Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 4. April 2022 (Update)
Die Kriegsverbrechen in Bucha und vermutlich auch weiteren Orten in der Ukraine bestimmen möglicherweise den Umgang des Westens mit dem russischen Angriffskrieg – militärisch sind sie zunächst nicht von Bedeutung. Während der russische Druck auf die Hauptstadt Kiew nachgelassen hat, halten die Kämpfe im Osten des Landes an. Der Sammler am 4. April 2022 (nicht 2020!):
• Das britische Intel Update:
Russian forces are continuing to consolidate and reorganise as they refocus their offensive into the Donbas region in the east of Ukraine.
Russian troops, including mercenaries from the Russian state-linked Wagner private military company, are being moved into the area.
• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:
The fortieth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion started.
The armed forces of a russian federation continue the armed aggression against Ukraine.
The military-political leadership of a russian federation has begun measures of hidden mobilization of reserves, in order to bring military units to the states of military time. During the selection of candidates, the advantage is provided to persons who already have combat experience. Mobilization is subject to ordinary, sergeant and officer. The main regions for mobilization are also defined: Krasnodar Territory, Perm Region, Republic of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kalmykia.
The main motivational factor for russian reservists remains material promotion. In addition, among a russian population it spreads that participants in war with Ukraine can improve their financial position due to so-called „trophies“, that is, robbery and looting.
The command of the Armed Forces of a russian federation counts to attract approximately 60 thousand people during mobilization.
Completing with weapons and military equipment to military time will take place due to the removal of obsolete techniques. Some samples are stored in bases and warehouses over 30 years.
In the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the defenders of Ukraine for the past day are reflected by seven enemy attacks, two units of armoured vehicles are destroyed, forty-three cars and an enemy mortar with the crew.
Anti-aircraft missile forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 6 air targets: three aircraft (SU-34, SU-35 and aircraft Retranslator IL-22), one helicopter and two winged missiles for the previous day. As for the airborne control air point on the basis of IL-22, it became known that the aircraft was damaged, cabin was depressurized, the pilots were accidentally planted at the Rostov airfield.
Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine aviation continued to cause rocket-bombing strikes on places of accumulation of russian enemy troops, columns of military equipment and logistics centres.
The fighters of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will prevent the activities of the enemy aviation in certain directions, carry out coverage of shock groups, bombarding and assault aviation.
• Das Morgenbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:
The grouping of troops of the Donetsk People’s Republic, developing the offensive, seized a fortified area and liberated Novobakhmutovka. During the hostilities, up to a company of the enemy 25th Airborne Brigade was destroyed.
Units of the Lugansk people’s militia advanced 2km and blockaded Novotoshkovskoe from the east and south.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation strike at the assets of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.
On the night of April 4, an air strike near Lisichansk destroyed the command post of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and ammunition depots, weapons and military equipment located nearby.
As a result of the strike on April 3, 3 Ukrainian helicopters were destroyed at Balovnoe airfield on the outskirts of Nikolaev.
Russian air defence means shot down 6 unmanned aerial vehicles near Nikolaev, Kherson, Kurakhovka, Industrialnoe and Velikaya Novoselka.
During the night, operational-tactical aviation hit 14 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Among them: 2 command posts, 2 anti-aircraft missile launchers Buk-M1 near Krasnogorka and Verkhnetoretskoe, 1 artillery battery, 2 depots of missile-artillery weapons and ammunition, 3 fuel depots, as well as 6 strong points and areas of concentration of Ukrainian weapons and military equipment.
In total, 125 Ukrainian aircraft and 91 helicopters, 392 unmanned aerial vehicles, 226 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,936 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 211 multiple launch rocket systems, 833 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,810 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.
• Update: Deutschland hat, wie zuvor schon andere europäische Staaten, zahlreiche in Deutschland akkreditierte russische Diplomaten ausgewiesen. 40 Diplomaten der russischen Botschaft in Berlin, die als Angehörige russischer Nachrichtendienste eingestuft werden, müssen innerhalb von fünf Tagen das Land verlassen.
Das Statement von Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock:
Die Bilder aus Butscha zeugen von einer unglaublichen Brutalität der russischen Führung und derer, die seiner Propaganda folgen, von einem Vernichtungswillen, der über alle Grenzen hinweggeht. Ähnliche Bilder müssen wir noch aus vielen anderen Orten befürchten, die russische Truppen in der Ukraine besetzt haben.
Dieser Unmenschlichkeit müssen wir die Stärke unserer Freiheit und unserer Menschlichkeit entgegensetzen. Dabei muss aber auch klar sein, dass wir für unsere Freiheit einstehen und bereit sein müssen, sie zu verteidigen.
