NATO-Parlamentarier: Russland als Bedrohung betrachten

US, Estonia Soldiers make some noise

Die Parlamentarische Versammlung der NATO, in der nationale Abgeordnete aus den 28 Mitgliedsstaaten vertreten sind, wird normalerweise nicht besonders beachtet. In diesen Zeiten lohnt sich aber ein Blick auf die Erklärung, die die Parlamentarier am (gestrigen) Montag bei ihrem Treffen in der albanischen Hauptstadt Tirana einmütig verabschiedet haben. (Der Deutsche Bundestag war mit sechs Abgeordneten von Union und SPD vertreten, also ohne die Opposition.)

Im Hinblick auf den bevorstehenden NATO-Gipfel in Warschau im Juli wird dort sehr eindeutig die mögliche Bedrohung von Mitgliedsländern der Allianz durch Russland beschworen; die Regierungen der Bündnisstaaten werden zu entschiedenen Schritten zur Abschreckung aufgefordert, aber auch zum Dialog mit Moskau.

Aus der Erklärung:

In the past two years, the strategic environment has experienced profound shifts. With its aggression against Ukraine and illegal annexation of Crimea as well as the continuing illegal occupation of the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region (South Ossetia), Russia put an abrupt end to 25 years of efforts by Allies to build a genuine strategic partnership. Russia’s recent actions have also included other forms of intimidation targeted at its neighbours, dangerous behaviour and provocations directed against Allies, multiple violations of international norms and an extensive rearmament programme.

NATO’s door has remained open for dialogue throughout, and we welcome the recent NATO-Russia Council meeting as far as it demonstrates shared interest in dialogue. However, this dialogue has so far delivered no concrete outcome of a strategic nature. Nevertheless, we welcome further efforts to promote a dialogue, which we consider as the most appropriate path for de-escalating the current tension;
The Assembly,
1. Recalling that NATO’s core mission is the collective defence of its members in Europe and North America, and that all Allies remain committed to the fundamental principle enshrined in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty that an attack against one is an attack against all;
2. Regretting that Russia’s use of force against its neighbours and attempted intimidation of Allies have left NATO no choice but to consider the prospect of aggressive Russian action against an Alliance member as a potential threat, and to adopt measured, proportionate responses;
3. Stressing that these measures are structured to be non-provocative, are in compliance with the NATO-Russia Founding Act, despite Russia’s violations of the provisions of that Act, and leave the door open for dialogue;
URGES the Heads of State and Government of the member States of the North Atlantic Alliance at their Summit meeting in Warsaw:
to ensure that all 28 Allies continue to provide reassurance to those Allies who feel their security is under threat, focusing on the Eastern and Southern flanks of the Alliance;
to continue NATO’s political, military and institutional adaptation by strengthening conventional and nuclear deterrence, and enhancing a robust, balanced and persistent forward presence on a rotational basis and rapid response arrangements so as to make clear to any potential aggressor that any threat against any Ally would be met with utmost resolve and the Alliance’s collective might;
to heighten NATO’s preparedness by increasing the frequency and size of exercises based on Article 5 scenarios, enhancing its ability to anticipate crises, further improving its response to hybrid warfare, and developing its ability to operate in anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) environments;
to continue to strengthen cooperation with NATO partners Sweden and Finland in order to increase situational awareness of the security situation in the Baltic Sea region and further interoperability;
to reaffirm that the Black Sea remains an important component of Euro-Atlantic security, to continue monitoring and assessing the Black Sea security situation, and to strengthen cooperation with Georgia, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova on this issue;

(Hervorhebung von mir; T.W.)

Unterm Strich: Die Abgeordneten aus den NATO-Mitgliedsländern sprechen sich für die von den Regierungen bereits angelegten verstärkten Bemühungen um Abschreckung aus. Mehr Übungen, mehr Präsenz im NATO-Osten sind dabei ein wesentlicher Teil.

Natürlich findet sich auch die NATO-Südflanke in dieser Erklärung, und da fordern die Parlamentarier mehr Beteiligung der Allianz am Kampf gegen die ISIS-Terrormilizen im Irak und in Syrien:

to consider further measures to support the international anti-ISIL coalition’s efforts;

(Foto: U.S. Army Soldiers from the Field Artillery Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, work together to load and fire an M777A2 (Howitzer) during a combined arms live fire exercise with their Estonian counterparts at Tapa Training Area, Estonia, May 20, 2016 – U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Steven M. Colvin)