Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 9. März 2022 (Updates Russland, USA)

Nach knapp zwei Wochen des russischen Angriffskrieges auf die Ukraine scheint – bewusst: scheint – es wenig Bewegung zu geben. Die Zivilbevölkerung ist weiterhin stark betroffen. Der – von Anfang an unglücklich gestartete – Plan, die Ukraine auch mit Kampfjets auszurüsten, ist vorerst gescheitert. Der Sammler am 9. März 2022:

• Die täglichen Meldungen der ukrainischen Regierung zu den russischen Verlusten, wie bisher schon nicht wirklich verifizierbar:

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 09.03:

🔺personnel- more than 12 000,
🔺tanks- 317
🔺APV- 1070
🔺artillery systems- 120
🔺MLRS- 56
🔺Anti-aircraft systems- 28
🔺aircraft- 49
🔺helicopters- 81
🔺vehicles- 482
🔺boats- 3
🔺fuel tanks- 60
🔺UAV- 7

• Die regelmäßige Lageübersicht des britischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

Fighting north-west of Kyiv remains ongoing with Russian forces failing to make any significant breakthroughs.
The cities of Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Mariupol remain encircled by Russian forces and continue to suffer heavy Russian shelling.
Ukrainian air defences appear to have enjoyed considerable success against Russia’s modern combat aircraft, probably preventing them achieving any degree of control of the air.

• Zum Thema aus der Nacht, der möglichen Lieferung polnischer Kampfjets an die Ukraine und dem schnellen Stopp dieses Vorgehens durch Washington der Überblick hier.

Dazu ein Nachtrag: In einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit dem kanadischen Premierminister Trudeau in Berlin machte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz am Mittwoch deutlich, dass es keine Lieferung von Kampfjets geben wird:

Frage: Herr Scholz, Herr Trudeau, ist aus Ihrer Sicht mit dem Nein der USA eine Lieferung von MIG-Kampfflugzeugen aus Polen an die Ukraine jetzt schon endgültig vom Tisch?
Herr Scholz, wäre Deutschland grundsätzlich bereit, so etwas zuzulassen, oder fürchten Sie, dass Deutschland zum Beispiel durch eine Nutzung von Ramstein zu sehr in den militärischen Konflikt hineingezogen würde?

Scholz: Wir haben Unterstützung organisiert. Wie Sie wissen, geht es um finanzielle Hilfen, die wir schon vor vielen Jahren auf den Weg gebracht haben, um die Resilienz der Wirtschaft der Ukraine zu stärken. Das haben wir auch jetzt in der Krise weiter fortgeführt. Es gibt große finanzielle Unterstützung. Wir haben humanitäre Leistungen auf den Weg gebracht. Wir haben auch alle möglichen Ausrüstungsgüter zur Verfügung gestellt und, wie Sie wissen, auch einzelne Waffen, über die wir Sie informiert haben. Ansonsten müssen wir aber sehr genau überlegen, was wir konkret tun. Dazu gehören ganz sicher keine Kampfflugzeuge.

PM Trudeau: Wir werden weiterhin Ausrüstungsgegenstände und Waffen zur Verfügung stellen, und zwar in dem Maße, in dem sie gebraucht werden, und soweit sie in Kanada verfügbar sind. Wir sprechen uns darüber mit unseren Bündnispartnern ab.
Wir alle müssen sehr vorsichtig sein, dass wir nicht zu einer Eskalation oder einer Ausweitung des Konflikts beitragen. Wir wollen das Gegenteil. Gleichzeitig wollen wir die Ukraine in jeder erdenklichen Art und Weise unterstützen. Aber gleichzeitig muss man natürlich genau abwägen, welches der beste Weg dahin ist.

• Die Situation der Atomkraftwerke/Anlagen in der Ukraine wird für die Internationale Atomenergieagentur (IAEA) zunehmend Besorgnis erregend. Vor allem die Ruine des Reaktors in Tschernobyl, unter Kontrolle der russischen Streitkräfte, wird zum Problem, wie die IAEA am (gestrigen) Dienstagabend mitteilte:

Ukraine told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today that it was becoming increasingly urgent and important for the safe management of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) to rotate some 210 technical personnel and guards who have been working there since Russian forces took control of the site almost two weeks ago, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said.
In contrast to the current situation for staff at Ukraine’s operating nuclear power plants who are rotating regularly, the same shift has been on duty at the Chornobyl NPP since the day before the Russian military entered the site of the 1986 accident on 24 February, in effect living there for the past 13 days, the regulator said.
The Ukrainian regulator added that the staff had access to food and water, and medicine to a limited extent. However, the situation for the staff was worsening. It asked the IAEA to lead the international support needed to prepare a plan for replacing the current personnel and for providing the facility with an effective rotation system.

Das größte Problem dabei ist offensichtlich, dass die automatische Übertragung der Messdaten aus Tschernobyl nicht mehr funktioniert:

The Director General also indicated that remote data transmission from safeguards monitoring systems installed at the Chornobyl NPP had been lost. The Agency is looking into the status of safeguards monitoring systems in other locations in Ukraine and will provide further information soon.

