Private Sicherheitsdienste gegen Piraten werden zum Standard

Ein Blick auf die Meldungen des Piracy Reporting Centre in den vergangenen Tagen (mit der jüngsten Meldung am heutigen Montagmorgen) zeigt: im Aktionsgebiet der somalischen Piraten scheinen bewaffnete (private) Sicherheitsteams an Bord zum Standard zu werden. Auch wenn manche rechtliche Fragen ungeklärt sind und es wie im Fall der italienischen Soldaten vor der indischen Küste sehr schief gehen kann.

5.03.2012: 1335 UTC: 14:18.5N – 056:49.2E: Around 170nm NE of Socotra island, (Off Somalia).
Two skiffs approached a bulk carrier underway. As the skiffs closed the onboard security team fired warning shots. At a distance of around 0.8nm one skiff fired a RPG towards the vessel. The security team returned fire resulting in the skiffs aborting and moving away.

19.03.2012: 0300 UTC: Posn: 05:40N – 053:23E, Around 520nm NE of Mogadishu, Somalia.
About six pirates armed with guns in a skiff chased and fired upon a container ship underway. Master raised alarm, increased speed and crew mustered in a safe place. The onboard armed security team returned fire resulting in the pirates aborting the attack. No injuries to crew.
23.03.2012: 1720 UTC Posn: 22:37.50N – 063:31.80E (Around 220nm east of Sur, Oman), Off Somalia.
Master onboard a general cargo ship noticed three skiffs approaching at high speed. The skiffs were observed following the ship as she altered course to move away. Seeing this Master alerted security team who fired warning shots when the skiff were observed 15/20 feet away from the ship. The skiffs moved away.
24.03.2012: 1100 UTC: Posn: 20:49N – 062:27E Around 190nm ENE of Sur, Oman(Off Somalia).
Duty officer onboard a tanker underway noticed a mother vessel at a distance of 6nm. At a distance of 4nm the mother vessel was noticed launching a skiff. Master alerted the onboard security team. The skiff approached the vessel at a speed of around 25-30 knots. Master raised alarm, sent distress message and altered course. As the skiff closed to around 1000 meters the onboard security team launched a rocket flare and fired two warning shots resulting in the skiffs stopping and moving towards the tanker’s stern. The skiff with 6-7 pirates maintained a distance of 1nm and continued to chase the tanker. Only when the armed security team fired more warning shots did the skiff stop and abort the attack and return to the mother vessel. A warship responded to the distress message and sent a surveillance aircraft to the location.
26.03.2012: 0240 UTC: 05:21S – 049:18E, Around 370nm west of Victoria, Seychelles (Off Somalia)
Four armed pirates in a skiff chased and fired 30 rounds on a tanker underway. The tanker enforced anti piracy measures and onboard security team returned fire resulting in the skiff aborting the attack moving away. The crew and vessel safe.