Die Bundesregierung hat daher heute entschieden, eine erhebliche Zahl von Angehörigen der russischen Botschaft zu unerwünschten Personen zu erklären, die hier in Deutschland jeden Tag gegen unsere Freiheit, gegen den Zusammenhalt unserer Gesellschaft gearbeitet haben. Ihre Arbeit ist eine Bedrohung für diejenigen, die bei uns Schutz suchen. Dies werden wir nicht weiter dulden. Das haben wir dem Botschafter Russlands heute Nachmittag mitgeteilt.
Weitere Reaktionen bringen wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern auf den Weg. Wir werden die bestehenden Sanktionen gegen Russland weiter verschärfen, wir werden unsere Unterstützung der ukrainischen Streitkräfte entschieden ausbauen und auch die östliche Flanke der NATO stärken.
• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs, mit neuen Angaben zu russischen Verlusten:
A russian enemy continues to suffer losses in the course of full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. During the whole russian-Ukrainian war, from February 24, 2022 year, representatives of the military command of the armed forces of a russian federation only twice announced the loss of personnel of a russian troops fighting in Ukraine.
Despite the so-called „official“ russian number of casualties, the losses of individual units and subdivisions of the russain occupiers are periodically known. According to available information, the losses of the 20th Motorized Rifle Division (Kamyshin, Volgograd Region) of the 8th All-Military Army of the Southern Military District, in particular: the 33rd, 255th, 294th Motorized Rifle Regiments, which returned to their permanent locations, amounted to 40% of personnel, weapons and military equipment. As a result, a significant number of servicemen who were lucky enough to return are trying to retire.
The existing military medical facilities in russia and belarus do not allow for the treatment of such a significant number of wounded servicemen of the russain occupying forces on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, the medical staff of the central district hospital in Glushkovo, Kursk region, has been transferred to an intensified duty regime. This is due to the fact that in the period from March 29 to April 2, from the territory of Sumy region to the medical institution came about 100 wounded russain occupiers.
In the city of Izium, due to significant losses of personnel of the 237th Tankr Regiment and the 752nd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 3rd Motorized Rifle Division, the invaders were forced to equip a field hospital in the local school.
In the temporarily occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia region, in the town of Polohy, servicemen of the armed forces of the russian federation seized and mined the inner territory of the central district hospital. Staff and patients were warned not to return to the hospital. The wounded russian occupiers remained in the hospital.
A russian military leadership is trying to make up for the existing losses of officers using the officers of higher military educational institutions. According to the available information, the Military Academy of the Signal Corps in saint petersburg (russia) is urgently training officers to replace positions in military units.
The situation in the Siversky direction has not changed. Elimination of the consequences of the activities of the russian occupation forces continues.
In Slobozhanshchina, in the city of Izyum, the enemy is carrying out filtration measures and forcible removal of local residents to the territory of a russian federation.
Fighting continues in the territories of the Kherson oblast temporarily occupied by a russian occupiers. Around Nova Kakhovka, russian enemy increased the passing procedures on the checkpoints.
The russian invaders resort to detaining civilians and forcing them into engineering equipment positions. Cases of illegal seizure of vehicles from the population have become more frequent.
• Das – recht knappe – Abendbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:
Units of the People’s Militia of the Lugansk People’s Republic have continued their offensive against units of 57th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, having advanced 2 kilometres and blockading Novotoshkovskoe, Borovskoe and Metelkino.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation strike at the assets of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.
During the day, operational-tactical aviation hit 17 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Among them: 2 command posts and communication hubs, 2 ammunition depots and 1 fuel depot, as well as 11 strong points and areas of Ukrainian military equipment concentration..
Russian Air Defence means shot down 2 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air near Severodonetsk.
In total, 125 Ukrainian aircraft and 91 helicopters, 394 unmanned aerial vehicles, 226 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,948 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 212 multiple launch rocket systems, 838 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,842 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.
• Die New York Times hat Satellitenaufnahmen der Ortschaft Bucha bei Kiew über die vergangenen Wochen gesichtet – ihr Ergebnis zusammengefasst: Zahlreiche Leichen von Zivilisten, die nach dem Abzug der russischen Streitkräfte dort gefunden wurden, waren auf den Satellitenbildern schon in den Tagen und Wochen zuvor erkennbar, also zu der Zeit, als die Stadt unstrittig unter russischer Kontrolle war:
An analysis of satellite images by The New York Times rebuts claims by Russia that the killing of civilians in Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv, occurred after its soldiers had left the town.
When images emerged over the weekend of the bodies of dead civilians lying on the streets of Bucha — some with their hands bound, some with gunshot wounds to the head — Russia’s Ministry of Defense denied responsibility. In a Telegram post on Sunday, the ministry suggested that the bodies had been recently placed on the streets after “all Russian units withdrew completely from Bucha” around March 30. (…)
But a review of videos and satellite imagery by The Times shows that many of the civilians were killed more than three weeks ago, when Russia’s military was in control of the town.
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