US-Soldaten in Deutschland: Nur noch in Zivil in der Öffentlichkeit?

Aus Sicherheitsgründen planen die US-Streitkräfte offensichtlich, ihren Soldaten in Europa – und damit auch in Deutschland – das Tragen der Uniform in der Öffentlichkeit zu untersagen. Zwar bestritt das U.S. European Command in Stuttgart gegenüber der US-Soldatenzeitung Stars&Stripes, dass es dafür bereits allgemeine Anweisungen gebe. Das Kommando der US-Truppen in Rheinland-Pfalz erließ jedoch entsprechende Vorschriften, die bereits am 2. Oktober auf der Facebook-Seite der Garnison in Baumholder, einem der größen amerikanischen Truppenübungsplätze in Deutschland, veröffentlicht wurden:


New instructions regarding off-post uniform wear have recently been issued to all service members in the Kaiserslautern Military Community, to include Baumholder, for whom the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz exercises tactical control.
Until further notice, the following guidelines apply:
Soldiers will not wear their uniform in off-post commercial areas such as shopping malls, theaters and other high population venues such as festivals of pedestrian zones.

Soldiers will not wear their uniform off-post for sit down dining after 6 p.m. unless required for an official function.
The uniform will also not be worn on public transportation (except taxis) or in transportation terminals. The uniform will not be worn for airport pick-ups. Personnel must also avoid carrying items that convey Department of Defense affiliation while on public transportation.
Soldiers may wear their uniform off-post for nonessential or convenience-related stops such as fuel stations, child development centers or fast food establishments. Soldiers must, however, remain vigilant of their surroundings at all times and make sound judgments regarding the time and location of uniform wear.
Personnel traveling within or transitioning the Army in Europe through commercial means such as aircraft, train, or bus must wear civilian clothing and not carry items such as luggage and backpacks that convey Department of Defense affiliation.
Soldiers traveling by military or contract transportation will wear the uniform prescribed in their orders.
There is also additional guidance for off-installation gatherings of 30 or more personnel.

Hintergrund sind offensichtlich Terrordrohungen der islamistischen ISIS-Milizen mit Anschlägen auf Ziele in Europa.

(Foto: U.S.Army)