Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 10. Oktober 2022 (Update: Putin)

Im andauernden russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine weitet Russland seine Luftangriffe auf zivile Ziele aus, möglicherweise als Reaktion auf den Anschlag auf die Krim-Brücke am vergangenen Samstag. Belarus kündigte ein militärisches Zusammengehen mit Russland an. Der Sammler am 10. Oktober 2022:

• Russland hat die Angriffe auf Städte in der Ukraine und – so weit bekannt – vor allem auf zivile Infrastruktur am (heutigen) Montag weiter verstärkt. In der Hauptstadt Kiew und in anderen Städten, zum Beispiel auch in Lemberg (Lviv/Lwiw) im Westen des Landes, schlugen Marschflugkörper ein; außerdem wurden nach ukrainischen Angaben iranische Kampfdrohnen eingesetzt.

Die vorläufige Übersicht des ukrainischen Generalstabs am Vormittag (Zeiten jeweils MESZ+1):

Heute, in der Zeit vom 06.20 bis 11.15 Uhr, hat die Russische Föderation Raketen- und Luftraketenangriffe auf dem Territorium der Ukraine aus den Regionen Kaspisches Meer und Nischni Nowgorod auf die Städte Kiew, Lemberg, Pryluky, Chmelnyzkyj, Dnipro, Nischyn, Schytomyr, Charkiw geführt
Zuvor wurden bei den Angriffen mehr als 74 Raketen eingesetzt – die Informationen werden geklärt.
Darüber hinaus führte der Feind Luftangriffe mit 17 UAVs vom Typ „Shahid“ aus dem Gebiet von Belarus und der Krim durch.
Nach vorläufigen Angaben wurden 42 Raketen von Einheiten der Luftverteidigungskräfte, der Luftverteidigungskräfte der Sowjetunion und der Luftfahrt der Luftwaffe der Streitkräfte der Ukraine zerstört (die Daten werden noch geklärt).
Ab 11-34 vorläufig
83 Raketen
43 abgeschossen
Die Daten werden überprüft
(übersetzt mit Google Translate)

Nach Angaben aus Moldau sollen dabei Marschflugkörper das Territorium des Landes überflogen haben; der russische Botschafter wurde einbestellt.

Update: Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin begründete die Ausweitung der Angriffe mit dem nach seinen Worten terroristischen Angriff der Ukraine auf die Krim-Brücke als zivile, kritische Infrastruktur. Zudem bezog er sich auf – bislang nicht erwähnte – angebliche ukrainische Anschläge auf das russische Atomkraftwerk Kursk. Aus dem vom Kreml veröffentlichten Transkript der Aussagen Putins bei einer Videokonferenz des nationalen Sicherheitsrats:

Die kriminaltechnischen und sonstigen Sachverständigendaten sowie die operativen Informationen zeigen, dass es sich bei der Explosion vom 8. Oktober um einen terroristischen Akt handelte, der darauf abzielte, die zivile, kritische Infrastruktur Russlands zu zerstören.
Klar ist auch, dass es sich bei den Organisatoren und Tätern des Anschlags um ukrainische Spezialdienste handelt. Das Kiewer Regime bedient sich seit langem terroristischer Methoden. Es handelt sich um Morde an Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens, Journalisten und Wissenschaftlern, sowohl in der Ukraine als auch in Russland. Dazu gehören auch die terroristischen Angriffe auf Städte im Donbass, die seit mehr als acht Jahren andauern. Es handelt sich auch um Akte des Atomterrorismus, d.h. um Raketen- und Artillerieangriffe auf das KKW Saporischschja.
Aber nicht nur das: Die ukrainischen Spezialdienste haben auch drei Terroranschläge auf das russische Atomkraftwerk Kursk verübt und wiederholt die Hochspannungsleitungen der Anlage in die Luft gesprengt. Beim dritten Terroranschlag dieser Art wurden gleich drei dieser Strecken beschädigt. Der Schaden wurde in kürzester Zeit behoben, und es gab keine ernsthaften Folgen.
Es gab jedoch eine Reihe weiterer terroristischer Anschläge und Versuche, ähnliche Straftaten gegen Einrichtungen der Strom- und Gastransportinfrastruktur in unserem Land zu begehen, einschließlich eines Versuchs, einen Abschnitt des Gastransportsystems Turkish Stream in die Luft zu sprengen.
All dies wurde durch objektive Daten, einschließlich der Aussagen der inhaftierten Täter dieser Terroranschläge selbst, belegt.
Es ist bekannt, dass es russischen Vertretern nicht gestattet ist, die Ursachen von Explosionen und Zerstörungen in internationalen Gastransportsystemen, die unter der Ostsee verlaufen, zu untersuchen. Aber wir alle wissen, wer letztendlich von diesem Verbrechen profitiert.
So hat sich das Kiewer Regime durch seine Handlungen tatsächlich auf eine Stufe mit internationalen terroristischen Gruppierungen gestellt, mit den abscheulichsten Gruppen. Es ist einfach nicht mehr möglich, Verbrechen dieser Art ungesühnt zu lassen.
Heute Morgen wurde auf Vorschlag des Verteidigungsministeriums und gemäß dem Plan des russischen Generalstabs ein massiver Angriff mit präzisionsgelenkten Langstreckenwaffen aus der Luft, zu Wasser und an Land auf ukrainische Energie-, Militär- und Kommunikationseinrichtungen gestartet.
Sollte es weiterhin zu Versuchen kommen, terroristische Anschläge auf unserem Territorium zu verüben, wird die russische Antwort hart ausfallen und dem Ausmaß der von der Russischen Föderation ausgehenden Bedrohung entsprechen. Daran sollte es keinen Zweifel geben.
(Übersetzt mit

