Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 25. Oktober 2022

Zum andauernden russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine der (aus privaten Gründen knappe) Sammler am 25. Oktober 2022:

• Russland hat die USA informiert, dass die in diesen Tagen erwartete regelmäßige Nuklearübung der russischen Streitkräfte am (morgigen) Mittwoch beginnen werde, berichtet der US-Sender CBS:

Russia has notified the U.S. that its annual nuclear exercise has begun and that it will include launches of nuclear capable missiles starting Wednesday, according to two U.S. officials.
The annual exercise has been described by U.S. officials as „routine“ around this time of year but nevertheless will take place against heightened Russian rhetoric about using nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
The Russian „Grom,“ or Thunder nuclear exercise, typically involves large-scale maneuvers of strategic nuclear forces, including live missile launches, a senior military official said earlier this month. Officials have expected the annual exercise for several weeks but only recently received notification from Russia.

Bereits zuvor war bekannt geworden, dass Russland entsprechende Sperrgebiete in amtlichen Veröffentlichungen für die Luftfahrt (NOTAM) vom 26. bis 29.Oktober ausgewiesen hatte.

• Lesestoff zu den russischen Angriffen auf die ukrainische (Energie)Infrastruktur:

– von der Washington Post:

Russia’s ongoing attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure have been so methodical and destructive that Ukrainian and Western officials say they are being directed by electricity specialists who know exactly which targets will inflict maximum pain on Ukraine’s grid.
The two-week-old bombing campaign, an effort to plunge Ukrainians into darkness ahead of their country’s bitter winter, has focused less on well-protected power generation plants and more on the network nodes that are key to keeping Ukraine’s electricity grid functioning and providing critical services.

– bereits am (gestrigen) Montagabend von der Rechercheplattform Bellingcat:

Following a six-month-long investigation, Bellingcat and its investigative partners The Insider and Der Spiegel were able to discover a hitherto secretive group of dozens of military engineers with an educational and professional background in missile programming. Phone metadata shows contacts between these individuals and their superiors spiked shortly before many of the high-precision Russian cruise missile strikes that have killed hundreds and deprived millions in Ukraine of access to electricity and heating. The group, which works from two locations – one at the Ministry of Defence headquarters in Moscow and another at the Admiralty headquarters in St. Petersburg – is buried deep within the Russian Armed Forces’ vast “Main Computation Centre of the General Staff”, often abbreviated as ГВЦ (GVC).

• Das britische Intel Update:

