Surprise: I’m on the shortlist for the Defence IQ Blogging Awards
Now that’s really a surprise. Augen geradeaus! has made the Defence IQ Blogging Awards shortlist – if I’ve read it correctly, that’s the only non-Anglo/US blog – in other words, the only blog not originating in the English language sphere – on this shortlist.
(Correction: now I see there’s at least one blog from India and one from Eastern Europe, but it seems they are published in English completely.)
Something I would never have expected. And when I see the other well known names on this shortlist, I’m honoured.
Of course, Augen geradeaus! (the phrase has a double meaning in German: it’s the military command eyes front! as well as an expression for looking ahead) is focused on defence and security politics from a German perspective, and thus published mostly in German. However, I really should think about doing more entries in English. To help international readers understand the – sometimes difficult to grasp – relation of Germany and Germans to their armed forces and their deployments. I will do my very best.
(Who is the guy running this blog? Look here.)
Nicht so bescheiden! Verdient ist verdient. Augengeradeaus kommt bei mir mittlerweile vor Spon!
Um es auf Kölsch zu sagen:
Da jehört et och hin ;)
Well done!
@T.W. +1 :-)
No $ or € attached, I’m afraid ;-)
No surprise at all actually :-)
Keep up the great work!
p.s. you have a typo in the headline :) bloggig instead of blogging.
[Danke für den Hinweis, ist korrigiert. btw, müssten mal per PM was klären. T.W.]
Thumbs up!
@ TW
„Bravo Zulu“!!
kann man sich nur anschließen! bravo
Herzlichen Glückwunsch :D Und viel Glück. Ich bin gespannt, wie’s ausgeht :)
das ist doch was in Sachen ‚Marktwert‘ ,-)
Wir sehen uns
Congratulations. I understand that T.W. won’t do it by himself. So i respectfully request you to pay some attention on his project „straßenmusik“. It’s worth every cent.
Now that’s not really a surprise.
Actually tried to reach out to you via Skype earlier today – I think it could be mutually beneficial if we could have chat.
Let me know when it’s convenient for you.