Lesetipp: US-Fortschrittsbericht Afghanistan


Angesichts der vorgerückten Stunde nur schnell ein Lesetipp: Die US-Regierung hat ihren Fortschrittsbericht zu Afghanistan veröffentlicht, Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan (danke für den Leserhinweis!).  Daraus stammt auch die Grafik oben – die blaue Linie sind die ISAF-Gefallenen, die grüne Linie die Gefallenen der afghanischen Sicherheitskräfte, also vor allem Polizei und Armee. Von Januar 2010 bis März 2013, also bis vor dem Beginn der diesjährigen Fighting Season.

Aus der Zusammenfassung:

The security situation also remains challenging:  Afghanistan continues to face a resilient insurgency that uses sanctuaries in Pakistan to attempt to regain lost ground and influence through continued high-profile attacks and assassinations.  Although ANSF capabilities have greatly increased over the past two years, it has yet to demonstrate the ability to operate  independently on a nationwide scale.  Therefore, the Afghan government will require continued assistance from ISAF and the international community over the next year and a half to help enable it to address these challenges and improve long-term prospects for stability.  While relations between Afghanistan and the U.S. have at times been turbulent during this period, negotiations have made progress on key issues.  Assessing whether the gains to date will be sustainable will be difficult to do until the exact size and structure of the post-2014 US and NATO presence is determined.  Another key factor in this assessment will be whether a Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between the U.S. and Afghanistan is reached.