Neues Rekord-Hoch wie in den 1930’ern: Opiumproduktion in Afghanistan


Der Anbau von Mohn für die Herstellung von Opium und die Produktion selbst hat im vergangenen Jahr einen der höchsten Stände seit den 30-er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts erreicht – vor allem wegen des weiter gestiegenen Anbaus in Afghanistan, dem Weltmarkt-Versorger Nummer eins. Das geht aus dem World Drug Report 2015 des UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) hervor, der heute in Wien vorgelegt wurde.

Erkenntnisse zum Thema Afghanistan aus dem Bericht:

Global potential opium production also continued to increase in 2014, reaching 7,554 tons, its second-highest level since the late 1930s. Opium production in Afghanistan accounted for an estimated 85 per cent of that total (6,400 tons) and, at 410 tons of heroin of export purity, 77 per cent of global heroin production (estimated at 526 tons).

The remaining 116 tons (heroin of unknown purity) were produced in the rest of the world, but because the conversion ratios were updated in 2014, potential heroin production in 2014 is not comparable with production in previous years.
The majority of the opium and illicit morphine seized in 2013 was concentrated around poppy cultivation areas in Afghanistan and its neighbouring countries, while heroinseizures covered a wider area. Since 2002,Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic Republic of) and Pakistan have consistently accounted for more than 90 per cent of the global quantity of opium seized each year and this pattern continued in 2013 when, with a 13 per cent increase from the previous year, the Islamic Republic of Iran remained the country with the largest quantity of opium seized (436 tons).

Die Zunahme der Produktion in Afghanistan speist sich aus zwei sich ergänzenden Trends: Der Anbau ging hoch, die Gegenmaßnahmen, insbesondere die Eradication, das Vernichten von Mohnfeldern, ging zurück, wie diese Grafik aus dem Bericht zeigt:


Der gesamte Bericht zum Herunterladen hier; die Executive Summary hier.

(Archivbild 2009: Opium fields ready for harvesting are the target of poppy eradication by Afghan National Security Forces in Bala Baluk district on April 15, 2009. Tractors plow up poppy fields to prevent farmers from harvesting their opium crop. ISAF Photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Monica R. Nelson)