Selenskyj erwartet schnelle Lieferung von ATACMS-Raketen aus den USA

Fürs Archiv: Nach der Zustimmung der US-Abgeordneten zu einem neuen Hilfspaket für die Ukraine erwartet der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj eine schnelle Lieferung von weit reichender Raketenartillerie aus den USA. Am (heutigen) Montag seien die Details der Abgabe des Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) aus US-Beständen an die Ukraine geklärt worden, sagte Selenskyj in seiner täglichen Videoansprache.

Aus dem Transkript der Ansprache (in englischer Fassung):

Especially since now we finally have a positive shift in terms of American assistance, and are working to ensure that the Ukrainian potential is backed up with exactly the kind of weapons that our warriors need. Not only to hold out, but also to act – to act vigorously in pursuit of Ukrainian goals, to protect our people. Today I spoke with President Biden about this very issue.

I am grateful to Mr. President, his team, everyone in the United States Congress, personally to Speaker Johnson, and all who support the active defense of freedom, for the decision that benefits our protection from Russian terror and our ability to end the war justly, with true peace for all Ukrainians.

Just before the conversation with President Biden began, Russian terrorists struck again at Kharkiv – at the TV tower. Obviously, this is an intimidation to make the terror noticeable to the whole city and to try to limit Kharkiv in terms of communication and access to information. Work is underway to restore the signal. And just like Kharkiv, different cities and communities need protection – they need „Patriots.“ And at the same time, we need to inflict maximum damage on everything that Russia uses as a base for terror and for its military logistics. I am grateful to everyone in the world who is willing to help us in this regard, and we are working with our American partners to increase our capabilities. The four priorities are key: protection of the sky, modern artillery, long-range capability, and ensuring that the American support packages arrive as quickly as possible. And today’s result is that in the agreements on ATACMS for Ukraine, all the details have been finalized. Thank you, Mr. President, thank you, Congress, thank you, America!

It is also very important that our teams, from Ukraine and the United States, have started working on a bilateral security agreement. We can make our agreement a true paragon that will not only provide greater security for our people, but also help the entire course of European history proceed in the right direction and only in peace.