Übrigens, die Genfer Konvention….

Die hier geschilderten Fälle kenne ich im Detail nicht. Aber wenn eine NGO die internationalen Truppen in Afghanistan an die Genfer Konvention erinnern muss, scheint etwas nicht zu stimmen?

So, if we have not known it already, there is something really wrong with the insurgency and how they are changing warfare in Afghanistan.

But then, there is also something equally wrong with how international military, especially Special Forces, are lowering the bar of their behaviour.

While on one hand they are trying to improve how they are conducting night raids (…) some of the guys on the ground seem to keep coming up with new ideas that want to make one scream. In the fall this was the raiding of medical facilities in Afghanistan’s contested eastern region as well as intimidating staff working in such facilities. And given that the international military is in Afghanistan to build the capacity of Afghan forces, the latter follow suit. So rather than watching a bad action movie, I feel that I’m caught in one. And the message of such actions seems to be clear: Don’t ever bother to help anybody Special Forces may see as a potential bad guy, or they’ll treat you as one.

Yeah. Es wird natürlich die geben, die sagen: wer einem Aufständischen medizinische Hilfe gewährt, ist ein legitimes militärisches Ziel. Wer so denkt (und handelt), agiert übrigens genau so wie die Aufständischen selbst mit ihrem Beschuss von Rotkreuz-Symbolen. Und hat gute Chancen auf einen Logenplatz in Den Haag.