Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 2. Mai 2022 (Updates: Briefings Kiew, Washington, Moskau)

Im andauernden russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine haben die russischen Streitkräfte nach britischer Einschätzung ein Viertel der eingesetzen Einheiten verschlissen – die seien nicht mehr kampffähig. Eine Zeitraffer-Darstellung des Krieges vom ersten Tag an zeigt im Osten des Landes nur sehr wenig Bewegung. Der Sammler am 2. Mai 2022:

• Das britische Intel Update:

At the start of the conflict, Russia committed over 120 battalion tactical groups, approximately 65 per cent of its entire ground combat strength.
It is likely that more than a quarter of these units have now been rendered combat ineffective.
Some of Russia’s most elite units, including the VDV Airborne Forces, have suffered the highest levels of attrition. It will probably take years for Russia to reconstitute these forces.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The sixty-eights day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military invasion continues.
russian enemy continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine and offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone.
Units of the Armed Forces of the republic of belarus have been identified in the Volyn and Polissya areas and continue to carry out tasks to cover the Ukrainian-belarusian border in the Brest and Gomel regions.
The threat of missile strikes on military and civilian infrastructure from the territory of the republic of belarus by the russian enemy remains.
In the Siversky direction, russian enemy fired mortars at the positions of ukrainian troops in the Senkivka area of ​​the Chernihiv oblast.
Intensified administrative-police and counter-intelligence regimes have been established in the russian Bryansk region bordering Ukraine. Checkpoints are located on the main roads and near the settlements.
In the Slobozhansky direction, russian enemy group continues to shell the city of Kharkiv and the settlements of Uda and Prudyanka.
russia enemy’s offensive operations in the Izyum-Barvinkove and Izyum-Slovyansk directions continue in the Izyum direction. The enemy continued to fire on our troops.
In the Donetsk direction, a group of russian occupying forces is conducting offensive operations along almost the entire line of contact.
In the Lyman direction, russian enemy fired on the units of Ukrainian troops on the Lyman-Siversk border in order to oust them from their positions and create conditions for the attack on Slovyansk.
In the Severodonetsk direction, russian enemy focused its main efforts on taking control of Rubizhne and preparing for the attack on Severodonetsk.
In the Popasna direction, russian enemy tried to improve the tactical position in the Popasna area. russian enemy strengthened its troops by moving one battalion tactical group from the Mariupol direction.
In order to increase the air defence system, russian enemy deployed additional anti-aircraft missile systems in the temporarily occupied and temporarily beseted territories of Luhansk and Zaporizhia oblasts.
In the Tavriya and Pivdenny Buh directions, russian enemy continues to try to improve its tactical position and shelling.
In the Tavriya direction, measures are being taken to regroup russian enemy units, increase the components of the fire destruction system, and engineer equipment for replenishment of ammunition and fuel and oil.
In the South Bug direction, the occupiers are trying to reach the administrative border of the Kherson region, looking for weaknesses in Ukrainian defence. In the area of ​​Mykolayiv russian aggressor carried out air reconnaissance with use of three UAVs. He fired artillery at the positions of our units.
During the previous day, air defence units hit ten Orlan-10 UAVs.
russian enemy suffers significant losses, especially in artillery and on land. In the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts only, ten attacks by russian occupiers were repulsed in the past 24 hours, two tanks, seventeen artillery systems, thirty-eight units of armored combat vehicles and 10 units of enemy vehicles were destroyed.

• Die täglichen Lagekarten seit Beginn des Krieges im Zeitraffer – der in den letzten Tagen sehr wenig Bewegung zeigt:

