Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 19. März 2022 (Update)

Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine geht weiter, und weiterhin sind vor allem in den östlich gelegenen Landesteilen Artillerie- und Raketenangriffe zu beobachten. Was heraussticht: Erstmals in diesem Krieg haben die russischen Streitkräfte nach eigenen Angaben Überschallwaffen eingesetzt, eines der modernsten Systeme in ihrem Arsenal. Für alle Angaben im  Sammler am 18. März 2022 gilt weiterhin, dass sie nicht unabhängig überprüft werden können:

• Der Hinweis auf die Hyperschallwaffe Kinschal findet sich im Morgenbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums am (heutigen) Samstag (von der derzeit wieder erreichbaren Webseite des Ministeriums):

Am 18. März wurde ein großes unterirdisches Lager für Raketen und Flugzeugmunition der ukrainischen Streitkräfte im Dorf Deljatin in der Region Iwano-Frankiwsk durch das Flugkörpersystem Kinschal mit Hyperschall-Luft-Ballistik-Raketen zerstört.
Das Bastion-Küstenraketensystem zerstörte die Funk- und funktechnischen Aufklärungszentren der ukrainischen Streitkräfte in den Siedlungen Velykyi Dalnyk und Velikodolynske, Region Odessa.
In der Nacht zum 19. März griffen russische Kampfflugzeuge, Militärflugzeuge und Drohnen 69 ukrainische Militäreinrichtungen an. Dazu gehören vier Gefechtsstände, darunter ein Brigadegefechtsstand im Dorf Zabuya, vier Boden-Luft-Raketensysteme, darunter drei S-300 und ein Buk-M1, eine Radarleit- und Zielstation, drei Mehrfachraketenwerfer, 12 Raketen- und Artilleriewaffendepots sowie 43 Standorte, an denen militärisches Gerät gelagert wird.
Darüber hinaus schossen russische Luftabwehrkräfte 12 ukrainische unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge ab.
Seit Beginn der militärischen Sonderoperation wurden insgesamt 196 ukrainische unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge, 1.438 Panzer und andere gepanzerte Kampffahrzeuge, 145 Mehrfachraketenwerfer, 556 Feldartilleriegeschütze und Mörser sowie 1.237 Ausrüstungsgegenstände für militärische Spezialfahrzeuge zerstört.
(Übersetzt mit

Unklar bleibt vorerst, ob der Einsatz der Überschallwaffen militärisch begründet war, eine bewusste Demonstration sein sollte oder auf rasant abnehmende Bestände bei anderen, auch kostengünstigeren Waffensystemen hindeutet. (Hinweis: Über Hyperschallwaffen haben wir im Podcast Sicherheitshalber im Mai 2019 gesprochen)

• Das Intel Update des britischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

The Kremlin has so far failed to achieve its original objectives. It has been surprised by the scale and ferocity of Ukrainian Resistance.
Russia has been forced to change its operational approach and is now pursuing a strategy of attrition.
This is likely to involve the indiscriminate use of firepower resulting in increased civilian casualties, destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure, and intensify the humanitarian crisis.
Putin has reinforced his control over Russian domestic media. The Kremlin is attempting to control the narrative, detract from operational problems and obscure high Russian casualty numbers from the Russian people.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs, mit dem Hinweis auf den Tod eines weiteren russischen Generals, inzwischen der fünfte (im englischen Original via Facebook):

