Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 9. Mai 2022

Der heutige 9. Mai steht ganz im Zeichen der Moskauer Parade(n) zum Jahrestag des Sieges über Nazi-Deutschland – und dazu gehören auch die Aussagen, die Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin zum anhaltenden russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine gemacht hat. Der Sammler am 9. Mai 2022:

• Das britische Intel Update:

At the onset of its invasion of Ukraine, Russia publicly promoted its ability to conduct surgical strikes and limit collateral damage. It stated that Ukrainian cities would therefore be safe from bombardment.
However, as the conflict continues beyond Russian pre-war expectations, Russia’s stockpile of precision-guided munitions has likely been heavily depleted.
This has forced the use of readily available but ageing munitions that are less reliable, less accurate and more easily intercepted. Russia will likely struggle to replace the precision weaponry it has already expended.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has revealed shortcomings in its ability to conduct precision strikes at scale. Russia has subjected Ukraine’s towns and cities to intense and indiscriminate bombardments with little or no regard for civilian casualties.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The seventy-fifth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military invasion continues.
russian enemy continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.
russian enemy does not stop conducting offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and maintain the land corridor between these territories and the occupied Crimea.
The greatest activity of russian occupiers is observed in Slobozhansky and Donetsk directions.
At the same time, there is a high probability of missile strikes throughout Ukraine.
In the Volyn, Polissya and Siversky directions, no signs of russian enemy offensive groups were formed. Certain designated units of the republic of belarus continue to carry out tasks to strengthen the protection of the Ukrainian-belarusian border.
russian enemy did not conduct active offensive operations in the Slobozhansky direction. It focuses on the regrouping of units, replenishment of ammunition, fuel, maintenance of previously occupied positions and prevention of advancement of units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine towards the state border.
In the Izium direction, russian enemy’s main efforts by units of the 1st Tank Army, the 20th Combined Arms Army of the Western Military District and the 29th, 35th, 36th Combined Arms Armies, the 68th Army Corps of the Eastern Military District and the Airborne Forces focuses on preparing for the continuation of the offensive in the directions of Sulyhivka – Nova Dmytrivka and Sulyhivka – Kurulka.
In order to prevent the advance of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, russian enemy concentrated up to nineteen battalion tactical groups on the territory of the russian federation in the Belgorod region. The transfer of personnel and military equipment to the replenishment of units that have suffered significant losses in Ukraine continues.
In the Donetsk direction, russian enemy, with the support of aircraft and artillery, focused its efforts on trying to take control of the settlements of Rubizhne, Popasna, and preparing to continue offensive operations in the settlements of Siversk, Slovyansk, Lysychansk, and Avdiivka. It has increased its firepower and is trying to break through the defences of our troops.
In the Tavriya direction, russian enemy is conducting demonstrations to bind Ukrainian troops, improving the logistics system.
russian enemy did not conduct active hostilities in the South Bug area. It focused on shelling the positions of units of Ukrainian troops using available artillery, including multiple rocket launchers.
In the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia oblast, cases of seizure of personal documents from the local population without good reason were noted, the return of which will take place if the people latter will participate in ceremonial events on the occasion of Victory Day.
On the territory of the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea, russian enemy was actively preparing for ceremonial parades.
The situation in the transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova has not changed. Local armed formations and units of the task force of russian troops continue to be in combat readiness „Full“.
In the previous day, the air defence units of the Air Force and the Land Forces had hit ten air targets of russian occupiers, including six Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicles, one Forpost UAV and three cruise missiles.
In the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the defenders of Ukraine have successfully repulsed six enemy attacks, destroyed 20 tanks, one artillery system, 28 units of armoured combat vehicles, one special armoured vehicle and 5 units of enemy vehicles.

• Die Webseite des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums ist weiterhin nicht zugänglich; die russischen Briefings werden nachgetragen, sobald verfügbar.

• In seiner Rede vor Beginn der Militärparade auf dem Roten Platz in Moskau hat Putin immer wieder die Brücke geschlagen zwischen dem Kampf gegen die Nazis im Zweiten Weltkrieg und dem aktuellen russischen Angriffskrieg: In beiden Fällen, sinngemäß, habe eine Bedrohung Russlands abgewendet werden müssen. In der Ukraine habe es durch das aggressive Vorgehen der NATO eine ständig wachsende Gefahr des Angriffs auf Russland gegeben, bis hin zur nuklearen Bewaffnung der Ukraine.

