Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 23. März 2022 (m. Updates)

Die Lage im russischen Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine ändert sich weiterhin kaum. Am Boden scheint, von Kämpfen an einigen Brennpunkten abgesehen, wenig Bewegung, während die russischen Angriffe mit (Rakten)Artillerie, Marschflugkörpern und Luftangriffen anhalten. Allerdings scheint es auch Hinweise auf eine Umgruppierung der russischen Streitkräfte und die Vorbereitung auf neue Angriffsoperationen zu geben. Der Sammler am 23. März 2022:

• das morgendliche Intel Update der Briten:

The battlefield across northern Ukraine remains largely static with Russian forces likely conducting a period of reorganisation before resuming large-scale offensive operations.
Russian forces are attempting to envelop Ukrainian forces in the east of the country as they advance from the direction of Kharkiv in the north and Mariupol in the south.
Russian forces are still attempting to circumvent Mykolaiv as they look to drive west towards Odesa.

• das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs. Eine Anmerkung dazu: Seit Tagen wird die Nachricht verbreitet, die Bahnverbindungen zwischen Belarus und der Ukraine seien unterbrochen, von wem auch immer, und damit eine Nachschub/Transportlinie der russischen Streitkräfte abgeschnitten. Merkwürdigerweise beurteilt der ukrainische Generalstab selbst das weiterhin to be confirmed, Bestätigung steht noch aus. Der Wortlaut:

The 28th day of the Ukrainian people’s heroic resistance against russia’s military invasion has begun.
The defence forces continue to conduct a defence operation in the Eastern, Southern, and Northeastern directions.
In the Eastern direction the operational groups of troops are operating in the Donetsk, Slobozhansk, and Eastern part of the Tavriya operational districts. They are not giving the enemy an opportunity to renew their offence in the directions of Slov’yansk and, part of the forces, on the Lozova locality. They are restraining the advances of the enemy in the direction of Zaporizhya.
The combined forces are holding back the invader in the direction of the cities of Popasna and Kurakhove. They are also carrying out the circular defence of Mariupol.
In the North-Eastern direction, the defence operation continues in a designated operational zone. The main efforts are focused on covering the state border, holding back the enemy’s offence in the area os Malyn.
In the Siversky region, a group of troops holds the defence of Chernihiv and holds back the advancement of the enemy in the direction of Kyiv.
In the South-East direction a defence operation is being carried out, as well as the support of troops‘ ground operations and individual units, and the defence of bases and seaports in the Black Sea operational zone. The defence of the city of Mykolayiv and Mykolayiv region continues.
Our defenders are holding back the enemy in the direction of Kryviy Rih and Novovorontsovska, conducting a stabilising operation, and carrying out territorial defence tasks.
There is a note of the enemy’s aviation carrying out active tasks, as well as missile strikes, over the past 24 hours.
The Air Force and Armed Forces of Ukraine are repulsing concentrated missile and air strikes of the enemy, covering important objects in Ukraine from the air, and grouping troops. Over the past 24 hours over 17 of the enemy’s air targets have been hit (6 aircrafts, 5 UAVs, 1 helicopter and 5 cruise missiles). Additionally, the aviation of the Air Forces have made devastating blows to the accumulation of equipment and manpower of the enemy, and have damaged the enemy’s cruise missiles.
On the territory of the russian federation, covert mobilisation continues, with the aim of replenishing the personnel losses in the occupying group of troops operating on the territory of Ukraine. Military commissariats are making efforts to attract former servicemen to serve and sign the relevant contracts of former servicemen, and preference is given to those with combat experience.
On the territory of belarus the representatives of the opposition forces and concerned citizens who condemn the assistance of the current illegitimate government of the russian federation in the war with Ukraine, have partially disrupted the railway connection between republic of belarus and Ukraine.
Information to be confirmed.
At the same time, based on the available information, russian and belarussian military equipment is being actively moved across the territory of the republic of belarus, and further accumulated along the Ukrainian border.
In certain areas, the enemy has been demoralised. Thus, during the storming of the city of Mariupol, in one of the special forces units that were involved in active hostilities, less than 10% of the personnel are prepared to continue to take part in the war, and the remaining personnel are either killed, wounded, ill, or demoralised.

