Und jetzt die Russen: Kein Abzug aus einem instabilen Afghanistan

Wenn es nicht so ernst wäre, könnte man das mit einem Schuss Ironie betrachten. Die internationalen Truppen, fordert der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow in einem Interview mit dem afghanischen Sender ToloNews, dürften sich nicht vom Hindukusch zurückziehen, so lange die Situation in Afghanistan instabil sei:

Russia Demands Nato Not Leave Afghanistan Unstable

Lavrov said the Nato-led mission entered Afghanistan with a mandate to establish a stable government and an adequate defence force, and they should not leave until that job is done.
„We see it from the point of international law. The presence of the international stabilisation force in Afghanistan has been mandated by the UN Security Council. The mandate is clear. They must fulfill this mandate before they leave, and before they leave, they must report to the Security Council that the mandate has been fulfilled,“ Lavrov said during a Moscow-based interview with TOLOnews.


He said Russia had a right to demand for the mandate to properly implement because of its support of the Nato-led mission in providing transit possibilities through Russian territories.
„I think the Northern Route has become the major supply route for Isaf in Afghanistan – I think two third of deliveries are done by the northern route,“ he said. „We believe this is our contribution to fulfill the mandate which the international forces received from the Security Council and we have the right to demand this mandate, to which we contribute, is implemented before the operation is over.“

Das Interview im Wortlaut (leider Lawrows englische Aussagen weitgehend mit Farsi-Voice over):