Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 18. März 2022 (Update)

Im andauernden russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine gibt es weiterhin Meldungen über Angriffe auf zivile Ziele. Und über erneute Angriffe im Westen des Landes. Der Sammler am 18. März 2022:

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs (im englischen Original auf Facebook):

The twenty-third day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion began.
The state, position and nature of the actions of the defense forces have not changed significantly during the last day. The Armed Forces of Ukraine continued to strike devastating blows at groups of enemy troops trying to consolidate and hold the captured defensive lines.
During the past 24hrs, Ukrainian defenders have partially destroyed and halted the advance of units of the 437th Training Regiment and the 26th Tank Regiment of the Armed Forces of the russian federation into Ukraine, and the enemy’s losses are being clarified.
Also, for the previous day, bombing and assault aircraft of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted heavy blows on the columns of enemy military equipment. Anti-aircraft missile forces and fighter jets hit 14 enemy air targets (7 planes, 1 helicopter, 3 UAVs and 3 cruise missiles).
Due to the fact that the occupiers have significantly exhausted human resources (irreversible and sanitary losses caused by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, cases of self-mutilation, in order to evade hostilities and psychogenic losses), the command of the armed forces of the russian federation is forced to extreme measures in matters of staffing. They are conducting covert mobilization, attracting so-called „volunteers“, conscripts and cadets, as well as mercenaries from the Syrian Arab Republic.
In some temporarily occupied territories, the Russian occupiers are trying to create a positive image by distributing food to the civilian population. At the same time, they are actively searching for and detaining pro-Ukrainian activists, civil servants, members of the Anti-Terrorist Operation / Joint Forces Operation and members of their families, as well as other citizens who may organize resistance to the occupation.
The enemy continues to suffer losses. They have problems with providing units. The low moral and psychological condition of the personnel leads to an increase in the number of desertions and refusals of servicemen of the armed forces of the russian rederation and mercenaries to take part in the war against Ukraine.

Ergänzung: Das Morgenbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums (auch hier auf Englisch via Facebook):

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry
▫️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.
▫️ The grouping of troops of the Lugansk People’s Republic with the fire support of the Russian Armed Forces liberated more than 90 percent of the territory of the republic.
▫️ Currently, the units of the Lugansk People’s Republic are eliminating scattered groups of nationalists on the southern outskirts of Rubezhnoye liberated settlement.
▫️ In the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue their successful offensive in the northern direction.
During the day, they took control of Zolotaya Niva, Novodonetsky, Novomayorskoye and Prechistovka. The advance was 16 kilometers.
▫️ In Mariupol, units of the Donetsk People’s Republic, with the support of the Russian Armed Forces, narrow the encirclement and fighting against nationalists in the city center.
💥 During the night, aviation and air defence means of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down 6 more Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, including 1 Bayraktar TB-2.
✈️💥Operational-tactical and army aviation hit 81 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Among them: 4 multiple launch rocket system, 3 command posts, 8 ammunition depots and 28 areas of military equipment concentration.
💥In total, 183 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,406 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 138 multiple launch rocket systems, 535 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,197 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

• Es gibt offensichtlich einen neuen Anlauf für so genannte humanitäre Korridore:

• Erneut wurden Ziele in der Nähe von Lviv in der Westukraine angegriffen. Interessant dabei ist die – bislang unbestätigte – Angabe, der Angriff sei mit seegestützten Marschflugkörpern erfolgt:

Update: Die Angaben der Verwaltung der Region Lwiw:

Am Morgen startete der Feind einen Raketenangriff auf Lwiw. Vier Raketen trafen das staatliche Flugzeugreparaturwerk in Lwiw. Zwei Raketen haben die Streitkräfte der Ukraine abgefangen. Sie wurden in der Region Lwiw getroffen. Der Feind feuerte Raketen vom Schwarzen Meer ab.
Inzwischen haben Retter den Brand gelöscht. Am Ort der Explosion gibt es keine Opfer. Eine Person ist verletzt, er befindet sich in einem mittelschweren Zustand.
(Übersetzt mit Google Translate)

• Update: Das Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums am Freitagabend. Darin wird der Beschuss der Flugzeugwerft bei Lwiw genannt. Außerdem der Vorwurf (wie schon in Mariupol), die ukrainische Seite habe ein Krankenhaus vermint und plane, es beim Überflug eines russischen Kampfflugzeuges zu sprengen.

Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums (18.03.2022)
Die Streitkräfte der Russischen Föderation, die ihre erfolgreiche Offensive fortsetzen, sind an einem Tag bis zu sechs Kilometer vorgerückt und haben die Linie von NOVOUKRAINKA, Shakhterskoye, erreicht. Einheiten der Volksmiliz der Republik Luhansk sind in die östlichen Stadtteile von Sewerodonetska vorgedrungen und haben die gegnerische Verteidigung um 2 Kilometer durchbrochen.
Am Morgen des 18. März trafen hochpräzise Langstreckenwaffen die ukrainische militärische Infrastruktur. Der Angriff zerstörte einen Parkplatz mit ukrainischen Kampfflugzeugen in einer Flugzeugreparaturfabrik in Lwiw sowie Munitionsdepots und ukrainische Militärausrüstung in den Vororten NIKOLAEV und VOHNESENSK.
Im Laufe des Tages schossen russische Luftabwehrkräfte ein ukrainisches unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug ab. Operativ-taktische, militärische und unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge trafen 54 ukrainische Militäreinrichtungen. Darunter: drei Kommandoposten, vier Mehrfachraketenwerfer, vier Munitionsdepots und 44 Munitionslager.
Seit Beginn der militärischen Sonderoperation wurden insgesamt 184 unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge, 1.412 Panzer und andere gepanzerte Kampffahrzeuge, 142 Mehrfachraketenwerferanlagen, 542 Feldartillerie- und Mörsergeschütze sowie 1.211 militärische Spezialfahrzeuge zerstört.
Nach zuverlässigen Informationen, die uns vorliegen, haben in Dnipropetrowsk Mitarbeiter des Sicherheitsdienstes der Ukraine nach der Evakuierung des Personals und der medizinischen Patienten eines der Gebäude des städtischen Krankenhauses Nr. 2 in der Nigoyan-Straße vermint. Die Explosion des verminten Krankenhausgebäudes war während eines Überflugs von Dnipropetrowsk geplant, ich betone, eines russischen Flugzeugs.
Ich möchte vor allem die Aufmerksamkeit der in Dnipropetrowsk eingetroffenen westlichen Medienvertreter auf mich ziehen. Die russische Luftfahrt hatte und hat keine Kampfeinsätze, um das Krankenhausgebäude oder andere Gebäude in Dnipropetrowsk zu treffen. Ein weiterer Versuch des nationalistischen Regimes in Kiew, Sie für eine große Provokation zu benutzen, ist zum Scheitern verurteilt.
(Übersetzt mit