Wenn ich nichts übersehen habe: zu Folgen, Ausweitungen des aktuellen Kriegs hat sich der russische Präsident nicht geäußert. Insbesondere die zuvor umlaufende Befürchtung, er könne eine (Teil)Mobilmachung und/oder die Einberufung von Reservisten bekannt geben, zudem die Ausweitung von einer Speziellen Militäroperation zu einem Krieg, hat sich zumindest mit dieser Rede nicht bewahrheiten.

(Der Redetext zum Nachlesen hier.)

• Ein interessanter (merkwürdiger?) Punkt: Es gibt Meldungen, dass die sonst übliche Parade von Luftfahrzeugen, also Kampfjets und Hubschrauber, diesmal unterbleibt – angeblich des Wetters wegen. In der TV-Übertragung aus Moskau sieht es allerdings gut aus. Evtl. gibt’s dazu noch mehr Klarheit.

Nachgetragen: Das Morgenbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums (mit Leserhilfe, da derzeit nur via Telegram verfügbar):

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed 2 command posts and 1 Ukrainian battery of Grad multiple rocket launchers near Popasnaya, 18 manpower and military equipment concentration areas near Lisichansk, 1 counterbattery radio detection station manufactured in the USA near Zolotoye.
Oniks high-precision missiles launched by Bastion coastal missile system near Artsiz, Odessa region, have destroyed Ukrainian helicopters at a bounce platform.
Operational-tactical and army aviation have neutralised 52 manpower and military equipment concentration areas, as well as 1 ammunition depot near Glukhov.
Missile troops and artillery units have neutralised 8 command posts, 26 artillery units at their firing positions, as well as 211 manpower and military equipment concentration areas.
The attacks have resulted in the elimination of up to 350 nationalists and the neutralisation of 56 units of military equipment.
In addition, 4 Ukrainian Smerch multiple rocket launchers and 1 launching ramp of S-300 air defence system near Bogodukhov.
Russian air defence means have shot down 3 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force: 2 MiG-29 near Iverskoye and Novodonetskoye, Donetsk People’s Republic, and 1 Su-25 near Pogonovka, Kharkov region overnight.
3 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, including one Bayraktar-TB2, have been hit over Snake Island.
In addition, 12 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down over Balakleya, Shiykovka, Goptovka, Tsupovka, Maliye and Bolshiye Prokhody (Kharkov region), Kamenka (Cherkassy region), Brianka and Adveyevka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Pavlovka (Lugansk People’s Republic).
3 projectiles of Smerch multiple rocket launcher have been intercepted near Izyum and Snezhkovka.
In total, 160 aircraft and 118 helicopters, 783 unmanned aerial vehicles, 299 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2,949 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 342 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,423 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,769 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The seventy-fifth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military invasion continues.
russian enemy continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.
russian enemy does not stop conducting offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and maintain the land corridor between these territories and the occupied Crimea.
The greatest activity of russian occupiers is observed in Slobozhansky and Donetsk directions.
There is a high probability of russian missile strikes on civilian and military infrastructure throughout Ukraine.
In the Volyn and Polissya areas, russian enemy did not take active action, no signs of the formation of offensive groups were found.
The situation in the Siversky direction has not changed. The enemy holds the border guards of the Federal Security Service at checkpoints and in the border areas of the Bryansk and Kursk regions of the russian federation. Carries out engineering and fortification equipment of defense positions near the state border of Ukraine.
russian enemy did not conduct offensive operations in the Slobozhansky direction. Leads the defense. The main efforts continue to be focused on preventing the advance of Ukrainian troops towards the state border of Ukraine.
In the Izyum direction, the replenishment of material and technical means is being replenished, and russian units are being prepared for further offensive operations in the Izyum-Barvinkove and Izyum-Slovyansk directions. russian enemy is conducting air reconnaissance.
The battle for Rubizhne continues in the Severodonetsk direction.
russian enemy is trying to improve the tactical situation, capture the city and create favorable conditions for further development of offensive operations in the areas of Lyman and Severodonetsk. It made an unsuccessful attempt to storm the settlement of Voevodivka. It was not successful. russian enemy resigned.
In the Lyman direction, russian enemy is trying to advance in the areas of Oleksandrivka and Shandryholove.
In the Bakhmut direction it fought unsuccessfully in the area of ​​the settlement of Toshkivka.
In the Avdiivka direction, it is trying to improve the tactical situation in the areas of the settlements of Novoselivka, Novoselivka Druha, and Verkhnotoretske. The fighting continues.
In the Novopavlovsk and Zaporizhzhia directions, certain russian enemy units are regrouping troops in order to prepare for further active action. It is expected to increase this russian enemy group at the expense of units that performed tasks in the area of ​​Mariupol.
In the South Buh and Tavriya directions, russian enemy regrouped the existing units in order to improve the tactical position of its troops. Increases fire and air defense systems, improves engineering equipment positions. In order to prevent the transfer of units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine to other areas, their shackles, conducts demonstrative actions.
The situation in the Bessarabian direction in the transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova remained unchanged.
In the Black and Azov Seas, russian Black Sea Fleet ships continue to carry out tasks to isolate the area of ​​hostilities and reconnaissance.
Almost along the entire line of contact, russian enemy continues to use all available artillery and aircraft to fire on the positions of Ukrainian troops, the destruction of civilian and military infrastructure. In the city of Mariupol, despite the declared „silence“, russian enemy resumed shelling and assault on the Azovstal plant.
In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, russian enemy continues to carry out measures of the administrative-police regime. The celebration of the so-called „Victory Day“ was simulated for the russian media in some of the occupied settlements.
The losses of russian enemy exceed the indicators of manning, which significantly affects the overall moral and psychological state and becomes a prerequisite for the refusal of personnel to continue to participate in hostilities against Ukraine.

