Tanker statt Flugbereitschaft

Falls es mal wieder Gemecker um die Flugbereitschaft der Bundeswehr und die Kosten für Regierungsflieger gibt, sollte man diese Geschichte aus dem Archiv holen:

The Royal Family and senior UK politicians may consider using one of the RAF’s “Voyager” Airbus A330 tanker aircraft for future foreign trips after a rather embarrassing trade trip to Indonesia caused a huge row.
David Cameron and his aides made the trip during the Easter period to drum up trade for European built Airbus planes (11 Airbus 330 aircraft for Garuda Indonesia airlines) using a “rented” Boeing 747. Insult was added to injury when it emerged that the lease was given to Atlas Air, a US based company, and the plane used for the journey was owned by Sonair, an Angolan carrier banned from European Union airspace over safety concerns. (…)
Since it is at least weird that a business delegation trying to support Airbus planes sales uses chartered Boeings, Britain’s aerospace lobby group said that proposals were being drawn up to let Britain’s VIP to use one of the modified A330 airliners.

Kann ja in Deutschland nicht so schnell passieren. Obwohl es was hätte, wenn die Kanzlerin so zu einer Auslandsreise einschweben würde:

(Archivbild:Airbus A310 MRTT bei der Betankung zweier Tornados, während zwei Eurofighter sichern, am Tag der Bundeswehr 2017 in Penzing – Kristin Mummert/Bundeswehr)