Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 6. März 2022 (Update: US-Briefing)

Der Krieg in der Ukraine geht unvermindert weiter. Die Nachrichten über den Vormarsch der russischen Streitkräfte sind weiterhin etwas nebulös und kaum zu verifizieren. Klar scheint, dass es in einzelnen Regionen für die Zivilisten zunehmend schwieriger wird, zu überleben oder zu fliehen. Der Sammler am 6. März 2022:

• Die knappe Morgendarstellung der Lage vom britischen Verteidigungsministerium:

The scale and strength of Ukrainian resistance continues to surprise Russia. It has responded by targeting populated areas in multiple locations, including Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Mariupol.
This is likely to represent an effort to break Ukrainian morale. Russia has previously used similar tactics in Chechnya in 1999 and Syria in 2016, employing both air and ground-based munitions.
Russian supply lines reportedly continue to be targeted, slowing the rate of advance of their ground forces. There is a realistic possibility that Russia is now attempting to conceal fuel trucks as regular support trucks to minimise losses.

In Teilen hatte es entsprechende Meldungen bereits am (gestrigen) Samstag auf den verschiedenen social media-Kanälen gegeben, zum Beispiel die Tarnung von Tanklastern als normale Lkw, weil die Ukrainer gezielt den Sprit-Nachschub der russischen Streitkräfte angreifen und damit, so scheint es, auch Erfolge beim Verlangsamen des Vormarschs erzielen.

• Für die eingeschlossene Stadt Mariupol soll es einen erneuten Versuch geben, Zivilisten über einen so genannten humanitären Korridor aus der Stadt zu bringen, berichtet Reuters:

The city council of Ukraine’s Mariupol said an evacuation of some of 400,000 residents trapped by encircling Russian forces would start at 12:00 p.m. local time (1000 GMT) on Sunday under a temporary ceasefire that will last till 9:00 p.m.

Am Vortag war dieser Versuch sehr schnell zusammengebrochen, weil die Feuerpause nicht eingehalten wurden. Russland und die Ukraine beschuldigten sich gegenseitig, die Waffenruhe nicht eingehalten zu haben; allerdings haben offensichtlich in dieser Region die russischen Streitkräfte die Übermacht.

• Nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) gab und gibt es immer mehr Angriffe auf (zivile) Gesundheitseinrichtungen in der Ukraine. Als UN-Organisation nennt die WHO nicht die Verantwortlichen für diese Angriffe:

Dazu passt der Bericht von Ärzte ohne Grenzen aus Mariupol:

• Nach Angaben russischer Medien zirkuliert aus der russischen Regierung der Vorwurf, in der Ukraine werde eine schmutzige Bombe zur atomaren Verseuchung vorbereitet; einen Beleg gibt es nicht:

Russian media cited an unnamed source on Sunday as saying that Ukraine was close to building a plutonium-based „dirty bomb“ nuclear weapon, although the source cited no evidence.

Zusammen mit diesem Vorwurf wird in manchen Berichten auch die Atomruine von Tschernobyl genannt – die allerdings seit Tagen unter Kontrolle des russischen Militärs ist.

• Die Angaben der ukrainischen Regierung zu russischen Verlusten – wie immer in diesen Tagen nicht verifizierbar:

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 06.03:

🔺personnel – more than 11 000
🔺tanks ‒ 285
🔺APV ‒ 985
🔺artillery systems – 109
🔺MLRS- 50
🔺Anti-aircraft systems- 21
🔺aircraft- 44
🔺helicopters- 48
🔺vehicles- 447
🔺light speedboats- 2
🔺fuel tanks- 60
🔺UAV- 4

• Das britische Update am Sonntagabend:

For the second day in a row, a ceasefire agreement to enable the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol failed. The ceasefire was scheduled between 10:00 and 21:00 local time, but the agreement was violated within hours of its planned implementation.
Russian artillery strikes on the city have likely remained at the high level seen in recent days.
As with yesterday, Russia has accused Ukraine of breaking the ceasefire agreement. This is probably an additional attempt to diminish responsibility for civilian casualties caused by continued Russian strikes on the city.