• Belarus kündigte eine gemeinsames Vorgehen seiner Streitkräfte mit russischen Truppen gegen die Ukraine an. Die Bedeutung ist noch unklar, ggf. geht es allein darum, ukrainische Truppen an einem anderen Brennpunkt zu binden und damit von den Kämpfen im Osten und Süden des Landes abzuziehen.

Die Meldung, hier von der New York Times:

Belarus, Ukraine’s northern neighbor, will assemble a joint grouping of troops together with Russia, its close ally, President Aleksandr G. Lukashenko said. He did not specify the size or aim of the deployment but claimed that the West wanted to “draw Belarus into a war” and that NATO was considering “possible aggression against our country,” Belarusian state media reported. Russia has used Belarus as a staging ground for its invasion but Belarusian troops are not known to have been fighting in Ukraine.

• Das britische Intel Update:

Ukrainian offensive operations continue to place pressure on Russian forces both in the north-east and in Kherson Oblast in the south.
However, Russia continues to give high priority to its own offensive operations in the central Donbas sector, especially near the town of Bakhmut.
Over the last week Russian forces have advanced up to 2km towards the town on two axes, coming closer to breaking into Bakhmut, which has suffered very extensive damage from shelling.
These forces have likely included Wagner private military company units, including personnel recently recruited from Russian prisons.
Russia’s continued efforts to progress its grinding Donbas offensive, in the face of serious threats on its operational flanks highlight the imperative to deliver operational success while also underlining the inflexible operational design which has undermined its plans thus far.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs (erneut, wie schon früher, mit unklarer Zahl der Kriegstage – gemeint ist der 229. Tag):

The operational update regarding the russian invasion on 06.00, on October 10, 2022.
The two hundred-twenty-nineth (228) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military large-scale invasion continues.
The enemy is trying to hold the temporarily captured territories, is concentrating its efforts on attempts to disrupt the counteroffensive actions of the Defence Forces in certain directions, and continues offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka directions.
The enemy is shelling the positions of our troops along the contact line, carrying out engineering equipment of defensive positions and lines in separate directions and conducting aerial reconnaissance.
Violating the norms of International Humanitarian Law, the laws and customs of warfare, it strikes critical infrastructure and residential areas.
There remains the threat of air and missile strikes on the entire territory of Ukraine. For example, during the past day, the occupiers launched 10 rocket and 19 air strikes, carried out more than 90 MLRS attacks.
As a result, over the past day, the infrastructure and civilians of more than 30 settlements were affected. Among them are Zaporizhzhia, Slovyansk, Novobakhmutivka, Siversk, Bilohorivka, Nikopol and Blahodativka.
The enemy used seven anti-aircraft guided missiles to attack Zaporizhzhia. Once again, the critical infrastructure of the city and the homes of peaceful civilians were affected.
The situation in the Volyn and Polissya directions has not changed significantly.
The enemy fired in other directions:
in the Siverskyi direction – from mortars and barrel artillery, in the areas of Popivka, Starykove, Vorozhba, Yanzhulivka, and Myropillya settlements;
in the Slobozhansky direction – from mortars, barrel and rocket artillery, in the areas of Chervona Zorya, Veterynarne, Strilecha, Mali Prohody, Vovchansk, Kam’yanka, Dvorichna and Hrynkivka settlements;
in the Kramatorsk direction – from tanks, mortars, barrel and rocket artillery along the entire line of contact, in particular, in the areas of the settlements of Pershotravneve, Siversk, Makiivka, Novoyehoryvka, Stelmakhivka, Terny, Torske and Zarichne. Also, in the area of ​​the settlement of Svatove, the enemy blew up railway and road bridge crossings;
in the Bakhmut direction – from tanks, mortars, barrel and rocket artillery along the entire line of contact, in particular, in the areas of the settlements of Rozdolivka, Serebryanka, Bilohorivka, Verkhnyokamianske, Zaitseve, Krasna Hora, Soledar. In addition, the occupiers mined the area in the Berestove district;
in the Avdiivka direction – tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery shelled the areas of Avdiivka, Kamianka, Vodyane, Pervomaiske, Pisky, Krasnohorivka and Marianka settlements.
More than 20 settlements were damaged by fire in the Novopavlovsk and Zaporizhzhia areas. In particular, Vuhledar, Novopil, Shakhtarske, Mali Shcherbaky, Velyka Novosilka, Malynivka and Mala Tokmachka.
Enemy shelling in the areas of more than 25 settlements along the entire contact line was recorded in the South Buh direction. Near Dudchan, the enemy engaged an attack UAV. In total, the occupiers made up to 30 UAV flies in the direction of aerial reconnaissance.
The situation is critical in the 127th Rifle Regiment of the so-called 1st Army Corps. The hastily formed regiment, by the decision of the commander of the 49th Army, was immediately transferred to the first line of combat in the Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts. Relatives of mobilized servicemen prepared an appeal to the law enforcement agencies of the russian federation about significant losses and the inaction of the military command. There are long interruptions with water and food in the subdivisions. Military personnel, at best, are equipped with old-fashioned protective equipment, which leads to numerous casualties.
Over the past day, units of the Defense Forces have repelled enemy attacks in the areas of Ozaryanivka, Kamianka, Pervomaiske and Nevelske settlements.
Aviation of the Defence Forces of Ukraine carried out 24 strikes during the past day. Damage to 20 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment, as well as 4 anti-aircraft missile systems of the enemy, was confirmed. In addition, Ukrainian air defence units shot down 1 Su-25 enemy aircraft, 3 UAVs and 3 Х-59 guided air missiles in the previous day.

