Lesehinweis: Saber Junction und die Fallschirmjäger

Nur als knapper Lesehinweis: Die US-Soldatenzeitung Stars&Stripes schaut auf die diesjährige Übung Saber Junction der USA und anderer NATO-Mitglieder auf den Übungsplätzen Hohenfels und Grafenwöhr in Bayern. Mit paar interessanten Aussagen.

Farms in Bavaria served as the drop zone this week for a practice run showing what allied forces might experience if ever faced with a Russian incursion. (…)
Carpenter said Ukraine’s ability to attack from the rear using a tactic known as vertical envelopment has frustrated Russian advances and showed the continued need for airborne operations. “Our ability to get vertical envelopment, to get soldiers deep, not just to do reconnaissance operations, but disrupt the rear lines would be incredibly valuable,” he said.

Wieder was gelernt: den Begriff vertical envelopment.

(Foto: U.S. Soldiers assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade conduct airborne operations during Saber Junction 24 at the Hohenfels Training Area, Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC), Germany, Sep. 3, 2024 – U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Christian Aquino)