USA schicken zusätzliche Truppen nach Europa

US-Präsident Joe Biden hat am Abend des ersten Kriegstages in der Ukraine scharfe Reaktionen angekündigt, vor allem Sanktionen gegen Russland. Aber er hat auch mitgeteilte, dass zusätzliche US-Truppen nach Europa entsandt werden – zunächst nach Deutschland, dann aber weiter in die osteuropäischen NATO-Staaten.

Der Großteil der Rede Bidens am (heutigen) Donnerstag bezieht sich auf die Sanktionen nach dem russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine; der vollständige Text ist hier nachzulesen. Hier die Aussagen zum Militärischen, einschließlich der erneuerten Festlegung, dass keine US-Truppen zur Konfrontation Russlands in die Ukraine selbst entsandt werden:

Although we provided over $650 million in defensive assistance to Ukraine just this year — this last year, let me say it again: Our forces are not and will not be engaged in the conflict with Russia in Ukraine. Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine but to defend our NATO Allies and reassure those Allies in the east.

As I made crystal clear, the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of American power. And the good news is: NATO is more united and more determined than ever.

There is no doubt — no doubt that the United States and every NATO Ally will meet our Article 5 commitments, which says that an attack on one is an attack on all.

Over the past few weeks, I ordered thousands of additional forces to Germany and Poland as part of our commitment to NATO.

On Tuesday, in response to Russia’s aggressive action, including its troop presence in Belarus and the Black Sea, I’ve authorized the deployment of ground and air forces already stationed in Europe to NATO’s eastern flank Allies: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania.

Our Allies have also been stepping up, adding — the other Allies, the rest of NATO — adding their own forces and capabilities to ensure our collective defense.

And today, within hours of Russia’s unleashing its assault, NATO came together and authorized and activated — an activation of response plans.

This will enable NATO’s high-readiness forces to deploy and — when and where they’re needed to protect our NATO Allies on the eastern boundaries of Europe.

And now I’m authorizing additional U.S. forces and capabilities to deploy to Germany as part of NATO’s response, including some of U.S.-based forces that the Department of Defense placed on standby weeks ago.

I’ve also spoken with Defense Secretary Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Milley, about preparations for additional moves should they become necessary to protect our NATO Allies and support the greatest military Alliance in the history of the world — NATO.

Nach einer Übersicht des Pentagon lief schon am Donnerstag die Verlegung unter anderem von Kampfjets in den Osten Europas:

Six F-35 Lightning 2 Joint Strike Fighters will arrive in Estonia, Lithuania and Romania today. Apache helicopters deploying to the Baltic republics and Poland from Germany and Greece are experiencing some weather-related problems, but should arrive shortly, the official said.

Hinzu kommen nun mit Bidens Autorisierung 7.000 weitere Soldaten, die aus den USA nach Europa verlegt werden. Details aus dem Pentagon von der Military Times:

An armored brigade is starting to make its way to Europe, as part of the U.S. response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a senior defense official confirmed Thursday.
Most of the troops will come from the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, Georgia, along with some supporting fires and transportation units, the official said. …
“So they’re going to Germany initially,” the official said. “They could be repositioned after originally getting into Germany to other places as needed.”

(Foto: Two U.S. Air Force F-35 Lightning II aircraft assigned to the 34th Fighter Squadron at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, land at the 86th Air Base, Fetesti, Romania, Feb. 24, 2022. – U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Ali Stewart)