NATO übernimmt nach Unruhen Grenzübergänge im Kosovo

Nach den gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen an den Grenzübergängen vom Kosovo nach Serbien hat die NATO gestern abend die Kontrolle über diese Grenzübergänge übernommen und sie zum militärischen Sicherheitsbereich erklärt – was den Einsatz militärischer Mittel bis hin zu letalen Wirkmitteln ermöglich, also auch tödliche Schüsse.

Die aktuelle Meldung von AP: NATO in Charge of Kosovo border crossings

Die jüngste Pressemitteilung von KFOR:

After a day of demonstration, the situation deteriorated at the Customs Post at Jarinje (Gate 1), and it was confirmed that an act of arson was committed against that position by unknown persons. There have also been confirmed reports of shots fired at KFOR personnel in the vicinity. KFOR Forces there will be reinforced during the evening in order to prevent further escalation of the situation. This will be an ongoing process and KFOR expects that after this reinforcement order will be quickly restored.

At the Customs Post in Bernjak/Brnjak (DOG 31) KFOR has increased its security measures and its personal protection at that location.

Commander of KFOR, General Erhard Bühler today part icipated in several meetings with political leaders from both sides in order to negotiate a solution along the lines of yesterday’s three-point statement:

–                      All NjSO (ROSU) units will return to the South;
–                      Serbian roadblocks will be removed;
–                      At Jarinje Customs Post “normal” Kosovo Police Officers of both ethnicities will be posted.

Major General Bühler, appeals to all peaceful peopl e of Kosovo to abstain from violence and to support a peaceful solution to the current crisis.

Der (deutsche) KFOR-Kommandeur Bühler hat auch beim zuständigen NATO-Kommando in Neapel die Freigabe des so genannten Operational Reserve Force (ORF) Bataillon beantragt – was allerdings noch nicht heißt, dass diese zusätzlichen Kräfte auch tatsächlich eingeflogen werden. Derzeit stellt das Raketenartilleriebataillon 132 aus Sondershausen den Großteil dieser Eingreifkräfte.

Dazu Update vom Donnerstagabend: Nach Angaben aus dem HQ KFOR wird das ORF-Bataillon erst mal nicht aktiviert.

Update von KFOR am Donnerstagmittag:

Commander of KFOR, General Erhard Bühler thanks all the citizens of Kosovo and from the all Regions. The vast majority of the citizens in every Region of Kosovo had been peaceful, calm and disciplined.

”I am very proud on the people of Kosovo because they haven’t been led into violence or aggression”. On Commander’s KFOR Command, KFOR has taken over Command and responsibilities of the Border Boundary Border Crossing at the Customs Post at Jarinje (Gate 1) and in Bernjak/Brnjak (DOG 31).

GATE1 at Jarinje is closed. Infrastructures are heavily damaged and it could collapse; for security reasons there is high risk for the people. Small private cars may cross the boundary on their own risk. However they will be checked by KFOR and searched for weapons and other prohibited goods.

Trucks are not allowed to enter. At Dog 31 in Bernjak/Brnjak controls are very strict as well, because of security reasons.

KFOR continues to deploy troops everywhere in the North, in order to maintain the Safe and Security Environment and Freedom of Movement. Especially Freedom of Movement has strictly to be respected by all civilians in Kosovo, especially in the North.

Yesterday criminal, violent, arson attack and shootings will be investigated. Commander of KFOR, General Erhard Bühler, with the full support of the NATO authorities and the international organizations will still be strongly committed to maintain peace and security in Kosovo, especially in the North.

General Erhard Bühler expressed his own appreciatio n for the well accomplished job conducted by all KFOR soldiers. He pointed out their readiness and the prompt reaction to any threat.

KFOR soldiers are highly motivated and ready to accomplish their tasks.

Und jetzt auch bei Sachstand: Spannungen im Nordkosovo

Nachgetragen von gestern: Die Bilder von der Gewalt an den Grenzübergängen