There have been at least 23 verified losses of Russia’s Ka-52 HOKUM attack helicopter in Ukraine since the invasion. This represents over 25% of the Russian Air Force’s in-service fleet of 90 Ka-52s, and nearly half of Russia’s total helicopter losses in Ukraine.
Russian attack helicopters have likely suffered particular attrition from Ukrainian man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS), while the helicopters frequently operate with less consistent top-cover from combat jets than they would expect under Russian military doctrine.
Russia is still failing to maintain adequate air superiority in order to reliably carry out effective fixed wing close air support near the front line, and its artillery ammunition is running low.
Russian commanders are likely increasingly resorting to conducting high-risk attack helicopter missions as one of the few options available to provide close support for troops in combat.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The operational update regarding the russian invasion on 06.00, on October 25, 2022
The two-hundred-forty-fourth (244) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military large-scale invasion continues.
The enemy is trying to hold the temporarily captured territories, improve the tactical position, concentrates efforts on restraining the actions of the Defence Forces in certain directions, and at the same time conducts offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka directions.
Over the past 24 hours, the Defence Forces of Ukraine have repelled the attacks of the occupiers in the areas of the settlements of Bilohorivka, Luhansk oblast, and Bakhmut, Bilohorivka, Verkhnyokamianske, Ivanhrad, Klishchiivka, Spirne, Soledar, Maryinka, and Nevelske, Donetsk oblast.
The enemy is shelling the positions of our troops along the contact line and conducting aerial reconnaissance. Over the past 24 hours, the enemy has launched missile and air strikes on the infrastructure and homes of the civilian population, violating the norms of International Humanitarian Law, the laws and customs of war.
In general, during the previous day, the occupiers launched 3 rocket and 12 air strikes, carried out more than 60 MLRS attacks.
Objects of civil infrastructure in the settlements of Vuhledar and Neskuchne of the Donetsk oblast, Nova Kamianka of the Kherson oblast and Mykolaiv were hit by enemy attacks.
The situation in the Volyn and Polissya directions has not changed significantly. There is still a threat of missile and air strikes against the critical infrastructure of our State from the territory of the republic of belarus, including the use of iranian-made attack UAVs.
The enemy shelled in such directions:
In the Siversky direction – from mortars and barrel artillery, in the areas of Senkivka settlements of Chernihiv oblast and Rozhkovychi, Sosnivka and Velyka Pysarivka of Sumy oblast.
in the Slobozhansky direction – from tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery, in the areas of Veterynarne, Vilkhuvatka, Vovchansk, Dvorichna, Kamyanka, Krasne, Starytsa, Strilecha, Khatne and Chuhunivka settlements of the Kharkiv oblast;
on the Kupyansk and Lyman directions – from tanks and artillery, in the areas of the settlements of Kislivka in the Kharkiv oblast, Nevske and Stelmakhivka in the Luhansk oblast, Berestove, Zarichne, Terny, Torske and Yampolivka in Donetsk oblast;
in the Bakhmut direction – from tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery in the areas of Andriivka, Bakhmutske, Bakhmut, Bilohorivka, Vesele, Ivanhrad, Kurdyumivka, Mayorsk, Opytne, Soledar and Yakovlivka settlements of the Donetsk oblast;
in the Avdiivka direction – from tanks and artillery of various calibers, in the areas of Vodyane, Krasnohorivka, Maryinka and Pervomaiske settlements;
in the Novopavlivka and Zaporizhzhia directions – from tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery, in the areas of the settlements of Vremivka, Vuhledar, Neskuchne, Novosilka, Pavlivka of the Donetsk oblast and Zeleny Hay, Novoandriivka, Olhivske, Stepove, Chervone and Shcherbaki of the Zaporizhzhia oblast.
More than 20 settlements were damaged by fire in the Southern Buh direction. Among them are Bilohirka, Davydiv Brid, Myrne, Sukhyi Stavok and Ternovi Pody.
According to available information, the enemy is setting up defensive positions on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson oblast. For example, in the area of the settlement of Hornostayivka, engineering and sapper units of the russian occupying forces mine the coastline, leaving small passages for a potential retreat of their troops from the right bank.
Measures to evacuate local residents from temporarily occupied Kherson are underway. From the right bank of the city to the settlements of Henichesk and Skadovsk, the equipment and personnel of all banks and the occupation administration were taken out. The equipment of Internet providers was stolen. Emergency services and medical personnel are subject to evacuation. Funding of schools and provision of food for children in schools has been stopped. The number of robberies of local residents and cases of looting has increased.
To replace the evacuated collaborators, servicemen from among the mobilized persons are transferred to the settlement of Lvove.
According to detailed information, the destruction of five units of weapons and military equipment and up to 110 servicemen of the occupation forces in the Zaporizhia and Kherson oblasts has been confirmed in recent days.
During the past 24 hours, the aviation of the Defence Forces has carried out more than 30 strikes. It was confirmed that 22 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment of the enemy, 5 ammunition warehouses and positions of 9 anti-aircraft missile systems of the enemy were destroyed. In different directions, our air defence units shot down 3 Ka-52 „Alligator“ helicopters, a Su-24M bomber, 2 „Orlan-10“ UAVs and „Shahed-131“ UAVs of the enemy.
Over the past day, missile forces and artillery hit 6 areas of concentration of manpower, weapons and military equipment, 2 ammunition depots, an anti-aircraft missile complex, the „Zoopark“ radar station and 2 other important enemy objects.

• Das Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (25 October 2022)
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.
In the Kupyansk direction, an enemy battalion tactical group attacked the positions of the Russian forces on a narrow front towards Kuzemovka (Lugansk People’s Republic).
The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have been neutralised by Russian artillery fire that drove the enemy back to initial positions.
Over 30 Ukrainian personnel, one tank, three armoured fighting vehicles, and two pickups have been eliminated.
In the Krasny Liman direction, Russian forces have eliminated over 120 Ukrainian personnel, three tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, one armoured personnel carrier, three pickups and one motor vehicle.
In the Nikolayev–Krivoy Rog direction, two enemy company tactical groups unsuccessfully attacked the positions of the Russian forces towards Ishchenka and Bruskinskoye (Kherson region).
All the attacks have been repelled.
Up to 130 Ukrainian personnel, 3 tanks, 9 armoured fighting vehicles and 11 motor vehicles have been eliminated.
Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised 4 AFU command posts near Novoye, Dvurechnaya (Kharkov region), Konstantinovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Olenovka (Nikolayev region).
The list of the neutralised targets also includes: a heliport near Aleksandrovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), 68 artillery units at their firing positions, manpower and military hardware in 182 areas.
2 AFU armament and munitions depots have been destroyed near Ugledar (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Zelyony Gai (Nikolayev region).
Operational-tactical aviation of Russian Aerospace Forces has shot down 1 MiG-29 airplane of Ukrainian Air Force near Kaluga (Nikolayev region).
Air defence facilities have destroyed 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Oborotnovka, Kalinovka, Vladimirovka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Kolodeznoye (Kharkov region), Sadok, Aleksandrovka, Krinichanka, Kucherskoye (Kherson region) and Energodar (Zaporozhye region).
Moreover, 7 projectiles launched by HIMARS and Smerch MLRS have been shot down near Klapaya, Otradokamenka, Vesyoloye (Kherson region), Kolomyichikha (Lugansk People’s Republic), as well as three U.S.-manufactured HARM anti-radar missiles near Petrovka (Lugansk People’s Republic) and Antonovka (Kherson region).
In total, 326 airplanes and 162 helicopters, 2,339 unmanned aerial vehicles, 383 air defence missile systems, 6,046 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 874 fighting vehicles equipped with multiple rocket-launching systems, 3,525 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 6,758 units of special military hardware have been destroyed during the special military operation.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

