Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 8. Januar 2023

Zum andauernden russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine der Sammler am 8. Januar 2023:

• Nach Darstellung des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums sollen bei einem Raketenangriff auf die Unterkünfte ukrainischer Truppen in Kramatorsk 600 Ukrainer gefallen sein – und vor allem: dieser Angriff sei eine, ausdrücklich so bezeichnet, Vergeltungsaktion (retaliatory operation) für den Angriff auf eine russische Truppenunterkunft in Makiivka gewesen. Dabei waren in der Silvesternacht nach russischen Angaben 89, nach ukrainischen Angaben über 400 russische Soldaten getötet worden. (s. dazu den letzten Absatz des russischen Briefings unten)

Die Ukraine äußerte sich zu dieser russischen Behauptung nicht. Mehrere ausländische Journalisten besuchten die Orte der angeblichen russischen Angriffsziele in Kramatorsk, fanden allerdings keine Belege für die behaupteten Einschläge. Aus der Meldung von Reuters:

A Russian rocket strike on the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk caused damage but did not destroy buildings and there were no obvious signs of casualties, a Reuters witness said on Sunday, after Russia said the attack killed 600 Ukrainian soldiers.
Reuters reporters visited the two college dormitories Russia’s defence ministry said had been temporarily housing Ukrainian servicemen close to the front line of the war at the time of the overnight strike. Neither appeared to have been directly hit by missiles or seriously damaged. There were no obvious signs that soldiers had been living there and no sign of bodies or traces of blood.

Von einem italienischen Journalisten:

Ebenso von einem finnischen Journalisten:

Russland behauptet, bei einem Raketenangriff auf diese Schule in Kramatorsk Hunderte von ukrainischen Soldaten getötet zu haben. Ich bin dort, und es ist etwas seltsam, dass das Gebäude nicht einmal abgeriegelt wurde. Die Einheimischen haben auch heute Morgen keine Krankenwagen gesehen.
Ich habe gestern Abend die Explosionen gehört, als auch dieses Ziel getroffen wurde. Ein großer Krater (möglicherweise S-300) vor der Schule. Kein Volltreffer. Militärische Kontaktpersonen waren heute Morgen vor Ort und sagten, die Schule sei leer.
Eine weitere Rakete schlug vor diesen alten Garagen ein. Ich muss sagen, dass ich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt meinen eigenen Beobachtungen und ukrainischen Aussagen mehr vertraue als den Angaben des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums, das von über 600 toten ukrainischen Soldaten spricht.
(Übersetzt mit

• Die russischen Streitkräfte haben nach Angaben des ukrainischen Premierministers Denys Schmyhal in der Ukraine eine Fläche vermint, die größer ist als Großbritannien. Schmyhal machte diese Angaben in einem Interview mit der südkoreanischen Nachrichtenagentur Yonhap:

The prime minister said the war has led to the creation of a 250,000-square-kilometer mine field in Ukraine.
„It’s currently the largest mine field in the world,“ he said. „It’s not only making it difficult for people to travel, but also causing major disruptions in farming, which is one of our main industries.“
The mine field’s size — 250,000 square kilometers — is larger than not only the entire Korean Peninsula (around 221,000 square kilometers), but also Laos, Romania (each around 238,000 square kilometers) and Britain (around 244,000 square kilometers).

• Das britische Intel Update:

In recent weeks, Russia has bolstered defensive fortifications in central Zaporizhzhia Oblast, southern Ukraine, especially between the towns of Vasilyvka and Orikhiv. Russia maintains a large force in this sector.
The way Russia has worked on improving defences suggests commanders are highly likely pre-occupied with the potential for major Ukrainian offensive action in two sectors: either in northern Luhansk Oblast, or in Zaporizhzhia.
A major Ukrainian breakthrough in Zaporizhzhia would seriously challenge the viability of Russia’s ‘land bridge’ linking Russia’s Rostov region and Crimea; Ukrainian success in Luhansk would further undermine Russia’s professed war aim of ‘liberating’ the Donbas.
Deciding which of these threats to prioritise countering is likely one of the central dilemmas for Russian operational planners.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

