians. He told reporters after briefing the Security Council in a closed-door meeting that the Libyan regime has lost both legitimacy and credibility, particularly in terms of protecting its people and addressing their legitimate aspirations for change. Diplomatic efforts aimed at securing a ceasefire and achieving a political solution are continuing, Mr. Ban added, noting that his Special Envoy, Abdel Elah al-Khatib, will travel once again to Benghazi on Friday.

As fighting continues to rage in Misrata, the families recently evacuated by boats to Tobruk describe a “catastrophic” situation with many having lived in fear of indiscriminate shelling, UNHCR spokesperson Andrej Mahecic told a news conference in Geneva.“Many houses and buildings have been destroyed and some families had to move several times. Parts of Misrata have had neither electricity nor water. Sniper fire, street clashes and shelling have prevented people from venturing outside of their homes to get food and medicine,” he said.