• Nach der russischen Übernahme des Atomkraftwerks Saporischschj, um das es am vergangenen Freitag ein Gefecht gegeben hatte, äußerte sich die Internationale Atomenergieagentur zu dem Vorfall. Aus der Mitteilung:

Ukraine informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today that although regular staff continued to operate the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), the plant management is now under orders from the commander of the Russian forces that took control of the site last week, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said.
Furthermore, Ukraine reports that any action of plant management – including measures related to the technical operation of the six reactor units – requires prior approval by the Russian commander.
The Director General expressed grave concern about this development as it contravenes one of the seven indispensable pillars of nuclear safety and security that he outlined at the meeting of the IAEA’s Board of Governors on 2 March, convened to address the safety, security and safeguards implications of the situation in Ukraine. …
In a second serious development, Ukraine has reported that the Russian forces at the site have switched off some mobile networks and the internet so that reliable information from the site cannot be obtained through the normal channels of communication.
This has been confirmed by Ukraine’s nuclear regulator which informed the IAEA today that it had started having major problems in communicating with staff operating the Zaporizhzhya NPP. Less than 24 hours after Ukraine’s regulatory authority said it had been able to maintain communications with Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plant, it today said the phone lines, as well as e-mails and fax, were not functioning anymore. Mobile phone communication was still possible, but with poor quality. …
Despite the communication issues, the regulator was able to provide updated information about the operational status of the Zaporizhzhya NPP and to confirm that radiation levels there remained normal. …
The regulator also reported that it was facing problems communicating with personnel at the Chornobyl NPP, which at the moment was only possible with e-mails. Russian forces took control of the site of the 1986 accident on 24 February. At the Chornobyl NPP, the staff of more than 200 technical personnel and guards have still not been able to rotate since 23 February, it said. …
In another concerning development, communications have also been lost with all enterprises and institutions in the port city of Mariupol that use Category 1-3 radiation sources and there was no information about their status, the regulator said. Such radioactive material can cause serious harm to people if not secured and managed properly.

Update: Es gab offensichtlich doch am Sonntag ein Briefing im Pentagon; die Stars&Stripes-Kollegin Caitlin Doornbos veröffentlicht laufend via Twitter:

“We’ve observed limited changes on the ground over the past day. Russian forces continued efforts to advance and isolate Kyiv, Kharkhiv and Chernihiv across the north and east are being met with strong Ukrainian resistance,” a senior U.S. defense official said.
Nearly 95% of the combat power Russia amassed for the invasion are now in Ukraine. No significant movement along the Russian advances in the north. “Leading elements remain outside these city centers. We cannot give specific distances today.”
The 40-mile convoy remains stalled.
“We’ve observed fighting in the south near Kherson and Mykolaiv. We cannot independently verify reporting of Russian forces firing on protesters in Kherson.
We have not observed an amphibious invasion in or near Odessa, nor do we assess that one is imminent.”
“We’ve observed continued ongoing fighting and efforts to encircle Mariupol. There continue to be reports of wide-spread utility outages (water and electricity). We cannot independently verify claims of ceasefire violations.”
Ukrainian airspace remains contested with Russia and Ukrainian air and missile defenses “remain effective and in use.”
“The Ukrainian military continues to fly aircraft and to employ air defense assets.”
The U.S. knows of the “Ukrainian military’s release of videos and numbers of Russian aircraft shot down. We cannot independently verify those incidents, but neither are we in a position to refute them.”
U.S. has counted 600 Russian missile launches since war’s start.
“Both sides have taken losses to both aircraft & missile defense inventories. We are not going to speak to numbers. We assess that both sides still possess a majority of their air defense systems and capabilities.”
“We cannot corroborate reports of Ukrainian claims that they shot down one enemy Su-25 fighter jet, two Su-34 fighter-bombers, two Su-30 SM planes and four helicopters today.
And we cannot corroborate reports that Russia dropped 1,000 pound (500kg) bombs near Chernihiv.”

(Wird ggf. fortgesetzt)