Situation update of General Staff of UAF as of 6.00 a.m., 8th January, 2023
Day 319 of the russian military aggression has begun.
The occupiers continue to transfer troops, weapons, military equipment, and ammunitions to the active combat areas in order to replenish losses and sustain the offensive.
Despite the so-called „ceasefire“ announced by russian occupiers, during the past day the enemy launched 9x missile strikes, 3x air strikes and conducted 40x MLRS attacks. The attacks targeted civilian infrastructure causing casualties among civilian population.
The threat of air and missile strikes remains high across Ukraine. Do not ignore air alarm signals.
Over the past day, Ukrainian Defense Forces repelled attacks in the vicinities of 16x settlements, including Stelmakhivka, Makiivka and Bilogorivka (Luhansk Oblast); Rozdolivka, Soledar, Bakhmut, Zalizne, Pervomais’ke, Vodyane, and Pobyeda (Donetsk oblast).
Suffering heavy losses, the enemy conducts offensives on Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Lyman axes; and attempts to improve tactical situation on Kup’yans’k axis. Novopavlivka, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson axes – russian troops stay on defensive.
Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes; the enemy maintains presence of military units in the areas bordering Ukraine; no signs of the formation of offensive grouping reported.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: Starytsya and Dvorichna (Kharkiv oblast) suffered shelling. Russian occupiers employed attack UAVs in the vicinities of Oleksandrivka.
Kup’yans’k and Lyman axes: the vicinities of Ivanivka, Stelmakhivka, Myasozharivka, Ploshanka, Makiivka, Nevs’ke, Chervonpopivka, and Dibrova (Luhansk oblast) were targeted by russian artillery systems.
Bakhmut axis: Berestove, Bilohorivka, Vesele, Krasna Hora, Bakhmut, Klishchiivka, Bila Hora, Diliivka, Zalizne, and New York (Donetsk oblast) came under fire.
Avdiivka axis: Nevels’ke, Maryinka, and Novomykhailivka (Donetsk oblast) were subjects to enemy attacks.
Novopavlivka axis: Velyka Novosilka, Zolota Niva, and Vuhledar (Donetsk oblast) were affected by fire.
Zaporizhzhia and Kherson axes: the enemy employed tanks, mortars, barrel, and rocket artillery in the vicinities of Antonivka, Charivne, Dorozhnyanka, Inzhenerne, Biloghirya, Oleksiivka, Maly Shcherbaki, Stepove, and Kam’yans’ke (Zaporizhzhia oblast).
Russian occupiers continue to sustain losses. On January 5th, 2023, train with refrigerators filled with dead bodies of russian military arrived from Rostov-on-Don to Kemerovo oblast (russia). The corpses are to be delivered to local morgues.
Russian invaders halted broadcast of all Ukrainian TV channels in Hornostaivka, Kairy, Zavodivka, and Maryns’ke (temporarily occupied territories of Kherson oblast). Only russian TV is being broadcasted now.
During the past day, Ukrainian Air Force attacked 21x concentrations of enemy troops, weapons, and military equipment; and launched 3x air strikes against russian anti-aircraft missile systems.
3x “Orlan-10” type reconnaissance UAVs were shot down by Ukrainian Defense Forces.
Ukrainian missile and artillery troops attacked 1x command post, 5x concentrations of russian troops and military equipment, and 2x ammunition depots. 

• Das Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums:

