Piraten? Da gibt’s keinen Beweis.
Nur mal so, um in Erinnerung zu rufen, was am Horn von Afrika passiert:
1. Die Meldung der NATO vom gestrigen Sonntag.
LONDON: Today, a Japanese Maritime Self Defence (JMSDF) maritime patrol aircraft located a pirate skiff with seven suspected pirates on board. The suspected pirates were preparing to attack merchant vessels transiting the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC) in the Gulf of Aden. Within minutes a helicopter from the Danish warship ESBERN SNARE from NATO’s counter-piracy task force intercepted the skiff. Subsequently the suspected pirates threw their weapons overboard and surrendered. The Italian warship ITS LIBECCIO from the EU Naval Force’s counter-piracy task force sent their helicopter to provide airborne support. The American warship, USS KAUFFMAN who is also in NATO’s counter-piracy operation, codenamed OCEAN SHIELD, closed and boarded the skiff and found a pirate ladder and other pirate related paraphernalia.
Once again the cooperation between ships and aircraft from different counter-piracy forces has proven immensely valuable”, Commodore Christian Rune, Royal Danish Navy, Commander of NATO counter-piracy task force said.
2. Dieser Bericht heute aus Kopenhagen.
Warship releases retained pirates
Defence minister blames a lack of witnesses for decision to free Somalis
International maritime laws again prevented authorities from prosecuting pirates captured by Danish warship Esbern Snarre over the weekend in the Aden Gulf.
According to Nato’s maritime command, the warship was summoned by a ship sailing under the Panama flag on Saturday, after it reported attacks by pirates.
When the Esbern Snarre and US carrier Winston Churchill arrived at the scene, the Panama-registered ship and a Norwegian ship were both under attack from Somali pirates. A helicopter sent out by the Esbern Snarre fired warning shots and the pirates fled in their boats towards the Somali coast.
Yet despite finding both knives and ammunition shells on board the pirates’ vessels, defence minister Gitte Lillelund Bech told news bureau Ritzau that there was not enough evidence to prosecute the pirates and that they were released. Bech said that neither the American nor Danish forces actually saw the pirates open fire on the two ships.
Nato forces have had a difficult time bringing pirates in the Arabian Sea to trial due to the often conflicting and complex national and maritime laws.
The Esbern Snarre is currently on patrol in place of the Absalon, which experienced a similar incident in April 2009, when the warship arrested 10 Somali pirates but was forced to release them.
In March, however, the Absalon sunk a pirate boat just off the Somalian coast.
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