RC N Watch: Mischa-Meier-Brücke eröffnet

Bei Kundus ist in der vergangenen Woche, direkt nach Weihnachten, nach zweieinhalb Jahren die lange geplante Brücke über den Kundus-Fluss in den Bezirk Char Darrah eröffnet worden. Benannt ist sie nach Hauptfeldwebel Mischa Meier, dem Fallschirmjäger, der am 27. August 2008 bei einem IED-Anschlag an diesem Fluss ums Leben kam.

Zur Eröffnung am 27. Dezember der Bericht, den das Regionalkommando Nord (RC North) der ISAF heute auf seiner Facebook-Seite veröffentlicht hat:

New Bridge Opens Relationships, Opportunities

By Petty Officer First Class Christophe Laurent

KUNDUZ PROVINCE, Afghanistan – A simple snip of scissors across a green ribbon and the spoken words by Anwar Jegdalek, the governor of Kunduz a project came to fruition.“I declare the Mischa-Meier Bridge open for traffic,” were the words everyone involved had been waiting to hear. These events took place Dec. 27.
The opening ceremony capstones a long wait and provide a valuable convenience for the people in the area. As the added transportation facilities will usher in economic improvements, it instills the government’s role on utility services and ensuring peace in the area.

PRT-Kommandeur Oberst Oswald Rosch (l.) und Provinzgouverneur Anwar Jegdalek bei der Eröffnung der Brücke (Foto: Bundeswehr)

“We have been waiting for two and a half years for the completion of this bridge,” a village elder in attendance stated. “This will save us a lot of time and provide an easier way for us to reach people on the other side of the river bank.”
The members of the Afghan security forces will also benefit from the opening of the bridge, as the freedom of movement in the two districts has advanced significantly. The ability to use most types of vehicles will improve the security posture in the area because the army and police forces will have the ability to react to incidents faster.
Jagdalek celebrated with German Colonel Oswald Rosch, the commander for Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Kunduz, along with local dignitaries, village elders and police commanders.
Rosch used his time during the ceremony to officially dedicate the bridge to its namesake. Mischa Meier was a German Master Sergeant who was injured in 2008 in an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) strike at the nearby ford of Rahmat Bey. Meier later died from his wounds at PRT Kunduz.
The former governor of the Kunduz province, Omar Mohammed, made the decision during the foundation stone ceremony that the bridge would bear the name of the fallen German paratrooper.
The bridge is 80 meters long and five meters wide and supports vehicles with a maximum weight of 50 tons. The construction guarantees low maintenance and can withstand minor earthquakes. The German funded project cost an estimated seven million Euros. The project signifies an ongoing cooperative relationship between the PRT and the Kunduz province.
“This will not only connect the two banks of the Kunduz River, but also the people of Chahar Darreh and Aliabad districts,” Jegdalek stated.