Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 29. Dezember 2022

Im andauernden russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine gab es am Donnerstag die erwarteten – erneuten – massiven Luftangriffe der russischen Streitkräfte. Der Sammler am 29. Dezember 2022:

• Die russischen Streitkräfte griffen am (heutigen) Donnerstagmorgen erneut die Infrastruktur der Ukraine aus der Luft an. Mehr als 120 Raketen, Marschflugkörper und Drohnen wurden nach ukrainischen Angaben auf die zivilen Einrichtungen im Land abgefeuert. Ein Großteil davon soll abgefangen worden sein. Aus der Meldung der New York Times:

Explosions rocked towns and cities around Ukraine on Thursday morning and electricity went out in several regions as Russia launched what appeared to be one of its largest attacks to date, with cruise missiles and drones aimed at the country’s energy grid.
Air-raid sirens sounded about 5:30 a.m. throughout most of Ukraine. The Ukrainian military’s southern command said two Russian ships in the Black Sea had shown signs suggesting that they were preparing to launch missiles, setting off the alarms.

Der ukrainische Präsidentenberater  Mykhailo Podolyak dazu auf Twitter:

Angaben der ukrainischen Luftwaffe zu den abgeschossenen Marschflugkörpern und (iranischen) Drohnen):

• Im Kriegsverlauf am Boden hat derzeit keine Seite einen Vorteil, sagte der Chef des ukrainischen Militärgeheimdienstes der BBC:

Fighting in Ukraine is currently at a deadlock as neither Ukraine nor Russia can make significant advances, the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence agency has said, while Kyiv waits for more advanced weapons from Western allies.
„The situation is just stuck,“ Kyrylo Budanov told the BBC in an interview. „It doesn’t move.“ (…)
Mr Budanov said Russia was „now completely at a dead end“ suffering very significant losses, and he believed the Kremlin had decided to announce another mobilisation of conscripts. But, he added, Ukrainian forces still lacked resources to move forward in multiple areas.
„We can’t defeat them in all directions comprehensively. Neither can they,“ he said. „We’re very much looking forward to new weapons supplies, and to the arrival of more advanced weapons.“

• Das britische Intel Update:

In the early hours of 26 December 2022, Russia’s Engels Air Base was attacked for the second time in three weeks.
Russian media reported that uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) were responsible for the strike on the facility, one of the main operating bases of Russia’s strategic bomber fleet.
Russia has long given a very high priority to maintaining advanced ground based air defences, but it is increasingly clear that it is struggling to counter air threats deep inside Russia.
One challenge for Russia is probably the exceptional demand on its fleet of modern, medium-range air defence systems, such as SA-22 Pantsir, which would typically be expected to take a major role in countering UAVs.
As well as providing point defence for strategic sites such as Engels, these systems are currently required in large number to protect field headquarters near the front line in Ukraine.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs (da bislang keine englische Fassung vorliegt, die Übersetzung aus dem Ukrainischen):

