Irak-Raketen gegen Hubschrauber in Afghanistan?
Der Bericht von ToloNews ist, zumindest in der englischen Fassung, hinreichend vage, aber dennoch beunruhigend: Angeblich setzen in Afghanistan die Aufständischen gegen Hubschrauber die gleichen Raketen ein, die auch schon in Irak verwendet wurden.
Mehr Klarheit, anyone?
(Vielleicht kann auch jemand was mit diesem Video in Originalsprache anfangen…
Nachtrag: Ja, konnte jemand. Die Übertragung aus Dari ins Englische:
[Presenter] In a major military operation in the east of the country, Afghan and American forces have seized from the Taleban weapons also being used by insurgents in Iraq. According to the Afghan and American commanders, insurgents attack aircraft with these weapons in Iraq.
Tamim Hamid, Tolo News’s correspondent, embedded with Afghan and American forces, has prepared a special report on this.
[Correspondent, reporting from inside a helicopter in flight] This is return fire after shots were fired by the armed opponents at this helicopter, but the firing by the armed opponents is no longer continuing. I and my colleague are also in this helicopter, and want to go to the areas of the operation being carried out in parts of Kabul, Laghman and Nangarhar provinces.
At the moment, I and my colleague, Zabi Karimi, are in an area which is the front line of the operation. The Afghan and foreign forces were engaged in clashes with the armed opponents of the government in these areas over the past couple of nights. A large quantity of weapons have reportedly fallen into the hands of the Afghan and foreign forces in these areas.
[Gen Abdollah, the commander of the Selab Army Corps No-201, in Pashto] I do not have precise information as to which country made this weapon. However, when I talked to officials of the coalition forces, they told me that these weapons were also used in Iraq.
[Correspondent] According to military personnel based in the mountains located on the outskirts of this village, foreign militants have also joined the armed opponents of the Afghan government in fighting the Afghan and foreign forces.
[An unnamed Afghan National Army soldier, in Pashto] The Taleban have left and fled to mountainous regions.
[Gen Abdorrazaq, commander of infantry forces, captioned] Foreign militants used to live and stay with the Afghan Taleban here, but when we came here, they fled.
[Correspondent] The helicopters again took off to take us to other areas covered by the operation. This is another village of the Laghman Province, and the Afghan and foreign forces are currently engaged in their operations in this village.
[An unnamed foreign soldier, speaking in English superimposed with Dari translation] Security is really well and the operation is going on very well.
[An unnamed Afghan National Army soldier, in Pashto] Pakistan provides them with money and bribes them. They also have Russian-made weapons. They also have American-made weapons now. Maybe, they have inflicted a lot of casualties on our people.
[Correspondent] Still, some residents of the area do not believe that security has been ensured fully in this area.
[Correspondent, asking question from a resident of the area, apparently a nomad, in Pashto] Is security situation good?
[The unnamed resident of the area] Yes, it is good.
[Correspondent] Are the Taleban no longer there?
[The unnamed resident of the area] The Taleban were not here in the past, nor are they here at the moment.
[Correspondent] This is the Osbin area of Surobi District – a place which is seen more insecure than other areas. The Afghan security forces will take over security of Kabul by Saratan of this year [July 2011], but the Surobi District will not be covered by the security transition process.
[An Afghan army soldier with armlet and bullet-proof vest, in his trench in the Osbin area of Surobi District] We have been here for the past three days. Security is not good here. This is the most insecure village of Surobi.
[Correspondent] This American military man and his companion will leave here by the end of this year to hand over security to the Afghan security forces. This process will complete in four years‘ time, although there are some challenges ahead.
Ich denke, der Bericht ist nicht nur vage. Üblicherweise werden bei solchen Erfolgen auch die erbeuteten Waffen gezeigt. Davon habe ich in dem Video nichts erkennen können.
Wie jetzt? Rockets oder missiles? Den Unterschied sollte ein General eigentlich kennen.
@Sebastian S. : Nicht wenige Sprachen kennen die Unterscheidung nicht, daher würde ich mich nicht auf die Übersetzung verlassen.