EU-Waffenembargo gegen Syrien offensichtlich beendet (Update: EU-Erklärung)

Die Europäische Union hat sich offensichtlich nicht auf eine Verlängerung ihres Waffenembargos gegen Syrien einigen können – unklar bleibt zunächst aber, was das bedeutet. Um 23.48 Uhr am Montagabend setzte Großbritanniens Außenminister William Hague per Twitter die Meldung ab:

Right EU decision tonight. Arms embargo on Syrian opposition ended. No immediate decision to send arms. Other sanctions remain

Andere Meldungen dazu gab es zunächst nicht; schon gar nicht aus einer so hochrangigen Originalquelle (auch vom Twitter-Account des Auswärtigen Amtes nicht).Insbesondere bleibt offen, wie Hagues Aussage zu verstehen ist, dass es keine unmittelbare Entscheidung gebe, nun auch Waffen an die syrische Opposition zu liefern, wie sein Land und Frankreich befürworten.

Mehr Klarheit wird es also vermutlich erst im Laufe des Dienstags geben.

Nachtrag: dpa zitiert den deutschen Außenminister Guido Westerwelle:

Über mögliche Waffenexporte entscheiden künftig die einzelnen Staaten, sagte der deutsche Außenminister Guido Westerwelle am späten Abend in Brüssel.

Update: Die Erklärung des EU-Rates im Wortlaut:

 The Council agreed the following elements on the renewal of the restrictive measures against Syria:
1) At the expiry of the current sanctions regime, the Council will adopt for a period of 12 months restrictive measures in the following fields, as specified in Council Decision 2012/739/CFSP:
– Export and import restrictions with the exception of arms and related material and equipment which might be used for internal repression;
– Restrictions on financing of certain enterprises;
– Restrictions on infrastructure projects;
– Restrictions of financial support for trade;
– Financial sector;
– Transport sector;
– Restrictions on admission;
– Freezing of funds and economic resources.
2) With regard to the possible export of arms to Syria, the Council took note of the commitmentby Member States to proceed in their national policies as follows:
– the sale, supply, transfer or export of military equipment orof equipment which might be used for internal repression will be for the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces and intended for the protection of civilians;
– Member States shall require adequate safeguards against misuse of authorisations granted, in particular relevant information concerning the end-user and final destination of the delivery;
– Member States shall asses the export licence applications on a case-by-case basis, taking full account of the criteria set out in Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of 8 December 2008 defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment.
Member States will not proceed at this stage with the delivery of the equipment mentioned above.
The Council will review its position before 1 August 2013 on the basis of a report by the High Representative, after having consulted the UN Secretary General, on the developments related to the US-Russia initiative and on the engagement of the Syrian parties.