• und das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs (im englischen Original):

Continuing attempts to restore the combat capability of individual units involved in hostilities, the military leadership of the russian federation plans to transfer to Ukraine some units from the 102-nd Russian military base in Armenia.
The refusal of some servicemen of the russian federation to take part in hostilities is confirmed, which is due to the low level of moral and psychological condition of the russian occupiers after the clashes with the Ukrainian defense forces. Thus, in particular, at the permanent deployment point of the 20th Motorized Rifle Division of the 8th All-Military Army of the Southern Military District, about 130 servicemen refused to take part in hostilities.
The enemy personnel was demoralized, suicides and self-mutilation became more frequent.
Due to the lack of positive results and inability to fulfill the set tasks, it is planned to remove Colonel Vadym Pankov, commander of the 45th special brigade of the special purpose air force of the russian Armed Forces. He is accused of failing to perform a combat mission at Hostomel airfield.
The pro-government russian media continue to spread false information about the armed aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. The creation and distribution of staged propaganda videos through all available information channels, including in the countries of the European Union and the United States, in order to discredit the activities of the military-political leadership and the Defense Forces of Ukraine continues.
In the city of Dzhankoi, in the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, training in local secondary schools has been suspended with their further use to accommodate servicemen of the armed forces of the russian rederation arriving in the city.
In the Chernihiv region, russian occupiers are intimidating locals to quell civilian resistance.
The occupiers continue to defiantly violate the norms of international humanitarian law and destroy the infrastructure of cities, creating the preconditions for deepening the humanitarian crisis.
The Defense Forces of Ukraine continue step by step to liberate the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine in all directions.

• Dazu die russische Darstellung der Lage in Mariuopol:

Today we have every reason to publicly announce some facts of the current tragedy in Mariupol.
▫️According to radio intercepts, it has been reliably established that nationalists in the city are conducting intensive negotiations with Kiev to unblock Mariupol and send them support, since they understand that without strengthening they are not able to fulfill their tasks.
▫️Over the past three days, the intensity of negotiations has increased significantly, while negotiations on both sides are taking place in extremely rough tones. On the one hand, the NeoNazis in Mariupol feel the hopelessness of the current situation, and on the other, Kiev understands the impossibility of providing any assistance. In addition, officials of Kiev are voicing rhetoric that the militants in the besieged city should become an example of perseverance, sacrifice themselves for a common victory and they will be given the status of „martyrs of Mariupol“.
▫️At the same time, it is necessarily stipulated that in order to fulfill this „great“ mission, the nationalists have more than 200,000 people of the civilian population, whom they can use as a „human shield“. This position has been agreed with the leadership of Ukraine. This is an exact quote from a number of radio intercepts.
▫️Understanding the content and consequences of these negotiations, we officially appealed to the Kiev authorities and two days ago brought that we are ready to open humanitarian corridors and release all your bandits in any direction in order to save the city and people from these so-called martyrs, who have already glorified themselves with the explosions of a kindergarten, two schools, a maternity hospital and a drama theater building. At the same time, we guarantee the life of nationalists who have laid down their weapons, we will provide a humanitarian corridor for their exit to the territories controlled by Kiev. In response, we received a categorical refusal, at the same time from high officials of Kiev.
▫️One can only guess about the next steps of desperate bandits who have lost their minds and understand their complete hopelessness, while horrifying pictures of the possible consequences of these actions are emerging. That is why, from the platform of the Joint Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine, we warn the entire civilized world in advance, international organizations, primarily the UN, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross, expect from these odious bandits who have settled in Mariupol, distraught with hopelessness and the absence of any prospects in the future, the next crimes with grave consequences for civilians and further attempts to write off all this as indiscriminate strikes by the Russian Armed Forces.

Eine Analyse der New York Times zu Brutalität gegen die Zivilbevölkerung als militärische Strategie Russlands:

As Russian artillery and rockets land on Ukrainian hospitals and apartment blocks, devastating residential districts with no military value, the world is watching with horror what is, for Russia, an increasingly standard practice.
Its forces conducted similar attacks in Syria, bombing hospitals and other civilian structures as part of Russia’s intervention to prop up that country’s government.
Moscow went even further in Chechnya, a border region that had sought independence in the Soviet Union’s 1991 breakup. During two formative wars there, Russia’s artillery and air forces turned city blocks to rubble and its ground troops massacred civilians in what was widely seen as a deliberate campaign to terrorize the population into submission.

(Weiter nach Entwicklung)