Lesestoff fürs Wochenende: Auf der Suche nach einer EU-Verteidigungsstrategie


Beim Warten aufs deutsche Weißbuch kann man sich ja am Wochenende mal das jüngste Papier des Autorenduos Christian Mölling/Claudia Major durchlesen:

For a “New Realism” in European Defense: The Five Key Challenges an EU Defense Strategy Should Address

The idea of developing an EU defense strategy is gaining traction. To reinvent the EU as a credible defense actor, the next moves should be driven by a “new realism.” Despite the growing need for military power, Europe’s defenses are in a deplorable state, with a dysfunctional industrial base, little political unity, and a severely underdeveloped defense policy. To be more capable as a union, Europe must still to be guided by a global assessment — yet the EU must also become more selective if it wants sustainable results.

Das ganze Papier zum Herunterladen hier.

(Archivbild: EU-Antipirateriemission Atalanta: Medal Parade on ITS Carabiniere’s flight-deck – EUNAVFOR)