Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 15. Dezember 2022

Zum andauernden russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine der Sammler am 15. Dezember 2022:

• Die aktualisierte Liste der deutschen Lieferungen von Waffen mit militärischen Gerät an die Ukraine. Die Veränderungen zur vorherigen Liste:

Gelieferte militärische Unterstützungsleistungen:
Weitere Flugkörper IRIS-T*
12 Bergepanzer 2* (vorher: 10)
60.000 Schuss Munition 40mm Granatwerfer* (vorher: 30.000)
18.500 Schuss 155 mm Artilleriemunition (vorher: 13.500)
34 Krankenkraftwagen* (vorher: 30)
18 LKW 8×8 mit Wechselladesystem

(* bezeichnet Lieferungen der Industrie; neue Zusagen an die Ukraine sind auf dieser Liste nicht genannt)

• Das britische Intel Update:

On 13 December 2022, Belarus carried out a snap combat readiness inspection of its forces.
The exercises are reportedly taking place in the north-west of the country, away from the Ukrainian border. In addition, Russia has recently deployed extra units of mobilised reservists to Belarus.
Belarus played a key enabling role in Russia’s assault towards Kyiv from 24 February 2022. However, the exercising Belarusian troops and Russian units are currently unlikely to constitute a force capable of conducting a successful new assault into northern Ukraine.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs (erneut keine englische Fassung veröffentlicht; die Übersetzung aus dem Ukrainischen):

Operative Informationen vom 15.12.2022 um 06.00 Uhr bezüglich der russischen Invasion
Der zweihundertfünfundneunzigste Tag der russischen Großinvasion hat begonnen.
Der Feind konzentriert seine Bemühungen weiterhin auf die Durchführung von Offensivaktionen in Richtung Bakhmut und Avdiiv. Es wird versucht, die taktische Position in Richtung Kupjan, Lyman und Saporischschja zu verbessern. In anderen Richtungen versucht der Feind, die Aktionen von Einheiten der Verteidigungskräfte der Ukraine einzudämmen.
Am vergangenen Tag haben unsere Soldaten die Angriffe der russischen Besatzer in den Siedlungen Werchnokamjanske, Jakowliwka, Soledar, Bachmut, Wesele und Maryinka im Gebiet Donezk abgewehrt.
Der Feind führte 31 Luft- und 8 Raketenangriffe auf die zivile Infrastruktur der Region Donezk sowie 61 Angriffe mit Raketensalvensystemen durch.
In Zukunft drohen die Besatzer mit Luft- und Raketenangriffen auf die zivile Infrastruktur in der ganzen Ukraine.
In den Richtungen Volyn und Poliske bleibt die Situation ohne wesentliche Änderungen, es wurden keine Anzeichen für die Bildung feindlicher Offensivgruppen festgestellt.
In Richtung Siversky hat der Feind die Bezirke Lypivka und Khrinivka in der Region Tschernihiw beschossen.
In Richtung Kupjansk wurden die Stellungen unserer Truppen in den Gebieten der Siedlungen Chervona Zorya, Krasne, Staritsa, Dvorichna und Nowomlynsk im Gebiet Charkiw beschossen.
In Richtung Lymansky feuerte der Feind Panzer, Mörser, Lauf- und Raketenartillerie auf die Gebiete der Siedlungen Makiivka, Ploshanka und Chervonpopivka im Gebiet Luhansk und Yampolivka, Torske und Vedmezhe im Gebiet Donezk.
Gebiete von siebzehn Siedlungen wurden in Richtung Bakhmut beschossen. Unter ihnen sind Verkhnyokamianske, Spirnye, Bilogorivka, Yakovlivka, Soledar, Hryhorivka, Bakhmut, Ozaryanivka, Severnye und Opytne aus der Region Donezk. Die Invasoren führten auch einen Luftangriff in der Nähe der Stadt Bakhmut durch.
In Richtung Avdiivka wurden die Stellungen unserer Truppen in den Gebieten der Siedlungen Avdiivka, Vodyane, Nevelske, Krasnohorivka, Georgiivka und Maryinka beschossen. In der Nähe des letzteren wurde ein feindlicher Luftangriff registriert.
In Richtung Nowopawliwsk feuerten die Besatzer auf Vugledar, Prechistivka und Neskuchny in der Region Donezk. Im Bereich der Stadt Vugledar wurde ein Luftangriff durchgeführt.
In Richtung Zaporizhzhya und Cherson beschießt der Feind weiterhin die Stellungen unserer Truppen und der zivilen Infrastruktur entlang des rechten Ufers des Flusses Dnipro. Bereiche von neunzehn Siedlungen waren betroffen. Insbesondere Vremivka und Novopil des Gebiets von Donetsk; Gulyaipilske, Orihiv, Mala Tokmachka in Saporischschja; Novovorontsovka, Osokorivka, Novotyaginka, Tokarivka, Yantarne der Region Cherson und die Stadt Cherson.
Nach vorliegenden Informationen verminten die Besatzer Landgrundstücke und die Küste der Flüsse Konka und Chaika innerhalb der städtischen Territorialgemeinde Oleschkiw in der Region Cherson.
Der Feind hat die Bürger der Ukraine, die auf der Velikiy Potemkinsky-Insel in der Nähe von Cherson lebten, gewaltsam in das Gebiet evakuiert, das noch unter der Kontrolle der russischen Invasoren steht.
Die Besatzungsbehörden führen Arbeiten zur Umstellung des Kernkraftwerks Saporischschja auf das Energiesystem der Russischen Föderation durch.
Am vergangenen Tag hat die ukrainische Luftfahrt 13 Angriffe auf die Konzentrationsgebiete von Personal, Waffen und militärischer Ausrüstung und 5 Angriffe auf die Positionen der feindlichen Flugabwehrraketensysteme durchgeführt.
Einheiten von Raketentruppen und Artillerie der Verteidigungskräfte der Ukraine trafen 2 Kontrollpunkte, 8 Konzentrationsgebiete des feindlichen Personals und ein Lager mit Treibstoff und Schmiermitteln.
(Übersetzt mit Google Translate)