Dazu gehört diese aktuelle Meldung des russischen Außenministeriums vom (heutigen) Mittwoch:

• Update: Das Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums am Mittwoch – auffällig darin zwei Dinge: Das Eingeständnis, dass doch russische Wehrpflichtige im Einsatz waren, was bislang bestritten wurde (diese Meldung ist auch schon weit verbreitet worden), aber vor allem der dezidierte Hinweis: Die ukrainische Luftverteidigung wird aus Daten der NATO-AWACS über Polen auf dem Laufenden gehalten (dieser Teil ist im Original auch gefettet). Die englische Briefing-Version über Telegram:

🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry
▪️The grouping of troops of Lugansk People’s Republic, continuing offensive operations, took control of Toshkovka and Grachevo. The advance was 2 kilometers.
▪️Units of People’s Militia of Donetsk People’s Republic in the course of offensive operations advanced 4 kilometers and took control of Signalnoe, Taramchuk, Yelenov and Trudovoye. The depth of advance of units of the People’s Militia of the Donetsk Republic in Mariupol per day was more than one kilometer.
▪️The units of the Russian Armed Forces took control of Krasnaya Polyana and Stepnoe.
✈ 💥 During the day, bomber and attack aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 49 military facilities. Among them: 2 command posts, 6 radar stations, 4 ammunition and fuel depots and 37 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment.
▪In total, 2,786 military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.
💥 Destroyed: 953 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 101 multiple rocket launch systems, 351 field artillery and mortars, 718 units of special military vehicles, 93 unmanned aerial vehicles.
▪I will focus on the results of the defeat of aviation and air defence systems of the armed forces of Ukraine.
By the beginning of the special operation, the Ukrainian armed forces had up to 250 serviceable combat aircraft and helicopters.
The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 89 combat aircraft and 57 helicopters on the ground and in the air.
Part of the Ukrainian aircraft flew to Romania and does not participate in hostilities.
90 percent of the Ukrainian military airfields have been disabled. There are no trained Ukrainian pilots of the first and second class left. Today, only single attempts of sorties of the Ukrainian air force aircraft have been recorded.
▪Now about the results of the defeat of Ukrainian air defence systems.
During the special operation, the Russian Armed Forces destroyed 137 S-300, Buk M-1 and S-125 anti-aircraft missile systems. This is more than 90 percent of the long and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems in service.
81 Ukrainian air defence radar posts were destroyed. This led to the loss of combat control of aviation and air defence of Ukraine. At present, the air defence system is only focal and is incapable of providing significant countermeasures to Russian aircraft.
The leadership of the Ukrainian armed forces is trying to remedy the absence of information about the air situation by receiving data from the E-3A aircraft of the AWACS-NATO system at the air force command post in Vinnytsia.
These aircraft are on around the clock duty in Poland airspace.
▪Unfortunately, several facts of the presence of conscripts in the units of the Russian Armed Forces participating in a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine have been revealed.
Almost all such servicemen have already been withdrawn to the Russian territory.
At the same time, one of the units performing combat service support tasks was attacked by a sabotage group of the nationalist battalion.
A number of servicemen, including conscripts, were captured.
Comprehensive measures are currently being taken to prevent conscripts from being sent to combat areas and to release captured servicemen.

Und eine Fortschreibung des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:
🇷🇺🇺🇦Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry
▪️During the day, the grouping of troops of Lugansk People’s Republic took control of Zatishnoye, Peschanka, and Surovtsevka.
▪️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to strike at the military infrastructure of Ukraine.
▪️Since the beginning of the operation, 2,814 military assets of the Ukrainian military infrastructure have been destroyed.
💥 Among them: 139 S-300, Buk M-1 and S-125 anti-aircraft missile systems, 84 radar posts of Ukrainian air defence, 974 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 104 multiple missile launchers, 359 field artillery and mortars, 727 units of special military vehicles, as well as 97 unmanned aerial vehicles.
❗️On the night of March 9, Ukrainian nationalists delivered about 80 tons of ammonia to Zolochiv settlement, northwest of Kharkov. According to the residents who left Zolochiv, the nationalists teach them how to act correctly during a chemical attack.
All this testifies to the preparation by Ukrainian nationalists of a provocation using toxic substances to accuse Russia of using chemical weapons.

Da ist natürlich vor allem der letzte Punkt interessant – der Vorwurf, die Ukraine würde eine Attacke mit chemischen Kampfstoffen vorbereiten, um sie dann Russland anzulasten.

Die USA reagierten darauf sehr eindeutig – erst das Verteidigungsministerium, dann Präsidentensprecherin Jen Psaki:

We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.
This is preposterous. It’s the kind of disinformation operation we’ve seen repeatedly from the Russians over the years in Ukraine and in other countries, which have been debunked, and an example of the types of false pretexts we have been warning the Russians would invent.
The United States is in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention and does not develop or possess such weapons anywhere.
It’s Russia that has a long and well-documented track record of using chemical weapons, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of Putin’s political enemies like Alexey Navalny.
It’s Russia that continues to support the Assad regime in Syria, which has repeatedly used chemical weapons. It’s Russia that has long maintained a biological weapons program in violation of international law.
Also, Russia has a track record of accusing the West of the very violations that Russia itself is perpetrating. In December, Russia falsely accused the U.S. of deploying contractors with chemical weapons in Ukraine.
This is all an obvious ploy by Russia to try to try to justify its further premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine.
Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them. It’s a clear pattern.