Ukraine: Kriegsrecht für 30 Tage

Nach dem Zwischenfall in der Meerenge von Kertsch, bei dem am (gestrigen) Sonntag drei Boote der ukrainischen Marine von Russland geentert wurden, hat die Ukraine das Kriegsrecht verhängt. Das Parlament in Kiew stimmte dem Vorschlag von Präsident Petro Poroschenko zu, begrenzte allerdings die Dauer auf 30 Tage.

Poroschenko hatte zuvor in einer Ansprache an die Ukrainer die Verhängung des Kriegsrechts mit einem neuen Ausmaß russischer Aggressivität begründet und bevorstehende Angriffe des Nachbarlandes befürchtet. Das Kriegsrecht bedeute weder eine Kriegserklärung noch eine Mobilmachung, sagte der Präsident.

Aus der vom Präsidialbüro veröffentlichten englischen Fassung der Rede:

Russia has been waging a hybrid war against our country for five years. But with an attack on Ukrainian military boats it moved to a new stage of aggression. No one will say now: „They are not there“. No one camouflages into green humanoids or militiamen. This is a bold and frank participation of the regular units of the Russian Federation, their demonstrative attack on the detachment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This is a qualitatively different situation, a qualitatively different threat.
And this attack, of course, is not accidental. This is clearly an element planned by Russians in the escalation of the situation in the waters of the Sea of Azov, which has been lasting for several months. And I’m sure this is still not a culmination.
Security officials and diplomats have informed you today at a press conference about all the circumstances of yesterday’s incident.
Reconnaissance data suggest an extremely serious threat of a land-based operation against Ukraine. I have a document of intelligence in my hands, a summary of our intelligence data. Here on several pages is a detailed description of all the forces of the enemy located at a distance of literally several dozens of kilometers from our border. Ready at any moment for an immediate invasion of Ukraine. A rifle hanging on the wall will go off sooner or later. And these are planes, helicopters, tanks, missile complexes, armored personnel carriers, salvo fire systems.
Of all the options provided by the Law „On the Legal Status of Martial Law“, the Decree, my Decree „On the Imposition of Martial Law“ includes only those that deal mainly with various military activities – we must strengthen the security right now. (Measures – ed.) that in case of the invasion will allow us to react as quickly as possible, mobilize all resources as soon as possible. Especially since the boys and girls from the first wave of the reserve, which already have military experience, are ready to pack rucksacks right now and resources will be mobilized – both human, arms and financial.
I emphasize that I do not envisage any measures in the Decree related to the restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens, introduction of censorship, etc. I hope that both politicians and mass media will act responsibly and adequately in the current situation and will not attack Ukraine with the theses borrowed from Russian propagandists.
Nor do I plan to resort to full or partial mobilization so far – this opportunity remains open only if Russia resorts to further escalation.
Martial law does not mean the declaration of war. It is introduced solely for the purpose of strengthening Ukraine’s defense against the background of growing aggressiveness from Russia. Martial law does not mean our retreat from the political-diplomatic settlement in the east.

Über die Zustimmung der Rada, des Parlaments, berichtete neben mehreren Agenturen auch der Kiewer Journalist Christopher Miller, der für verschiedene westliche Medien schreibt:

Die weitere Entwicklung in den nächsten Tagen wird hier sicherlich eine Rolle spielen.

(Foto: Screenshot des Videos von Poroschenkos Rede)