USA wollen Kampf gegen ISIS nicht nur in Irak und Syrien, nächste Woche Minister-Treffen


Die USA wollen gegen die ISIS-Terrormilizen nicht nur im Irak und in Syrien vorgehen, sondern sehen die Bekämpfung als globale Aufgabe im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus. Die Metastasen der Organisation in Nordafrika, in Afghanistan und im Jemen müssten ebenfalls angegangen werden, sagte US-Verteidigungsminister Ashton Carter am (gestrigen) Mittwoch (Ortszeit) bei einer Rede in Fort Campbell in Kentucky. Zugleich mahnte Carter mehr Anstrengungen von Koalitionspartnern im Kampf gegen ISIS an; in der kommenden Woche soll eine Konferenz von sechs Kernstaaten der Anti-ISIS-Allianz, darunter auch Deutschland, in Paris stattfinden.

Die Rede Carters enthält viele interessante Aspekte und ist hier komplett nachzulesen; die Passage zur Ausweitung des Kampfes über Syrien und Irak hinaus:

Next, let me describe the fight outside of Iraq and Syria. As we work to destroy the parent tumor in Iraq and Syria, we must also recognize that ISIL is metastasizing in areas such as North Africa, Afghanistan, and Yemen. The threat posed by ISIL, and groups like it, is continually evolving, changing focus and shifting location. It requires from us, therefore, a flexible and nimble response with a broad reach.
And that’s why the Defense Department is organizing a new way to leverage the security infrastructure we’ve already established in Afghanistan, the Middle East, East Africa, and Southern Europe into a network to counter transnational and transregional threats like ISIL.

From the troops I visited in Morón, Spain in October, to those I visited last month in Jalalabad, those regional nodes provide forward presence to respond to a range of crises, terrorist and other kinds.
They enable our crisis response operations, counter-terror operations, and strikes on high-value targets, and they help us act decisively to prevent ISIL affiliates from becoming as great of a threat as the parent tumor itself.
This counterterrorism network is already giving us the opportunity and capability to react swiftly to incidents and threats wherever they occur, and it maximizes our opportunities to eliminate targets and leadership. An example of this network in action was our November 13th strike on Abu Nabil, where assets from several locations in the network converged to successfully kill this ISIL leader in Libya.

(Die USA verwenden die Abkürzung ISIL statt ISIS oder dem arabischen Begriff Daesh)

Die Verteidigungsminister der sechs Staaten, die am Luftkrieg gegen ISIS beteiligt sind, wollen sich Mitte kommender Woche in der französischen Hauptstadt treffen. Daran werde auch Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen teilnehmen, bestätigte das Ministerium in Berlin. Carters Aussage dazu lässt offen, ob da mit mehr Wünschen an Deutschland zu rechnen ist:

Next week, I will meet with my counterparts, ministers of defense from six nations that are playing a significant role in both the ground and air components of the counter-ISIL campaign, and beside whom you will shortly be fighting yourselves: France, Australia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Each of these nations has a significant stake in completing the destruction of this evil organization, and we must include all of the capabilities they can bring to the field. And I will not hesitate to engage and challenge current and prospective members of the coalition to do more as we go forward.

Nachtrag: Und etwas Neues von den russischen Streitkräften in Syrien-Einsatz: Eine Mission russischer Su-25-Erdkampfflugzeuge – mit Jäger-Eskorte durch MiG-29 der syrischen Luftwaffe:


Russian and Syrian pilots accomplished joint mission in the sky over the Syrian Arab Republic.
MiG-29 of the Syrian Air Force covered Russian Su-25 attack aircraft from the Hmeymim airbase during combat mission on destruction of terrorists’ infrastructure.
Crews of the Su-25 of the Russian Aerospace Forces and MiG-29’s of the Syrian Air Force have accomplished joint mission in the sky over the Syrian Arab Republic. A pair of MiG-29’s of the Syrian Air Force covered the Russian Su-25 attack aircraft during combat mission on destruction of terrorists’ infrastructure.
Syrian fighters took off from the airbase and met the Russian attack aircraft, which had taken off from the Hmeymim airbase, and provided escort and protection to the Russian aircraft throughout their flight to the attack point and on their way back.

Nachtrag 2 – vom Wall Street Journal: Russian Intervention Emboldens Syrian Kurds
Moscow’s operations allows fighters to ignore U.S. concerns and gain ground against other rebel groups

Russia’s entry into the Syrian war and its subsequent conflict with Turkey have been a boon for one other belligerent in addition to the Assad regime: the Syrian Kurds.
That is the same Syrian Kurdish forces that—after Washington’s failure to bolster “moderate” Arab rebels—have also become America’s indispensable local partner in the campaign against Islamic State.
That partnership with the U.S. remains vital for Syrian Kurdish forces. Yet, recent Russian operations have given them leeway to disregard American objections and gain new ground in controversial areas, including against other rebel groups.

(Foto: Defense Secretary Ash Carter signs a 101st Division flag for a deploying soldier on Fort Campbell, Ky., Jan. 13, 2016 – DoD photo by U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Clydell Kinchen)