• Das Morgenbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

In der Nacht wurden 38 ukrainische Militäreinrichtungen mit Präzisionsraketen aus der Luft getroffen. Darunter: vier Kommandoposten, 30 Festungen, Konzentrationen von Arbeitskräften und ukrainischer Militärausrüstung sowie drei Raketen- und Artilleriewaffendepots in der Nähe der Dörfer Perwomayske und Illichivka.
Auch das Boden-Luft-Raketensystem Osa AKM und eine Batterie von Mehrfachraketen in der Nähe von Archangeliwka wurden zerstört.
Die taktische und militärische Luftwaffe der Russischen Föderation zerstörte 27 Festungen, Gebiete, in denen ukrainische Streitkräfte und militärische Ausrüstung versammelt waren, sowie ein Depot mit Raketen- und Artilleriewaffen und Munition in der Nähe des Dorfes Chervonoye in der Region Saporischschja. Bis zu 160 Personen und 26 Einheiten ukrainischer Panzerfahrzeuge wurden zerstört.
Im Laufe des Tages trafen die Raketentruppen neun Festungen und Gebiete, in denen sich Personal und Ausrüstung befanden, sowie eine ukrainische Batterie von BM-21 Grad-Mehrfachraketen und eine Artilleriebatterie in Schussposition.
Artillerieeinheiten trafen 26 Gefechtsstände, 78 Festungen, 359 Mannschafts- und Ausrüstungslager und 67 Artillerieabschusspositionen. Sechs Munitionsdepots, bis zu 280 Personen und 43 Einheiten von AFU-Waffen und militärischer Ausrüstung wurden zerstört.
Russische Luftabwehrkräfte zerstörten in der Nacht 10 ukrainische unbemannte Flugzeuge in der Nähe der Siedlungen Veseloye, Borschevo und Balakleya im Gebiet Charkiw, Kiselevka im Gebiet Cherson, Mayak im Gebiet Saporischschja, Dokuchayev, Korsun und Khanzhinkovo in der Volksrepublik Donezk sowie in der Nähe der Stadt Luhansk.
Zwei taktische Raketen vom Typ Tochka-U wurden in der Nähe von Petrovske in der Volksrepublik Luhansk abgeschossen und eine SMERCH-Rakete wurde in der Nähe von Donezkoje zerstört.
Ein ukrainischer MiG-29-Kampfjet wurde bei einem Luftkampf in der Nähe von Sloviansk abgeschossen.
Seit Beginn der militärischen Sonderoperation wurden insgesamt 146 Flugzeuge, 112 Hubschrauber, 683 unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge, 281 Boden-Luft-Raketensysteme, 2.756 Panzer und andere gepanzerte Kampffahrzeuge, 316 Mehrfachraketenwerfer, 1.234 Stück Feldartillerie und Mörser sowie 2.563 Stück militärische Spezialfahrzeuge zerstört.
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• Ein Nachtrag zu den Gerüchten um den Frontbesuch des russischen Generalstabschefs Waleri Gerassimow und den – unbestätigten – Meldungen, er sei bei einem ukrainischen Artillerieangriff verwundet worden; von der New York Times:

The chief of the general staff of the Russian military, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, the country’s highest ranking uniformed officer, made a visit to dangerous front-line positions in eastern Ukraine late last week in an effort to “change the course” of Russia’s flagging offensive there, according to a senior Ukrainian official. Two U.S. officials with knowledge of the visit also backed that assessment.
Ukrainian officials learned of the visit, the Ukrainian official said, but not in time to catch General Gerasimov. When Ukrainian forces launched an attack on one position visited by General Gerasimov, at School No. 12 in the Russian-controlled city of Izium on Saturday evening, he had already departed for Russia. Still, some 200 soldiers, including at least one general, were killed, the Ukrainian official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive military operation.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The sixty-eights day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military invasion continues.
russian enemy continues to conduct a full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine and is conducting offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and maintain the land corridor with the temporarily occupied Crimea.
The greatest activity of russian invaders is observed in Slobozhansky and Donetsk directions. In the Zaporizhzhia, Kryvyi Rih and Mykolayiv areas, russian enemy regrouped troops, strengthened artillery units and air defense units. It is trying to establish a system of logistical support for the grouping of troops in these areas.
russian enemy continues to prepare reserves in order to further transfer them to operational areas in Ukraine.
russian enemy continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on targets in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts.
The shelling of the city of Kharkiv continues in the Slobozhansky direction.
In the Izyum direction, russian enemy continues to attack in the directions Izyum-Barvinkovo ​​and Izyum-Slovyansk.
To strengthen the group, russian occupiers moved to certain areas of the units of artillery and jet artillery.
In order to improve the transport infrastructure, russian enemy built a pontoon-bridge crossing over the Siversky Donets River. russian occupiers continue to shell the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian objects located a short distance from the state border of Ukraine from the territory of the russian federation.
In the Belgorod region, the concentration of russian occupiers‘ reserves for fighting in the Eastern Operational Zone continues.
In the Donetsk direction, russian enemy’s main efforts were focused on establishing full control over the settlements of Rubizhne and Popasna and advancing in the directions of the settlements of Lyman and Siversk.
In the Tavriya direction, measures are underway to regroup units and engineering equipment positions. In particular, a barrel artillery unit was deployed at firing positions near the settlement of Tokmak in the Zaporizhzhia oblast. russian enemy carried out artillery shelling of the positions of our troops in the area of ​​the settlement of Orikhiv.
In the temporarily occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia oblast, russian enemy deployed a fuel and oil depot and a point for repairing and repairing damaged equipment.
In the South Buh direction, russian enemy is fighting to improve its tactical position. It does not stop trying to reach the administrative border of the Kherson oblast, it continues to deploy jet and barrel artillery units to fire on the positions of Ukrainian troops.
The transfer of material resources from the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with the use of Ukraine’s railway infrastructure continues.
In the Bessarabian direction, the situation in the transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova remains tense. russian enemy, through controlled media, continues to spread provocative reports about the growing threat to the population of transnistria from Ukraine.
In the Volyn, Polissya and Siversky directions, the possibility of the enemy’s demonstrative and provocative actions in the areas adjacent to the state border of Ukraine is not ruled out.
The threat of missile strikes on objects on the territory of our state remains.
Measures to strengthen the administrative-police and counter-intelligence regimes continue in the Bryansk region bordering on Ukraine.
In the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, enemy ships are involved in missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine, perform the task of isolating the area of ​​hostilities and conduct reconnaissance.
russian enemy continues to destroy Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure. Inflicts rocket and bomb attacks and carries out artillery shelling of residential areas of the city of Mykolayiv, as well as settlements of Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Kharkiv oblasts.
In the temporarily occupied territories, the russian occupiers are artificially creating and exacerbating humanitarian and economic crises. There is a shortage of medicines in the settlements, the range of grocery stores is limited, and bank institutions do not function.