• Das Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (15 December 2022)
Russian Federation Armed Forces continue the special military operation.
In Kupyansk direction, preemptive fire from artillery, heavy rocket launchers and strikes by the army aviation thwarted an attempt by the enemy to attack Russian troops towards Sophiyevka (Lugansk People’s Republic). Up to 35 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armoured fighting vehicle and 3 pick-up trucks have been eliminated.
In Krasniy-Liman direction, an attempt by four AFU attack groups to counterattack towards Ploshchanka, Golikovo and Kremennaya (Lugansk People’s Republic) has been foiled as a result of strikes by army aircraft and artillery fire. More than 40 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 infantry fighting vehicle and 3 armoured vehicles have been eliminated.
In Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue their offensive, which has resulted in taking over new advantageous lines and positions. The enemy made unsuccessful attempts to restore the position of its troops near Severnoye and Krasnogorovka (Donetsk People’s Republic). All counter-attacks by the AFU have been repelled. The enemy’s losses in this direction amounted up to 30 Ukrainian servicemen killed and wounded, 1 armoured personnel carrier and 2 motor vehicles.
In South Donetsk direction, air strikes and artillery fire have neutralised enemy reserves near Dobrovolye ( Donetsk People’s Republic). In addition, two AFU sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been detected and destroyed near Pavlovka (Donetsk People’s Republic). AFU losses amounted up to 40 servicemen killed and wounded and 4 motor vehicles.
Missile troops and artillery units have neutralised command posts of units of the AFU 92nd Independent Mechanised Brigade near Petropavlovka and the 105th Brigade of Territorial Defence near Sinkovka (Kharkov region), as well as 45 AFU artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 86 areas.
One AFU munition depot has been destroyed near Kupyansk (Kharkov region).
One AFU warehouse of weapons, military and special equipment has been destroyed near Tyaginka (Kherson region).
One AFU warehouse of materiel means has been destroyed near Orekhov (Zapororozhye region).
One US-made AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radar station has been destroyed near Kleshchevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
The Russian Air Force’s fighter aircraft have shot down an AFU MiG-29 aircraft near Yablonovka. One AFU Mi-8 helicopter has been shot down near Nikolayevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
Air defence forces have destroyed 11 AFU unmanned aerial vehicles near Stepnoye, Novoandreyevka, Volnoye, Nikolskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), Sadovoye and Semyonovka (Zaporozhye region).
In addition, two Uragan multiple-laucnh rocket system missiles have been intercepted near Novogorovka (Zaporozhye region).
In total, 344 airplanes and 184 helicopters, 2,669 unmanned aerial vehicles, 396 air defence missile systems, 7,127 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 931 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 3,685 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 7,614 units of special military hardware have been destroyed during the special military operation.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

