Merkel hat „wenig Zweifel“ an Verantwortung des Assad-Regimes für Giftgasangriff

Die internationale Debatte über den vermuteteten Angriff mit chemischen Waffen in Syrien am 21. August geht weiter. Am (heutigen) Montag sollen die Chemiewaffeninspektoren der Vereinten Nationen die betroffene Region bei Damaskus inspizieren können. Eine Übersicht über die Meldungen vom gestrigen Sonntag gibt es hier; nachzutragen ist noch vom Sonntagabend: Bei einem Telefonat mit dem britischen Premierminister David Cameron war sich – nach britischen Angaben – Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel mit Cameron einig, dass es wenig Zweifel daran gibt, dass das Assad-Regime für den Angriff verantwortlich ist.

Zur Dokumentation die Erklärung von Downing Street 10 im Wortlaut:

The PM has discussed the situation in Syria with Chancellor Merkel and agreed that UN investigators should visit the site of the attack.
A Downing Street spokesperson said:
The Prime Minister called Chancellor Merkel to discuss how the international community should respond to the chemical weapons attack in Syria last week.
They agreed that this was a very grave incident and that there was little doubt that it had been carried out by the regime, particularly given their refusal to grant the UN access to the site immediately after the attack. They agreed that UN investigators should visit the site tomorrow to seek to establish further information but we should be realistic about what they will be able to achieve and that, following continued shelling in recent days, any hard evidence is likely to have been corrupted.
They agreed that such an attack demanded a firm response from the international community and to keep in touch in the days ahead.