Arctic Watch: Russische Basis auf 80 Grad Nord


Der gelegentliche Blick auf die Ausweitung der Militäraktivitäten vor allem Russlands und der USA in der Arktis: Nach Angaben des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums vom (heutigen) Dienstag ist ein Gebäudekomplex der russischen Nordmeerflotte auf dem Franz-Josef-Land-Archipel fast fertiggestellt – es soll sich um den weltweit einzigen Gebäudekomplex auf 80 Grad nördlicher Breite handeln.

Construction of the “Arctic clover” administrative and housing complex, being built in order to develop infrastructure of the Northern Fleet in the Arctic on the Alexandra Land of the Franz-Joseph Land archipelago, is built by 97%.

Commander of the Northern Fleet Admiral Vladimir Korolev received a report stating about that.
This is the only object in the world being constructed at the 80th parallel north. Its area is more than 14,000 square metres.
The complex endurance will provide living and operating conditions to about 150 servicemen during 1,5 years.

Ein paar mehr Einzelheiten dazu hatte die russische Nachrichtenagentur TASS bereits gestern: Construction of Russia’s Arctic military compound nearing completion

Damit es eine Vorstellung gibt, wo diese neue Basis liegt:


Nachtrag 22. Oktober – von TASS: Russia to complete creation of Arctic forces by 2018 — defense minister

The creation of the Russian Arctic force grouping will be completed by 2018, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Thursday.
„By 2018 we intend to complete the creation and equipment with weapons of the whole Arctic force grouping,“ the minister told a news conference at the Russian Geographical Society. (…)
Russia is also in the process of building of 10 airfields and 13 air-defense radar stations in the New Siberian Islands, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya and other points of Russian Arctic. The ground element of the command will incorporate two Arctic motorised infantry brigades, Air Defense forces consisting of Pantsir-S1 missile and other systems, and the Northern Fleet will become its main striking force. Furthermore, by 2017 the Tiksi airport complex will be operational, and it will be garrisoned with upgraded MiG-31 interceptors.

(Foto: russisches Verteidigungsministerium; Karte: OpenStreetMap)