• Aus dem Briefing des so genannten Zentrums für humanitäre Koordination im russischen Verteidigungsministerium am (gestrigen) Dienstagabend eine Passage, die die Sichtweise der russischen Führung deutlich macht – alle Zivilisten, die sich in den genannten angegriffenen Städten befinden, sind nach der Sicht menschliche Schutzschilde und damit die Gefahr für die Zivilisten die Schuld der Ukraine:

Despite the humanitarian corridors opening daily, Ukrainian nationalists continue to hold more than 4,500,000 civilians as a „human shield“ in Kiev, Kharkov, Chernigov, Sumy and more than 20 other blocked large settlements, as well as 6,862 foreign citizens from 25 foreign states.

• Das Morgenbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums (allerdings, wenn ich nicht was Wesentliches übersehen habe, nur eine geringfügige Fortschreibung des Briefings vom Dienstagabend):

Einheiten der russischen Streitkräfte setzen die Zerstörung von Einheiten der 54. unabhängigen mechanisierten Brigade der ukrainischen Streitkräfte fort. Sie kämpfen derzeit um die Einnahme des Dorfes NOVOMYAKHAYLIVKA.
Eine Gruppe von Truppen der Volksrepublik Donezk, die die Räumung der Siedlung Werchnetorezke von Nationalisten abgeschlossen hatte, verfolgte die sich zurückziehenden Einheiten der 25. Luftlandebrigade der ukrainischen Streitkräfte und übernahm die Kontrolle über den Bahnhof NOVOBAKHMUTOVKA.
In der Nacht wurden in dem Gebiet drei Panzer, zwei BMPs, zwei Mörser und fünf Geländewagen zerstört.
Am Abend des 22. März schlugen hochpräzise seegestützte Langstreckenwaffen in einem Waffenlager im Dorf Orzhiv, 14 Kilometer nordwestlich der Stadt ROVNO, ein. Bei dem Angriff wurde ein großes Arsenal an Waffen und militärischer Ausrüstung der ukrainischen Streitkräfte zerstört, darunter auch solche, die aus westlichen Ländern stammen.
Siebenundneunzig ukrainische militärische Infrastruktureinrichtungen wurden im Laufe des Tages von taktischen und militärischen Flugzeugen sowie von Raketentruppen getroffen.
Darunter: zwei Abschussvorrichtungen und ein Transport- und Ladefahrzeug für das taktische Raketensystem Tochka-U im Industriegebiet am nördlichen Stadtrand von Kiew, acht Flugabwehrraketensysteme, darunter 6 Buk-M1-, ein S-300- und ein Osa SAM-Fahrzeug, 10 Gefechtsstände, 8 Feldartilleriegeschütze sowie drei Artillerie-Aufklärungsstationen aus NATO-Produktion.
Russische Luftabwehrkräfte schossen aus der Luft ab: eine ukrainische Su-24 in der Nähe der Stadt Izyum, 16 ukrainische unbemannte Drohnen, darunter drei Bayraktar TB-2 im Gebiet der Dörfer Rozhin, KARASHEV und MAKSIMA GORKOGO.
Eine Gruppe von „Nachtjägern“, bestehend aus Ka-52 und Mi-28n Hubschraubern, zerstörte bei den nächtlichen Angriffen 8 Panzer, 5 BMPs und APCs, 9 Fahrzeuge und Traktoren, 3 Bunker, 7 Feldartilleriegeschütze und Mörser.
Seit Beginn der militärischen Sonderoperation wurden insgesamt 184 Flugzeuge und Hubschrauber der ukrainischen Luftwaffe, 246 unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge, 189 Flugabwehrraketensysteme, 1.558 Panzer und andere gepanzerte Kampffahrzeuge, 156 Mehrfachraketenwerfer, 624 Feldartillerie- und Mörsergeschütze sowie 1.354 militärische Spezialfahrzeuge zerstört.
(Übersetzt mit

• Offiziell will die Bundesregierung zwar nichts zu weiteren deutschen Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine sagen; die Deutsche Presse-Agentur meldet jedoch:

Das Verteidigungsministerium will der Ukraine 2000 weitere Panzerfäuste aus Beständen der Bundeswehr liefern. Einen entsprechenden Antrag stellte das Ressort von Ministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur an den Bundessicherheitsrat.