Operative Informationen ab 06.00 Uhr 29.12.2022 über die russische Invasion
Der dreihundertneunte Tag der russischen Großinvasion hat begonnen.
Im Laufe des vergangenen Tages führte der Feind 30 Luftangriffe und 7 Raketenangriffe durch, insbesondere auf die zivile Infrastruktur von Kostiantynivka, der Region Donezk und Charkiw. Außerdem führten sie über 70 Angriffe mit Mehrfachraketenwerfern durch.
In der vergangenen Nacht haben die russischen Besatzer erneut die Energieinfrastruktur von Charkiw angegriffen und dabei 13 iranische Shahed-136-Drohnen eingesetzt. 11 dieser Drohnen wurden von den Einheiten der ukrainischen Verteidigungskräfte abgeschossen.
Der Feind führt weiterhin offensive Aktionen in Richtung Bakhmut und Avdiivka durch. Sie versucht, die taktische Situation im Lyman-Sektor zu verbessern.
Die Einheiten der Verteidigungskräfte wehrten die Angriffe der Besetzer in der Nähe der Siedlungen Stelmachiwka, Andriiwka, Ploschanka und Tscherwonopopiwka im Gebiet Luhansk und Bilohoriwka, Soledar, Bakhmutske, Pidhorodne, Bakhmut, Klischtschiwka, Kurdjumiwka, Awdiwka, Krasnohoriwka, Maryinka und Pobeda im Gebiet Donezk ab.
Die Lage in den Sektoren Volyn, Polissia, Siversky und Slobozhansky bleibt stabil, es wurden keine Anzeichen für feindliche Angriffsgruppen entdeckt.
In den Richtungen Siversky und Slobozhansky wurden die Gebiete Hremyachka und Lypivka im Gebiet Tschernihiw, Znob-Trubchevsk, Chernatske, Iskryskivshchyna, Budky und Zapsil im Gebiet Sumy sowie Chervona Zoria, Veterytarne, Krasne, Ohirtseve, Gatyshche, Vovchansk, Vovchansky Khutory, Staritsa, Ternova, Novomlynsk und Dvorichna im Gebiet Kharkiv mit Artillerie beschossen.
In den Richtungen Kupyansk und Lyman beschoss der Feind die Gebiete von mehr als 20 Siedlungen. Dazu gehören Sinkiwka, Wilschana, Kupiansk, Kysliwka und Krochmalne im Gebiet Charkiw, Stelmachiwka, Ploschanka, Tscherwonopopiwka und Dibrowa im Gebiet Luhansk sowie Jampoliwka im Gebiet Donezk.
Im Sektor Bakhmut feuerte der Feind mit Panzern, Mörsern, Kanonen und Raketenartillerie auf mehr als 25 Orte. Dabei handelt es sich insbesondere um Spirne, Bilohorivka, Soledar, Hryhorivka, Bakhmutske, Chasiv Yar, Bakhmut, Kostyantynivka, Mayorsk und New York in der Region Donetsk.
Im Sektor Awdijiwka gerieten Berditschi, Awdijiwka, Perwomayske, Maryinka und Nowomichailiwka im Gebiet Donezk unter feindlichen Beschuss.
Im Sektor Nowopawliwka wurden Angriffe in der Nähe von Wremiwka, Welyka Nowosilka, Wuhledar und Prechystiwka in der Region Donezk registriert.
In den Richtungen Saporischschja und Cherson wurden Gebiete von mehr als 25 Siedlungen beschossen. Dazu gehören Gulyaypole, Malynivka, Charivne und Dorozhnyanka in der Region Zaporizhzhia und Respublikanets, Kozatske und Lvove in der Region Kherson. Die zivile Infrastruktur von Oleshky und Kherson wurde erneut durch feindlichen Beschuss beschädigt. Es gibt Tote unter der Zivilbevölkerung.
Am 27. Dezember beliefen sich die Verluste der Besetzer in den Gebieten Tokmak, Titove, Tschernihiwka, Polohy und Berdiansk der Region Saporischschja auf 3 Einheiten militärischer Ausrüstung verschiedener Art, einen Gefechtsstand, ein Kommunikationszentrum und etwa 230 verwundete Soldaten. Die Angaben zu den Opfern werden derzeit geklärt.
Im Laufe des vergangenen Tages hat unsere Luftwaffe 17 Angriffe auf Konzentrationsgebiete des Feindes und 4 Angriffe auf die Stellungen seiner Flugabwehrraketensysteme durchgeführt.
Die Einheiten der Raketentruppen und der Artillerie der ukrainischen Verteidigungsstreitkräfte trafen 5 Kontrollpunkte, 3 Bereiche der Arbeitskräftekonzentration und ein Munitionsdepot der Besatzer.
(Übersetzt mit

