Mali: Kurzes Update

Zwei Meldungen vom heutigen Tage zum Thema Mali. Finde beide noch ein bisschen schwer einzuordnen:

Ein Plan für eine Interventionsstreitmacht mit 4.000 Soldaten scheint Gestalt anzunehmen, meldet Reuters:

Military experts from Africa, the United Nations and Europe have drawn up preliminary plans to recapture northern Mali from al Qaeda-linked rebels, African officials said on Tuesday.
A source with knowledge of the plan said it will involve a force of more than 4,000 personnel, mostly from West African countries.
„Every military option will be used – ground and air,“ the source said, asking not to be named.

Unterdessen geben sich die militanten Islamisten, die den Norden Mails kontrollieren, gesprächsbereit, meldet AP:

An Islamist group carrying out public executions and amputations in northern Mali said Tuesday that it rejects ‘‘all forms of extremism and terrorism’’ and is now ready to talk with the Malian government.
The turnabout was announced by a representative of an Ansar Dine delegation that has been holding talks for the last several days with mediators in the capital of neighboring Burkina Faso.

Da scheint noch sehr viel im Fluss zu sein.