Der schwedische Verteidigungsminister Peter Hultqvist kündigte derweil an, das skandinavische Land werde 5.000 weitere Panzerabwehrwaffen in die Ukraine schicken. Bereits Anfang März hatte Schweden 5.000 dieser Waffen und ebenso viele Helme und Schutzwesten zur Verfügung gestellt, außerdem 135.000 Kampfrationen.

• NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg kündigte, wie erwartet, weitere Battlegroups der Allianz an der Ostflanke des Bündnisses an: Ähnlich wie bereits in den baltischen Ländern und Polen sollen in Ungarn, Rumänien, Bulgarien und der Slowakei solche Verbände stationiert werden (in der Slowakei mit deutscher Beteiligung). Beim Gipfel der Staats- und Regierungschefs am (morgigen) Donnerstag in Brüssel sollen darüber hinaus Aufträge an die militärische Führung der NATO erteilt werden, eine erhöhte langfristige und dauerhafte militärische Präsenz an der Grenze zu Russland und Belarus zu planen. Interessant werden da manche Details.

• Die NATO hat Journalisten zur Lage in der Ukraine gebrieft. Und die Zahlen, die da genannt wurden, gab es von westlicher Seite bislang so noch nicht – geschätzte russische Gesamtverluste von 30.000 bis 40.000, einschließlich Gefallener, Verwundeter und Vermisster sind schon eine massive Größe. Die Zusammenfassung des Kollegen Jeff Seldin von der Voice of America via Twitter:

BREAKING: 7,000-15,000 #Russia|n troops likely killed in #Ukraine, per a @NATO official briefing reporters on condition of anonymity
Total losses -including wounded, captured or missing- could be in the 30,000-40,000 range
Estimates based on #Ukraine intel, observations
„The estimate we have is based on what the #Ukrainians tell us, what the #Russia|ns let us know intentionally or by mistake“ per the @NATO official
#Ukraine fighting #Russia almost to a stalemate, per a @NATO official
„I don’t know if you can go as far [as to say] stalemate but its clear that after 1 months Russia has achieved almost none of their strategic objectives“
 #Russia-„They are stalled in #Kyiv. They are stalled in #Kharkiv. They are stalled in #Chernihiv“ per @NATO official
„They are achieving more results in the south but the price of it is absolutely horrendous…What they do is #WorldWarII, 70 year old techniques“
 #Mariupol-„They [#Russia] are carpet-bombing the city“ per the @NATO official
„To reach this extreme, you need to be cornered & you need to be pushed to break all moral human rules to go to such brutality…“
Fears #Russia, #Putin could turn to weapons of mass destruction, even target @NATO very real
„He is dangerous“ per NATO official „Putin & his close circle, they are absolutely reckless ppl. They don’t care abt human life“
#Putin „has a deep hatred of our society, our values“ warns @NATO official „The alliance is absolutely at risk“
Official warns Putin could launch direct attack on alliance „due to miscalculation,“ something #Russia has done a lot in #Ukraine…
Also potential for mistakes…
NATO preparing for 2 main types of potential chemical weapons attacks by #Russia in #Ukraine, per official – a #falseflag operation or a chemical attack delivered by military means
The #Falseflag op would be „an accident on a chemical plant“ per the @NATO official
„There is a lot of ammonia…of nitrates in the #Ukraine bcs this is useful in the agriculture industry“ per official „If you have a massive release of those agents, it is very dangerous“
If #Putin, #Russia use the 2nd option -a military delivered chemical weapon
„This is mostly the neurotoxic agents“ per @NATO official „When you use them, they are so characteristic that the attribution is immediate“
The @NATO official says a possible chemical attack by #Russia in #Ukraine comes down to, „Is Russia going to want to stay below the threshold of attribution?“
#Russia’s use of #hypersonic weapons in #Ukraine may be backfiring
„They’re giving away a lot more than they’re probably gaining“ per a 2nd @NATO official „When you use a weapon on something is not designed for, both sides can learn from that and we are“

