Lesetipp: Die russische Luftwaffe – zu alte Maschinen, zu junge Piloten?


Die russische Luftwaffe hat in den vergangenen Wochen eine überraschend hohe Zahl von Flugzeugabstürzen hinnehmen müssen. Die Kollegen von Defense News haben sich das mal näher angeschaut und kommen zu der Einschätzung: Da trifft teilweise überaltertes und/oder schlecht gewartetes Gerät auf junge, unerfahrene Piloten:

The latest in the string of crashes came July 6, when a two-seat Su-24 strike fighter crashed at an air base outside of Khabarovsk, in Russia’s Far East, while trying to take off for a training exercise.
This follows the crashes of two MiG-29s, an Su-34 and a Tu-95, all in the last month — part of a larger trend of Russian aviation failures over the last several years as the Soviet-era fleets have fallen victim to age and substandard sustainment.
A source close to the Defense Ministry said on condition of anonymity that the crashes are the result of two key trends dogging Russia’s Air Force today — the overuse of old aircraft and a lack of qualified pilots.

Die ganze Geschichte hier.

Nachtrag 14. Juli – aus der Moscow Times:

Russian Bomber Crashes in 6th Military Aircraft loss in One Month
A Russian Tu-95 “Bear” strategic bomber crashed during routine training in Russia’s Far East on Tuesday, news agency RIA Novosti reported, marking the second loss of a Tu-95 bomber and the sixth loss of a Russian military aircraft in a little over a month. (…)
The Defense Ministry said the crew in Tuesday’s crash managed to bail out of the aircraft before it went down, and that it was not loaded with weapons. (…)
An unidentified Defense Ministry source told RIA Novosti that the cause of the accident was “most likely a technical failure.”

(Archivbild Juni 2015: A RAF Typhoon accompanying a Russian IL-20M ‚Coot‘ electronic intelligence gathering aircraft over the Baltic – Royal Air Force/MoD/Crown Copyright under MoD News License)