Lagebeobachtung Ukraine, 3. Juni

Die Auseinandersetzungen in der Ost-Ukraine werden schlimmer, die Grenze zwischen einem Anti-Terror-Einsatz (so die offizielle Lesart der Regierung in Kiew) und einer militärischen Aktion gegen die pro-russischen Kräfte verschwimmt immer mehr.

Eine Übersicht vom (heutigen) 3. Juni von Associated Press:

Ukrainian troops on Tuesday launched an offensive against pro-Russian insurgents in the eastern city of Slovyansk and advanced through the city’s outskirts, the nation’s interior minister said.
Arsen Avakov said that government troops broke through rebel positions around the village of Semenovka on the eastern fringe of Slovyansk. „An active offensive stage of the counterterrorist operation is underway in Slovyansk,“ he wrote on his Facebook page.
Local residents said that several Ukrainian combat jets and helicopter gunships attacked rebel positions on the eastern outskirts of Slovyansk, and heavy artillery barrages have continued throughout the day.

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin vereinbarten unterdessen, am Rande der Feierlichkeiten zur Invasion in der Normandie in einem Vier-Augen-Gespräch über die Ukraine zu reden, wie der Kreml mitteilte:


Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel.
Ahead of the bilateral meeting in Normandy on June 6, 2014, the two leaders exchanged opinions regarding the situation in Ukraine. Both parties spoke in favour of coordinated measures aimed at de-escalating the crisis.
The Russian President and the German Federal Chancellor also discussed negotiations between Russia, the EU and Ukraine regarding natural gas supplies from Russia.

Mit der Bitte um Ergänzungen in den Kommentaren – und ganz herzlichem Dank an die Kommentatoren, die schon in den vergangenen Tagen den Strom an Informationen zur Situation in der Ukraine hier aufrecht erhalten haben.