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The defense forces continue their defensive operation against the russian invaders, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy.
russia, having disrupted all terms of the offensive operation, continues to consider the possibility of encircling certain groups of troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to issue further ultimatums during the negotiation process. At the same time, the russian occupiers, in violation of international humanitarian law, do not stop artillery fire, missile and air strikes for deliberate destruction of urban infrastructure, and chaotic mining and destruction of agricultural machinery threatens the beginning of the sowing campaign in some regions of Ukraine.
In Volyn, Polissya, Sivershchyna and the Tavriya direction, the enemy’s actions did not change.
In the Slobozhansky direction, in the city of Vovchansk, the occupiers, demonstrating a kind of „humanitarian mission“ of the russian federation, organized a demonstration of so-called „humanitarian aid“ to local residents under the personal signature and passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
In the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhia region, the enemy, due to problems with logistics, is trying to replenish fuel reserves by seizing it from the civilian population and farmers.
Ukraine’s defense forces continue to defend Ukraine both on the ground and in the air, gradually liberating it from the russian occupiers.

• und des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

Units of the Russian Armed Forces have advanced another 2 kilometers during the day and are fighting against units of the 54th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the southern and southeastern outskirts of Novomikhailovka.
The grouping of troops of the Donetsk People’s Republic inflicts fire damage to units of the 25th Airborne Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is fighting for the capture of Kamenka and Novobakhmutovka.
Operational-tactical and army aviation hit 86 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Among them: 6 command posts, 2 multiple launch rocket systems, 8 field artillery guns, 3 ammunition depots, 49 areas of concentration of equipment and military hardware of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Russian Air Defence means shot down 9 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Izyum, Kiev, Sumy, Kharkov, Chernigov.
In total, 255 unmanned aerial vehicles, 189 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,564 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 158 multiple launch rocket systems, 612 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,367 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

• Die so genannte Koordinierungsstelle für humanitäre Aktionen des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums hat ebenfalls ihre Abendmeldung veröffentlicht; ein Auszug:

The militants of the nationalist battalions with inhuman cruelty continue to implement the criminal plan approved by the Ukrainian authorities to destroy their own civilians.
Using mass media, Internet resources and social networks, official Kiev is actively misinforming residents of Ukraine about the current situation throughout the country.
Hiding facts about the catastrophic situation of civilians in populated areas, about the outrages of nationalists maddened by permissiveness, about the disruptions of evacuation to safe places due to the alleged non-compliance by the Russian side with the ceasefire, the Kiev authorities cynically destroy the people of Ukraine.
The ruthless and cold-blooded terror carried out by neo-Nazis crosses all the boundaries imaginable for a civilized society.

• Die USA sprechen beim Vorgehen der russischen Streitkräfte in der Ukraine nun auch offiziell von Kriegsverbrechen bezeichnet. Aus dem Statement von Außenminister Antony Blinken:

Since launching his unprovoked and unjust war of choice, Russian President Vladimir Putin has unleashed unrelenting violence that has caused death and destruction across Ukraine. We’ve seen numerous credible reports of indiscriminate attacks and attacks deliberately targeting civilians, as well as other atrocities. Russia’s forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, critical infrastructure, civilian vehicles, shopping centers, and ambulances, leaving thousands of innocent civilians killed or wounded. Many of the sites Russia’s forces have hit have been clearly identifiable as in-use by civilians. This includes the Mariupol maternity hospital, as the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights expressly noted in a March 11 report. It also includes a strike that hit a Mariupol theater, clearly marked with the word “дети” — Russian for “children” — in huge letters visible from the sky. Putin’s forces used these same tactics in Grozny, Chechnya, and Aleppo, Syria, where they intensified their bombardment of cities to break the will of the people. Their attempt to do so in Ukraine has again shocked the world and, as President Zelenskyy has soberly attested, “bathed the people of Ukraine in blood and tears.” (…)
Today, I can announce that, based on information currently available, the U.S. government assesses that members of Russia’s forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine.
Our assessment is based on a careful review of available information from public and intelligence sources. As with any alleged crime, a court of law with jurisdiction over the crime is ultimately responsible for determining criminal guilt in specific cases. The U.S. government will continue to track reports of war crimes and will share information we gather with allies, partners, and international institutions and organizations, as appropriate. We are committed to pursuing accountability using every tool available, including criminal prosecutions.

(Für Mittwoch voraussichtlich abgeschlossen)