Train, Advise, Assist – aber wen?

Ashraf Ghani, Angela Merkel

Mit dem neuen Jahr, mit der neu gestarteten Mission Resolute Support sollen die ausländischen Truppen in Afghanistan die Beratung der afghanischen Sicherheitskräfte voranbringen – Train, Advise, Assist.  Aber wie sieht es mit den staatlichen Strukturen am Hindukusch aus? Da hat die Washington Post einen sehr ernüchternden Blick drauf geworfen:

Frustrated Afghans wonder who is in charge amid cabinet delays and Taliban attacks

As Afghanistan begins an uncertain new phase of coalition governance and self-defense against Taliban insurgents, protracted delays in forming a cabinet and filling most top posts in the three-month-old administration have left public agencies in disarray and Afghans wondering who is in charge. (…)
Public concern over the lack of appointed leaders, especially in the Defense Ministry and other security agencies, has been exacerbated by a spate of recent insurgent attacks across the capital in which militants bombed or opened fire on foreign compounds, police facilities and even a live theater performance.

(Archivbild 5. Dezember 2014: Besuch des afghanischen Präsidenten Ashraf Ghani in Berlin – ©Thomas Trutschel/