KFOR schließt illegalen Grenzübergang im Nord-Kosovo – Keine Zwischenfälle
Die NATO-geführte KFOR-Truppe im Kosovo hat am Samstagmorgen einen der illegalen Grenzübergänge zwischen dem Kosovo und Serbien geschlossen. Zwischenfälle gab es nach KFOR-Angaben bei der Aktion nahe dem Übergang über die Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) bei Bernjak (Brnjak), die völkerrechtlich nicht als Grenze angesehene Trennlinie, nicht. Auch aus welchen Nationen Truppen an dem Einsatz beteiligt waren, blieb offen.
Die KFOR-Mitteilung im Wortlaut:
Closure of DOG 16 unauthorized crossing point
KFOR contributes to a Safe and Secure Environment
16 JUN 2012
This morning KFOR commenced an operation to physically close the unauthorized crossing point in the vicinity of BERNJAK. This operation is being conducted in order to contribute towards a safe and secure environment by preventing unauthorized movements across the Administrative Boundary Line.
Since 05:30am KFOR established several vehicle check points and secured a number of cordoned off areas for safety reasons. This activity is in support of operations related to the physical closure of the unauthorized crossing point. After the successful completion of the closure operation the vehicle check points will cease and the cordons around the secured areas will be lifted.
This unauthorized crossing point will shortly be impassable due to the physical barrier put in place by KFOR.
In the course of the operation, no incidents have been reported. This operation is fully in line with the framework of KFOR’s mission.
Bei der Räumung einer Barrikade am 1. Juni waren zwei deutsche Soldaten durch Schüsse verwundet worden.
Nachtrag: die Meldung serbischer Medien dazu, laut denen es wohl doch zu Zwischenfällen kam: KFOR troops block roads, wound one Serb
Nachtrag 2: Eine weitere KFOR-Mitteilung vom Mittag – Verletzte werden nicht bestätigt:
KFOR this morning successfully completed its operation physically closing the bypass DOG 16 in the vicinity of BRNJAK. This operation was conducted in order to contribute towards a safe and secure environment by preventing unauthorized movements across the Administrative Boundary Line.
KFOR efforts are currently focused on engaging in dialogue with representatives of the local inhabitants, while at the same time appealing for any protests, to remain calm and peaceful without hindering freedom of movement.
The closure of the bypass permits KFOR troops to concentrate on the conduct of tasks central to their core mission of contributing towards a safe and secure environment. Furthermore, KFOR combats the unacceptable intimidation of the local people who have been pressurized financially against the use of the authorized crossing point, whose use now achieves a normalization of the situation for them.
KFOR cannot confirm reports discussing injuries received by a civilian when KFOR troops fired three (3) rubber bullets into the air, to discourage protestors from climbing onto KFOR vehicles at TERMOHI, but can state that the overall the situation remains calm.
We urge all parties to avoid unilateral moves, inflammatory statements or violent acts.
Und als letzter Nachtrag die KFOR-Abschlusserklärung vom 17. Juni:
Closure of bypass DOG 16
KFOR contributes to a Safe and Secure Environment
Update 17 JUN 2012 1100B
KFOR confirms its troops fired three (3) rubber bullets directly into the air, as a warning only, to discourage protestors from climbing onto KFOR vehicle at TERMOHI. This incident happened shortly after KFOR successfully completed an operation physically closing the bypass DOG 16 in the vicinity of BRNJAK when demonstrators arrived to protest against this action. NONE of the protestors received injuries as a result.
Subsequent to the firing of the three (3) rubber bullets into the air, the protest remained peaceful. One woman however was slightly overcome by the overall situation and became weak. KFOR soldiers assisted her by bringing her into the shade and giving her drinks, whereupon she recovered shortly after.
Reporting of some Serbian media about two wounded persons in the context of the protests against the closure of bypass DOG 16, is incorrect.
Gem. der serbischsprachigen Ausgabe von B92:
„KFOR blocked the road, wounded Serbs
Source: Beta, Tanjug
Zubin Potok – KFOR troops blocked all roads leading to the administrative and Zubin Potok Brnjak crossing in the north. Two people were injured by rubber bullets.“
Ergänzend dazu die englische Version: http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2012&mm=06&dd=16&nav_id=80790
Danke, habe den Link zur englisch(!) sprachigen Ausgabe von B92 oben ergänzt.
„KFOR cannot confirm reports discussing injuries received by a civilian when KFOR troops fired three (3) rubber bullets into the air, to discourage protestors from climbing onto KFOR vehicles at TERMOHI.“
War man schon wieder so verzahnt, daß es der Zivilbevölkerung möglich war, KFOR-Fahrzeuge zu erklimmen?