• Aus dem täglichen Pentagon-Briefing Notizen von Dan Lamothe von der Washington Post:

A background briefing with a senior U.S. defense official about the war in Ukraine concluded a short time ago. It’s Day 68 since Russia’s invasion.
Notable details:
The Pentagon now confirms that Gen. Valery Gerasimov, the top military officer in Russia, visited the Donbas region of Ukraine last week.
However, the Pentagon does NOT confirm that he was injured, as some reports have suggested.
The Pentagon is not in a position to confirm what, if anything, happened to Gerasimov while he was in Ukraine, the official said.
The U.S. official said that it’s “certainly possible” that Gerasimov’s trip was meant to provide a “manner of oversight.”
Why would that be necessary? The Pentagon also assesses today that Russia’s offensive in the Donbas region of Ukraine is “very cautious” and “very tepid.”
“In some cases, quite frankly, the best way to describe it would be anemic,” the senior U.S. defense official said.
Russia has launched a number of offensive operations east and south of Izyum, a mid-sized city in eastern Ukraine that Russia captured late in March.
But the U.S. official described a pattern in which Russia moves into an area in the Donbas region, claims victory, then withdraws.
Then Ukrainian forces often take the areas back, the U.S. official said.
Separately, Ukrainian forces have pushed Russian forces farther away from Kharkiv, in northeastern Ukraine, the senior U.S. defense official said. He described an “able job” by Ukrainian forces over the last day or two.
Elsewhere: The southern port city of Mariupol continues to get hit with airstrikes. Russian forces are now using more “dumb bombs,” meaning they must fly closer to launch, the senior U.S. defense official said.
Russia still holds other areas in the south, including Kherson.
Some number of Russian troops continue to flow out of Mariupol to the northwest, the Pentagon says. The thought is they will eventually join the Donbas campaign.
The Pentagon is NOT confirming that Ukrainian drones have attacked Russian patrol boats, but acknowledges there is video circulating that appears to show that.
“We’ve seen the video, same as you,” the official says.
On weapons transfers: More than 70 of the 90 howitzer artillery the United States promised to Ukraine have now been transferred, the U.S. defense official says. So have about tens of thousands of 155 mm rounds to go in them.
In the last day, the United States delivered 14 planes filled with military aid to the region for transfer to Ukraine, the senior U.S. defense official said. Five other nations combined to deliver 23 more shipments.
No Mi-17 helicopters approved by President Biden in recent aid packages have been delivered. But they are expected to be soon, the senior U.S. defense official said.
Training of Ukrainians on Western systems continues.
Fifty Ukrainian artillerymen are expected to complete a week-long familiarization course today on the American howitzers, bumping the total number to receive the training to about 220, the official said.
Twenty Ukrainian soldiers began receiving training yesterday on how to use the new Phoenix Ghost drone. The unmanned aircraft is a loitering munition that can be flown directly into Russian vehicles or troop formations.
Russian force levels have not fundamentally changed in the last few days.
The Pentagon now assesses there are 93 Russian battalion tactical groups in the fight, the senior defense official said.
The number was 92 last week. Many of those units are not at full strength.

• Das Abendbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

High-precision air-based missiles have hit 36 Ukrainian military assets during the day.
Among them: 5 command and control posts, including the battalion command and control posts of the 95th Airborne Assault and 81st Airmobile Brigade; 25 strong points, areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, including Aydar Nazi formation near Aleksandrovka;
1 missile-artillery arms and ammunition depot near Pokrovskoe in Dnepropetrovsk Region has been destroyed. 4 S-300 missile launchers and 1 reconnaissance and targeting radar have been also destroyed near Mezhevaya.
Operational-tactical and army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Force have hit 13 strong points and areas of concentration of AFU manpower and military equipment.
During the day, missile troops have hit 4 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 2 command posts, including 1 command post of the Ukrainian 93rd Mechanized Brigade near Podalovka.
Artillery units have hit 2 command posts, 8 artillery batteries, 12 strongholds and 28 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration.
Up to 170 nationalists, as well as 36 units of weapons and military equipment have been destroyed.
Russian air defence means have shot down 3 Bayraktar-TB2 unmanned aerial vehicles near Zmeinyi Island. 4 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehickes have been also shot down near Chervonyi Oskol and Nevskoe in Kharkov Region, as well as Vesyoloe in Donetsk People’s Republic.
In addition, 5 Smerch rockets have been intercepted near Izyum, Topolskoe and Malaya Kamyshevakha.
In total, 146 aircraft and 112 helicopters, 690 unmanned aerial vehicles, 285 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2,760 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 316 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,236 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,578 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.