Putin gibt Hinweis auf Freilassung deutscher Geiseln in der Ukraine – nach Schröder-Treffen


Das ist alles noch ein bisschen vage und merkwürdig, aber einen Hinweis wert: Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat sich am (heutigen) Dienstagabend optimistisch geäußert, dass es zu einer Freilassung der entführten – auch deutschen – Militärbeobachter in Sloviansk in der Ukraine kommt – und diesen Hinweis hat Putin in Zusammenhang mit dem kritisierten Treffen mit Ex-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder am Vortag gestellt.

Die Äußerungen Putins bei einer Pressekonferenz in Minsk in Weißrussland gibt es vom Kreml bislang nur in einer russischen Abschrift, deshalb hier die Google-Übersetzung und in einer englischen Version (obwohl mir scheint, dass die Google-Übersetzung teilweise sinnvoller war…):

QUESTION: A group of military observers was detained recently in Ukraine. Ukraine had invited these observers to the country and was supposed to guarantee their security. What is your view of this situation?

VLADIMIR PUTIN: There is nothing good here at all, neither in the fact that they were sent in this capacity, nor in their detention. If the Ukrainian government or those who call themselves the government in Kiev invited observers, all the more so military observers, as experienced people they should realise they are heading for a conflict zone, entering a region that does not recognise the legitimacy of the current authorities in Kiev, and they should have been aware of this and reached agreement with the people who are in control of the situation in those regions. They did not do this and therefore ended up in the situation we see today.

At the same time, we understand the concerns of our partners in Europe. I had a private meeting yesterday, met with the former German chancellor, Mr Schroeder, and he also expressed these concerns, given that a German citizen is among those who were detained. I hope that this conflict will be settled and that these people will be able to leave the region without hindrance, but everyone involved in this process should draw the according conclusions from what has happened and make sure to avoid any such mistakes in the future.

Wenn Russland tatsächlich, wie die deutsche Politik fest glaubt, entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Separatisten in der Ost-Ukraine hat – dann dürfte die Aussage I hope that this conflict will be settled and that these people will be able to leave the region without hindrance (Google-Übersetzung:  I hope that this conflict will be resolved, they will be able to freely leave the territory where they are today) ein Indiz für eine baldige Freilassung sein.

(Foto: v. die Präsidenten Kasachstans, Nursultan Nasarbajew, Weißrusslands, Alexander Lukaschenko, und Putin beim Treffen in Minsk am 29.4.2014 – kremlin.ru)