Operational update of General Staff of the UAF regarding the russian invasion as of 18:00, on October 25, 2022
The two-hundred-forty-fourth (244) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military large-scale invasion continues.
The enemy is trying to keep the temporarily captured territories, concentrates efforts on restraining the actions of the Defense Forces in certain areas. At the same time, he does not stop trying to conduct offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka areas.
The enemy is shelling the positions of our troops along the contact line, carrying out fortification equipment of the area in certain directions and conducting aerial reconnaissance. Violating the norms of International Humanitarian Law, the laws and customs of war, it continues to strike critical infrastructure and the homes of the civilian population.
During the current day, the enemy launched 3 missile and 11 air strikes, carried out more than 25 MLRS from rocket salvo systems.
Areas of 25 settlements were hit by enemy attacks. Among them are Nikopol of the Dnipropetrovsk oblast, Bakhmutske and Vuhledar of the Donetsk oblast, and Nova Kamianka in the Kherson oblast.
The situation in the Volyn and Polissya directions has not changed significantly. The republic of belarus continues to support the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine. The threat of missile strikes and the use of attack UAVs on Ukrainian territory remains.
The enemy shelled in other directions:
in the Siversky direction – from mortars and barrel artillery, within the settlements of Senkivka and Kamianska Sloboda of the Chernihiv oblast and Rozhkovychi, Basivka and Popivka of the Sumy oblast. Used shock UAVs;
in the Slobozhanskyi direction – with the use of mortars, barrel and rocket artillery, in the areas of the settlements of Dvorichna, Krasne, Ohirtseve, and Strilecha;
in the Kupyansk direction – from mortars, barrel and rocket artillery, in the areas of Vyshneve, Kislivka and Stelmakhivka settlements;
in the Lymanskyi direction – from mortars, barrel and jet artillery, in the areas of settlements of Novoyehorivka, Terny, Zarichne and Yampolivka;
in the Bakhmut direction – from the armament of tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery, in the areas of the settlements of Bakhmutske, Ivanhrad, Bilohorivka, Mayorsk, Soledar and Opytne;
in the Avdiivka direction, the enemy fired tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery at the areas of Avdiivka, Vodyane, Krasnohorivka, Maryinka and Pervomaiske settlements.
The enemy did not conduct active offensives in the Novopavlivsk and Zaporizhzhia directions. Fired at the positions of the Defense Forces and civilian infrastructure in the areas of more than 20 settlements along the entire contact line.
More than 30 settlements were affected by fire in the Southern Buh direction. The russian occupiers continue to mine areas along the coastline of the Dnipro River. They are trying to restore the affected pontoon-bridge crossings. To conduct aerial reconnaissance, the enemy made up to 55 sorties of UAVs of various types.
The russian occupying forces continue forced mobilization measures to replenish current losses. In the temporarily occupied settlement of Khrustalnyi, Luhansk oblast, „mobile groups“ detain and transport all men to the military commissariat. According to available information, another batch of prisoners came from russia to Stanytsia Luhanska to replenish units of private military campaigns. The local so-called „law enforcement officers“ are forbidden to intervene in case of violations by the arriving mercenaries.
To replenish the losses in the Zaporizhzhya region, another batch of russian servicemen has arrived in the settlement of Vovkivka, who are chaotically moving through the streets, looking for food and an opportunity to wash among the local population.
According to the updated information, the consequences of the enemy’s fire damage have been confirmed. As a result of point strikes by the artillery of the Defense Forces, up to 30 occupants were eliminated in the settlement of Kayiry, Kherson oblast, and more than a hundred enemy servicemen remained under the rubble. In the village of Hornostaivka, after the detonation of the ammunition warehouse, the movement of a large number of ambulances was observed. Losses are carefully hidden by the enemy.
During the current day, the aviation of the Defense Forces made 15 strikes. It was confirmed that 12 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment, 2 strongholds, as well as the position of the enemy’s anti-aircraft missile system were hit. Air defense units shot down the UAV.
Soldiers of missile troops and artillery hit the control post, 8 areas of concentration of manpower, weapons and military equipment, ammunition warehouse and other important military objects of the occupiers.