Operational update of General Staff of UAF regarding the russian invasion as of 18.00, on December 15, 2022
The two hundred ninety-fifth (295) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military large-scale invasion continues.
The enemy continues to focus its efforts on conducting offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Avdiiv directions. It is trying to improve the tactical position in the Lyman direction, and in the Kupyansk and Zaporizhzhia areas – it is building up the group. In other directions, the enemy is concentrating its efforts on restraining the actions of units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, shelling the positions of our troops and civilian objects along the contact line.
During the day, the russian occupiers launched 2 rocket strikes, as well as launched more than 5 MLRA attacks. In particular, the civil infrastructure of Nikopol and Kherson was damaged, and there are casualties among civilians.
The threat of the enemy launching air and missile strikes on critical infrastructure objects remains in the future throughout the territory of Ukraine.
In the Volyn, Polissya, and Siverskyi directions, the situation has not changed significantly, and no signs of the formation of enemy offensive groups have been detected. The formation of the aviation group and units of the armed forces of the russian federation on the territory of the republic of belarus continues.
In the Slobozhanskui direction, the enemy carried out tank and artillery shelling in the areas of Vysoka Yaruga, Morokhovets, Starytsa, Dvorichna and Novomlynsk settlements of the Kharkiv oblast.
In the Kupyansk direction, the areas of the settlements of Vilshana, Kislivka, Kotlyarivka, Berestove, Pershotravneve in the Kharkiv oblast and Stelmakhivka and Myasozharivka in the Luhansk oblast were damaged by fire.
In the Lyman direction, the enemy shelled the districts of Makiivka and Chervonopopivka in the Luhansk oblast and Torske and Vedmezhe in the Donetsk oblast with tanks, mortars, barrel and rocket artillery.
In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy carried out shelling, in particular, in the areas of Verkhnokamyanske, Spirne, Bilohorivka, Soledar, Bakhmutske, Bakhmut, Andriivka, Kurdyumivka, Ozaryanivka, Severny and Opytne of Donetsk oblast.
In the Avdiivka direction, the occupiers tried to attack the positions of our troops near Avdiivka, Pervomaiske, Nevelske, Heorhiivka, Maryinka, and Novomykhailivka in the Donetsk oblast.
In the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson directions, the enemy continues to shell the positions of our troops and civilian infrastructure along the right bank of the Dnipro River. In particular, the districs of the settlements of Vremivka, Novopil of the Donetsk oblast; Hulyaipole, Dorozhnyanka, Hulyaipilske, Orihiv and Stepove – Zaporizhzhia oblast; Nikopol in the Dnipropetrovsk oblast and Novotyahynka, Ivanivka, Tokarivka, Kherson, Inhulets and Bilozerka in the Kherson oblast.
The enemy continues to suffer losses. Thus, on December 13, in the areas of Tokmak, Polohy and Berdyansk settlements of the Zaporizhzhia oblast, the Defense Forces destroyed two enemy ammunition depots, two artillery systems with ammunition, as well as six units of military equipment of various types. More than 200 enemy servicemen were wounded.
In connection with the overflow of medical facilities and morgues in the city of Melitopol, the russian invaders are transporting corpses and evacuating wounded servicemen to the temporarily occupied Crimea.
In order to replenish the current losses, the invaders are forced to supplement the operational-tactical command level with retired officers, released to the reserve, and even retired officers. They are sent to the area of hostilities.
Our aviation made 11 strikes on the areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment and 2 strikes on the positions of the enemy’s anti-aircraft missile systems.
Ukrainian rocket launchers and gunners hit 2 control points, 4 areas of concentration of enemy personnel and a warehouse of fuel and lubricants.