• Das Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums, mit Angaben zur den Luftangriffen:

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.
Today, Russian Armed Forces launched a massive high-precision long-range attack at the facilities of military control, communications and energy systems of Ukraine.
The goal of the attack has been reached. All the assigned targets have been neutralised.
4 enemy company tactical groups were making unsuccessful attempts to launch an offensive towards Kislovka, Tabayevka (Kharkov region) and Kuzemovka at Kupyansk direction.
All the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have been repelled. The enemy has lost over 40 personnel, 5 tanks, 4 armoured combat vehicles and 15 motor vehicles.
AFU units made unsuccessful attempts to cross Zherebets river near Makeyevka and Raygorodok (Lugansk People’s Republic) at Krasny Liman direction. Concentrated fire attacks launched by missile troops and artillery have resulted in frustrating all the attempts of the AFU to install ferries across the river.
Up to 3 battalion tactical groups and 1 foreign mercenaries‘ unit were conducting an offensive towards Bruskinskoye, Bezymennoye, Sadok and Sukhanovo (Kherson region) at Nikolayev-Krivoy Rog direction.
Intense action of Russian forces has resulted in driving the enemy back to its initial positions. AFU have lost over 60 personnel, 9 tanks, 16 armoured combat vehicles and 17 motor vehicles at the abovementioned direction.
Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised 6 AFU command posts near Verkhnekamenskoye, Bakhmutskoye, Artyomovsk and Ugledar (Donetsk People’s Republic), Pavlovka (Zaporozhye region) and Blagodarovka (Nikolayev region), as well as 52 artillery units at their firing positions, 143 manpower and military equipment concentration areas.
5 missile, artillery armament and munitions depots have been destroyed near Seversk, Avdeyevka and Shevchenko (Donetsk People’s Republic), Novoaleksandrovka (Zaporozhye region) and Bereznegovatoye (Nikolayev region).
2 storages of fuel for the AFU have been destroyed near Dnepropetrovsk and Pavlograd (Dnepropetrovsk region).
Fighter aviation of Russian Aerospace Forces has shot down 1 MiG-29 of Ukrainian Air Force near Belaya Krinitsa (Kherson region).
Air defence facilities have destroyed 6 unmanned aerial vehicles near Nikolayevka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Petrovskoye, Veleryanovka, Kodema (Donetsk People’s Republic), Chervony Yar and Mylovoye (Kherson region).
Moreover, 6 projectiles launched by U.S.-manufactured HIMARS MLRS near Kazatskoye, Otradokamenka, Chervonoye Podolye and Novaya Kakhovka (Kherson region), as well as 3 HARM anti-radar missiles near Antonovka (Kherson region).
In addition, 1 Tochka-U ballistic missile has been shot down over Vysokoye (Kherson region).
In total, 318 airplanes and 159 helicopters, 2,188 unmanned aerial vehicles, 379 air defence missile systems, 5,604 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 866 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 3,462 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 6,463 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs – bemerkenswerte Aussage darin: eine aktuelle Bedrohung durch die Streitkräfte von Belarus wird derzeit nicht gesehen:

The operational update regarding the russian invasion on 18.00, on October 10, 2022.
The two hundred-twenty-nineth (229) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military large-scale invasion continues.
russian occupation army, having no achievements on the battlefield, uses terror tactics against the civilian population of Ukraine. Violating the norms of International Humanitarian Law, the laws and customs of warfare, it strikes critical infrastructure, as well as residential buildings.
The enemy has once again launched missile and air strikes on populous peaceful Ukrainian cities. As a result of the massive missile strike, the infrastructure and civilians of more than 20 settlements were damaged during the current day. These are, in particular, Kyiv, Lviv, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia, Pryluky, Nizhyn, Konotop, Kharkiv, Kremenchuk, Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, Odesa. Civilians died again.
During the day, the occupiers launched more than 84 rocket and air strikes. For attacks on cities and villages, the enemy used cruise, ballistic, anti-aircraft guided missiles and attack unmanned aerial vehicles. The forces and means of the Air Force, as well as the air defence of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, destroyed 56 aerial targets: 43 cruise missiles and 13 unmanned aerial vehicles. The threat of the enemy launching air and missile strikes on the entire territory of Ukraine remains in the future.
At the same time, the enemy is trying to hold the temporarily captured territories, is shelling the positions of our troops, is concentrating its efforts on attempts to disrupt the active actions of the Defence Forces in certain directions, and is conducting offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka directions.
In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the situation remains without significant changes. The regime of the self-proclaimed president of the Republic of belarus continues to support russia’s armed aggression, provides bridgeheads for launching strikes on the territory of Ukraine and weapons. At the same time, the formation of an offensive group has not been noted, there is no threat of an attack from the territory of the Republic of belarus as of October 10.
The enemy fired in other directions:
in the Siversky direction – from mortars and barrel artillery, in the areas of Yanzhulivka, Tymonovychi, Mykhalchyna Sloboda, Virnopillya and Myropillya settlements;
in the Slobozhansky direction – from mortars, barrel and jet artillery, as well as tanks, in the areas of the settlements of Ivashki, Strilecha, Hurivka, Kamianka, Dvorichna and Stelmakhivka;
in the Kramatorsk direction – from tanks, mortars, barrel and rocket artillery, along the entire line of contact. In particular, in the area of ​​the settlement of Bilohorivka;
in the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy shelled the areas of settlements of Siversk, Soledar, Bakhmut, Mayorsk, Kurdyumivka and New York;
in the Avdiivka direction, the districts of Pervomaiskyi, Vuhledar, Nevelskyi and Maryinka were hit by fire from tanks, mortars, barrel and rocket artillery.
The enemy did not carry out offensive actions in the Novopavlovsk and Zaporizhzhia directions. Zaliznychne, Biloghirya, Vremivka, Dorozhnyanka, Temyrivka, and Chervone came under fire.
In the South Buh direction, the enemy intensified shelling from tanks, mortars, barrel and rocket artillery. During the current day, he carried out more than 93 artillery strikes, which is almost three times more than during the previous day. In addition to the positions of our troops, populated areas were also affected by fire. Nikopol, Vyshchetarasivka and Novokyivka were the most affected.
The enemy continues to suffer losses. According to detailed information, as of October 9, the battalion tactical group of the enemy from the 150th motorized rifle division, operating in the Kherson direction and consisting mainly of demobilized servicemen, has already lost more than 520 people killed.
To meet the needs of hospitals in temporarily occupied settlements, which are actively used by the invaders as hospitals, additional groups of medical workers arrive. In the children’s hospital of one of the settlements of Luhansk oblast, the russian occupiers placed their wounded, along with sick children. Among them are former prisoners, representatives of the private military campaign „Wagner“. There are rare cases when children are not treated and discharged to free up beds.
At the same time, the enemy continues to cover himself with the population of the temporarily occupied territories, as a human shield. Thus, in some educational institutions of the Yasynuvata district of the Donetsk oblast , at the same time as the educational process, servicemen of units of the Russian occupation forces continue to be accommodated.
During the current day, units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine repelled enemy attacks in the areas of the settlements of Bakhmut, Bakhmutske, Mayorsk, Soledar and Pervomaiske.
Along with the repulse of the enemy’s air attack, the Air Force of the Defense Forces during the current day struck 5 strikes. It has been confirmed that 3 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment, as well as 2 anti-aircraft missile systems of the enemy, have been destroyed.
Missile troops and artillery hit the control post, three areas of concentration of manpower, weapons and military equipment and one S-300 anti-aircraft missile system of the enemy in a day.

(wird ergänzt, falls nötig)