The twenty-fourth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion began.
The situation and the nature of the actions of the defense forces have not changed significantly during the last day. The Armed Forces of Ukraine and other units of the Defense Forces continued to strike at groups of enemy troops trying to hold the captured frontiers.
Ukraine’s anti-aircraft missile forces and fighter jets hit 12 enemy air targets – 2 planes, 3 helicopters, 3 UAVs and 4 cruise missiles.
Also, during the day, Ukrainian defenders destroyed several columns of equipment of the occupiers in Mykolayiv and Sumy regions, the losses of the enemy are currently being clarified. In addition, as a result of fire on the enemy by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the commander of the 8th All-Military Army of the Southern Military District of the Armed Forces of the russian federation, Lieutenant General Andrei Mordvichev, was killed.
Given that the enemy has suffered heavy casualties, it is likely that the military-political leadership of the russian federation will decide to amend existing legislation and begin open mobilization to continue a protracted, exhausting war. In order to justify such actions, it is possible that a number of provocations will be carried out on the territory of the russian federation with the death of civilians, as was done before the start of the second Chechen campaign. This will allow the pro-government leadership to decide on martial law and total mobilization of citizens.
The dead and wounded servicemen of the Armed Forces of the russian federation and the Rosguard continue to be transported from the territory of Ukraine. Thus, in the city of Gomel, all medical institutions with surgical departments are involved in the reception and treatment of wounded occupiers. Surgeons work around the clock, all planned operations of Belarusian citizens are either canceled or postponed indefinitely. A high death rate is recorded among the severely wounded russian invaders.
The enemy continues to suffer significant losses. It has problems with logistics of units. The low level of moral and psychological condition of the personnel leads to an increase in the number of cases of desertion and refusals of servicemen of the armed forces of the russian federation to take part in the war against Ukraine.

Update: Das Abendbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums (auf Englisch auf der Webseite). Neu: Ukrainische Rechtsextremisten sollen Angriffe auf westliche Einrichtungen wie die diplomatische Vertretung der USA in Lwiw im Westen des Landes vorbereiten, um diese Operation Russland anzulasten.

Briefing by the Russian Defence Ministry

Units of the Russian Armed Forces, having crossed the Kashlagach River, broke through the defence of Aidar battalion and advanced 5 kilometers, reached the Shakhterskoye-Novoukrainka line.
Up to 30 militants, 1 tank, 1 infantry fighting vehicle and 4 all-terrain vehicles were destroyed. Currently, they are fighting with units of the 54th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, operating in the second echelon.
The grouping of People’s Militia of the Donetsk Republic destroyed up to a company of the 53rd separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, completely took control of Taramchuk and pursues the retreating enemy.
The grouping of troops of the Lugansk People’s Republic has reached the northern outskirts of Lisichansk city and is eliminating disparate groups of nationalists who retreated from Rubezhnoye city.
Operational-tactical and army aviation hit 59 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Among them: 3 command posts, 2 multiple launch rocket systems and 2 radar stations near Bogodukhov city, 2 missile and artillery weapons depots, as well as 51 areas of military equipment concentration.
Forpost-RU unmanned aerial vehicle destroyed 1 radar of illumination and guidance of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system near Vypolzov, 60 km north of Kiev.
In addition, air defence means of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down 5 more Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air, including 1 Bayraktar TB-2 near Malovorontsovka .
In total, 201 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,443 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 147 multiple launch rocket systems, 564 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,248 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.
During a special military operation, an employee of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) Main Directorate for Donetsk and Lugansk regions voluntarily surrendered to Russian servicemen.
This officer was directly involved in organizing the training of sabotage and terrorist groups to work in areas liberated from the nationalists.
The SSU officer provided detailed information regarding all persons involved in conducting sabotage activities on the territory of Donbass.
I bring to the attention of all persons recruited by the SSU that voluntary renunciation of criminal activity and timely notification of it to law enforcement agencies releases from criminal liability.
In addition, the SSU officer reported on terrorist acts planned by militants of the nationalist Azov battalion in Lvov against employees and facilities of diplomatic missions of the United States and other Western countries.
I want to emphasize that the leadership of the Kiev regime is aware of the plans of the nationalists, but does not take any action to prevent their implementation.
The Kiev nationalist regime plans to present attacks on diplomatic facilities of the United States and Western countries as an alleged targeted attack by the Russian Armed Forces.
The main purpose of the provocation is to increase pressure on NATO countries to introduce a no-fly zone over Ukraine and provide additional weapons.

(Weiter nach Entwicklung)

(Archivbild: Eine Ch-47M2 Kinschal unter einer MiG31K, aufgenommen bei der Parade zum Tag des Sieges gegen Deutschland in Moskau am 9. Mai 2018 – Foto via Wikimedia Commons unter CC-BY 4.0 Lizenz)