• Dank Leserhilfe doch noch nachgetragen: Das Abendbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums. Mit interessanten Aussagen zur Schlangeninsel (Zmeiny Island) am Schluss – da scheint ein Infowar um die Darstellung und Deutung der Ereignisse zu toben:

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 11 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, 4 company strongpoints, 8 ammunition depots of the Ukrainian Troops near Konstantinovka, Antonovka, Elizavetovka, Dolina and Lisichansk as well as 2 air target detection radar stations near Kramatorsk and Krestischa.
According to the updated information, 6 Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters have been destroyed during the night near Artsiz in Odessa Region near the Chervonoglinskoe military airfield by Onyks high-precision missiles from the Bastion coastal missile system.
Operational-tactical and army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Force have hit 2 strong points and 5 areas of concentration of AFU manpower and military equipment.
Missile troops and artillery units have hit 318 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration.
The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 400 nationalists and up to 48 armoured and motor vehicles.
During the day, Russian air defence means have shot down 1 MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force over Severodonetsk city.
In addition, 3 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle have been over Novozvanovka, Khartsyzsk and Izyum.
1 Ukrainian Tochka-U rocket was intercepted near Ivanovka, Kharkov Region, and 2 Smerch multiple-launch rockets were intercepted near Bolshaya Kamyshevakha and Izyum.
In total, 162 Ukrainian aircraft and 124 helicopters, 790 unmanned aerial vehicles, 299 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2,967 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 347 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,432 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,778 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.
On May 7, on direct orders from Zelensky, the Ukrainian General Staff, with the direct involvement of advisers from the USA and Britain, planned a major provocation to seize Zmeiny Island.
Over the past two days, the Kiev regime has made several desperate attempts to land air and sea assaults on Zmeiny Island, which is important for controlling the northwestern part of the Black Sea.
The Ukrainian provocation was thwarted as a result of the competent actions of a Russian Armed Forces unit on the island. The enemy suffered heavy losses.
4 Ukrainian airplanes, including 3 Su-24 and 1 Su-27, 3 Mi-8 helicopters with paratroopers on board, and 1 Mi-24 helicopter have been shot down in the air while repelling the attacks near Zmeiny Island.
Within two days, 29 Ukrainian UAVs have been shot down in the air, including 8 Bayraktar TB-2 strike UAVs. Meanwhile, 4 Bayraktar drones have been shot down this afternoon.
Also, 3 armoured Ukrainian amphibious assault boats carrying Ukrainian naval personnel were destroyed during an attempted landing on the night of May 8.
As a result of Zelensky’s thoughtless provocation, more than 50 Ukrainian saboteurs have been killed at sea and on the coast during the landing and attempts to consolidate on the island.
24 bodies of dead Ukrainian servicemen were left on the shore of Zmeiny Island.