Feuergefecht mit somalischen Piraten – zwei tote Seeräuber

Man muss es nicht unter Berufung auf niederländische Medien melden (obwohl anscheinend Journalisten am liebsten Journalisten abschreiben?): Am vergangenen Samstag haben niederländische Soldaten der Fregatte Tromp bei einem Feuergefecht zwei somalische Piraten getötet. Die NATO (denn die Tromp fährt unter der Flagge der NATO-Anti-Piraterie-Operation Ocean Shield und nicht, wie es in den abgeschriebenen deutschen Meldungen heißt, für die EU-Operation Atalanta) betonte in ihrer Mitteilung am Sonntagabend, dass die Niederländer in Selbstverteidigung gehandelt hätten, nachdem die Piraten das Feuer eröffnet hätten:

Over the weekend NATO flagship HNLMS Tromp rescued the crew from a dhow that had previously been hijacked by armed pirates off the coast of Somalia. On Saturday, Netherlands warship HNLMS Tromp spotted the pirated dhow heading for a known pirate camp and as the warship closed to investigate, her boarding team was fired upon. Acting in self defence, the crew from HNLMS Tromp returned fire. Ten pirates tried to escape in a skiff, but were quickly captured, and five were wounded and subsequently received medical care on board the Dutch warship.

When a boarding team from HNLMS Tromp then went to the dhow to assist the innocent crew, they also found 2 fatally wounded pirates on board. No NATO personnel or crew from the dhow were injured during the incident. At the same time, a previously pirated merchant vessel – MV Albedo, lifted anchor and steamed straight for the NATO flagship. After some well-aimed warning shots across her bow, Albedo returned to her anchorage. HNLMS Tromp then escorted the freed dhow and crew to safer waters.

Speaking about NATO’s counter piracy operations off Somalia, Commodore Hijmans, the sea commander of the NATO Task Force said “As the weather off the Somali coast continues to improve, we know that Pirate Action Groups, (known as PAGs), will start to leave the beaches to hunt down innocent merchant ships. By conducting this counter piracy operation at sea, but close to shore, NATO has deprived these pirates a ‘safe haven’ in which to operate. We recognise that dealing with armed pirates is always unpredictable, and of course we have to be very careful to protect innocent hostages. We had to be ready to react quickly and effectively and this is what we have done”.

Die Meldung des niederländischen Verteidigungsministeriums dazu: Twee Somalische piraten omgekomen bij bevrijdingsactie Hr. Ms. Tromp

(Foto: NATO)