• Das Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (29 December 2022)
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.
In Kupyansk direction, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have been neutralised by artillery strikes near Timkovka, Kislovka, and Berestovoye (Kharkov region).
Over 20 Ukrainian personnel, 2 armoured fighting vehicles, and 3 motor vehicles have been eliminated.
In Krasny Liman direction, artillery fire, Assault and Army aviation strikes launched at units from 95th Airborne Assault Brigade of the AFU near Serebryanskoye forestry have resulted in the elimination of up to 70 Ukrainian personnel, 3 armoured fighting vehicles, and 5 pickups.
In Donetsk direction, Russian forces continued their offensive operations that have resulted in taking new advantageous lines and positions.
The enemy has lost over 80 personnel, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 3 armoured fighting vehicles, and 6 motor vehicles.
In South Donetsk direction, artillery fire and active action of Russian forces have resulted in the neutralisation of the AFU units near Sladkoye, Vladimirovka, Pavlovka, Velikaya Novosyolka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
Up to 30 Ukrainian personnel, 2 armoured fighting vehicles, and 4 pickups have been eliminated.
Moreover, 2 enemy sabotage groups have been eliminated near Vremevka (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Levadnoye (Zaporozhye region).
Missile Troops and Artillery have neutralised 4 AFU command posts near Kherson; Kupyansk, Novoosinovo (Kharkov region), and Gavrilovka (Dnepropetrovsk region), as well as 83 artillery units at their firing positions, manpower and military hardware at 102 areas.
3 AFU artillery ordnance depots have been destroyed near Seversk and Artyomovsk (Donetsk People’s Republic), as well as near Stepnoye (Zaporozhye region).
Within the counterbattery warfare, 2 batteries of U.S.-manufactured M-777 artillery systems has been neutralised near Kruglyakovka (Kharkov region).
1 fighting vehicle for U.S.-manufactured HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS) has been detected and destroyed near Konstantinovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
1 Msta-B howitzer has been destroyed in Seversk (Donetsk People’s Republic), as well as D-20 and D-30 howitzers near Ivanovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Orekhov (Zaporozhye region).
Fighter Aviation of Russian Aerospace Forces has shot down Su-25 and Su-24 airplanes of Ukrainian Air Force near Krasniy Liman and Kramatorsk.
In addition, 2 Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters have been shot down near Suvorov and Orlovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
Air defence facilities have shot down 7 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Pshenichnoye, Kremennaya, Chervonaya Dibrova, and Koshelevka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Kirillovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), as well as near Lyubimovka (Kherson region).
Moreover, 4 rocket-propelled projectiles launched by HIMARS and Uragan MLRS have been intercepted near Popasnaya (Lugansk People’s Republic), Peremozhnoye, and Tarasovka (Zaporozhye region).
In total, 354 airplanes and 194 helicopters, 2,741 unmanned aerial vehicles, 399 air defence missile systems, 7,296 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 953 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 3,742 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 7,810 units of special military hardware have been destroyed during the special military operation.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The operational update regarding the #russian_invasion on 18.00, on December 29, 2022
The three-hundred-ninths (309) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military large-scale invasion continues.
The enemy is concentrating its efforts on conducting offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Zaporizhzhia directions and is trying to improve its tactical position in the Lyman and Avdiivka directions. On Kupyansk and Novopavlivka directions enemy conducts an active defense. In the Kherson direction, enemy is regrouping troops to other directions, is being reinforced by units of territorial troops, and is conducting positional defense.
In the morning, the russian occupiers launched a massive missile attack on the territory of Ukraine. The enemy launched air and sea-based cruise missiles, anti-aircraft guided missiles to the S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense system at energy and civil infrastructure facilities in the eastern, central, western and southern regions of Ukraine. According to confirmed data, 69 cruise missiles were used. Defense forces of Ukraine destroyed 54 of them.
Also, during the day, the enemy launched 10 missile strikes, 23 air strikes, and fired 14 MLRS strikes at the positions of our troops and populated areas along the contact line.
The situation is stable in the Volyn, Polissya, Siverskyi and Slobozhanskyi directions. The enemy maintains a military presence in the border areas, no signs of his formation of offensive groups have been detected.
On the Siversky and Slobozhanskyy directions, the enemy shelled the areas of the settlements of Lypivka and Hremyachka of the Chernihiv oblast; Budky, Iskryskivshchyna and Zapsillia – Sumy and Guriiv, Sotnytskyi Kozachok, Strilecha, Zelene, Ohirtseve, Hatyshche, Kolodyazne, Ridkodub, Novomlynsk and Dvorichna in Kharkiv oblast.
Areas of 19 settlements were damaged by fire in the Kupyansk and Lyman directions. Among them are Kupyansk, Kotlyarivka, Tabaivka, Klishchivka and Lozova in the Kharkiv oblast and Novoyehorivka, Kovalivka, Ploshanka, Makiivka, Nevske and Dibrova in the Luhansk oblast.
More than 15 settlements were shelled in the Bakhmut direction. In particular, Andriyivka, Spirne, Berestovka, Bilohorivka, Soledar, Bakhmutske, Bakhmut, Klishchiivka, Kurdyumivka and Stupochki of the Donetsk oblast.
Orlivka, Avdiivka, Vodiane, Vesele, Nevelske, Maryinka and Novomykhailivka in Donetsk oblast were affected in the Avdiivka oblast.
In the direction of Novopavlivsk, the enemy shelled Vremivka, Novoukrainka, Prechystivka, and Vuhledar of the Donetsk oblast.
In the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson directions, the enemy shelled the positions of our troops with tanks, mortars and barrel artillery in the areas of more than 35 settlements. Among them are Malynivka, Bilohirya, Mala Tokmachka and Mali Shcherbaky in the Zaporizhzhia oblast and Zmiivka, Antonivka, Zelenivka, Dniprovske, Veletenske in the Kherson oblast.
The enemy continues to use the network of civilian healthcare facilities in the temporarily occupied territory to treat wounded russian servicemen and mercenaries of private military companies. Thus, in Bilovodsk, Starobilsk district, Luhansk oblast, more than 100 wounded representatives of the „wagner“ PMC continue to be treated. In addition, in the city of Tokmak, about 120 wounded occupiers are being treated on the territory of the so-called „military hospital“.
In the city of Donetsk, the invaders organized the removal of medical equipment and medical workers from the Kalinin Donetsk Oblast Clinical Hospital to Mariupol.
On December 28, more than 50 occupiers were eliminated as a result of fire damage by units of the Defense Forces of enemy positions in the Berdyansk district of the Zaporizhzhia oblast.
The Ukrainian aviation made 12 strikes on the areas where the invaders were concentrated and struck the position of the enemy’s anti-aircraft missile system. And our rocket launchers and artillerymen during the current day hit 4 control points and 3 areas of concentration of the occupiers‘ manpower.