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (8 January 2023)
The combined grouping of Russian troops (forces) observed the ceasefire along the entire line of contact from 12 p.m. on 6 January until 24 p.m. on 7 January in the areas of the special military operation.
Within the ceasefire, the AFU continued to conduct heavy shelling of residential areas and Russian positions.
In Kupyansk and Krasniy Liman directions, the AFU has fired 78 artillery and mortar shells.
In Soledar, Avdeyevka and Maryinka directions, the enemy used large-calibre artillery fire 155 times.
More than AFU 160 large-calibre shells and 20 multiple-laucnh rockets have been fired at residential areas of Donetsk.
The enemy opened artillery fire 89 times in Zaporozhye region.
In Kherson and Krivoy Rog directions, Ukrainian artillery has been used 55 times.
Russian forces‘ return fire suppressed AFU artillery that had been firing on residential areas.
After the end of the ceasefire in Kupyansk direction, Russian troops have attacked concentration areas of the AFU manpower and equipment near Novosyolovskoye (Lugansk People’s Republic) and Sinkovka (Kharkov region).
More than 30 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 infantry fighting vehicle, 1 armoured personnel carrier and 2 motor vehicles have been eliminated.
In addition, 2 enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been eliminated near Kotlyarovka (Kharkov region), and Novosyolovskoye (Lugansk People’s Republic).
In Krasniy Liman direction, after the end of the ceasefire regime, Russian units have carried out artillery strikes against 2 attack groups of the AFU near Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic) and Serebryanka (Donetsk People’s Republic), as well as against concentration areas of enemy troops and equipment near Makeyevka and Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People’s Republic). As a result of the strikes, more than 50 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 armoured fighting vehicles, 1 pick-up truck and 1 motor vehicle have been eliminated. In addition, the AFU sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been destroyed near Artyomovka and Serabryanka.
In Donetsk direction, Russian artillery strikes have thwarted the enemy’s attempt to counterattack Russian positions with a company of up to the 54th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU in the direction Svornoye (Donetsk People’s Republic). Up to 70 Ukrainian personnel, 2 armoured fighting vehicles, and 1 pick-up truck have been eliminated.
In South Donetsk direction, the actions of the AFU’s sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been prevented near Novomikhaylovka, Vladimirovka, Pavlovka and Neskuchnoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).
More than 40 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armoured personnel carrier and 3 motor vehicles have been eliminated.
Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised munition depots of the AFU 95th Airborne Assault Brigade and the 60th Mechanised Brigade near Krasniy Liman and Konstantinovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), as well as 84 artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 117 districts.
In the course of the counter-battery fight, artillery crews of the howitzer battery of the 59th Mechanised Infantry Brigade and Grad MLRS at firing positions have been eliminated near Karlovka and Konstantinovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
The Russian Aerospace Forces‘ fighter aircraft has shot down five Ukrainian Air Force’s aircraft.
1 Ukrainian Su-27 fighter has been shot down near Lozovoye (Kharkov region).
1 AFU Su-24 aircraft has been shot down near Izyum (Kharkov region).
2 Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft have been shot down near Nikolaypolye and Novyy Donbass.
1 Ukrainian MiG-29 aircraft has been shot down near Vesyoloye (Donetsk People’s Republic).
Air defence facilities have destroyed 5 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Patalakhovka, Kuzyomovka, Kuzmino, Kremennaya and Pshenichnoye (Lugansk People’s Republic).
In addition, 10 HIMARS and Uragan multiple-launch rockets have been intercepted near Kremennaya (Lugansk People’s Republic), Orekhov (Zaporozhye region), Stepnoye (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Donetsk.
1 U.S.-manufactured HARM anti-radar missile has been shot down near Kurdyumovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
In total, 365 airplanes and 199 helicopters, 2,848 unmanned aerial vehicles, 400 air defence missile systems, 7,449 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 972 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,787 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 7,965 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.
As a result of the criminal attack of Kiev regime, in the first minutes of January 2023, against the location of temporary deployment of Russian military personnel near Makeyevka (Donetsk People’s Republic), the command of the combined group of troops carried out a retaliatory operation.
Over the past 24 hours, Russian reconnaissance assets have uncovered and reliably confirmed through several independent channels the temporary deployment points of the AFU in Kramatorsk.
There were over 700 Ukrainian servicemen in dormitory №28 and over 600 servicemen in dormitory №47.
More than 600 Ukrainian servicemen have been eliminated as a result of a massive missile strike on these locations of temporary deployment of the AFU units.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

Situation update as of 6 p.m., January 8, 2023
Day 319 of the russian military aggression continues.
The adversary is conducting offensive actions on Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and Lyman axes, trying to improve its tactical situation on Kup’yans’k axis. The invaders focus their futile efforts on capturing Donetsk oblast within the administrative border.
During the day of January 8, 2023, the occupant forces launched 1x missile and 19x air strikes. The russians launched more than 10x MLRS attacks, including at civilian infrastructure.
There is a danger of air and missile strikes on critical infrastructure across Ukraine. Be careful and do not ignore any air raid warnings.
Volyn, Polissya, Sivershchyna, and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the situation remains stable. Certain units of the armed forces of belarus and russia continue to perform tasks in the areas bordering with Ukraine, no signs of the formation of offensive groups of the enemy were found.
At the same time, the adversary is shelling the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian targets along the entire line of contact.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the vicinities of settlements of Kucherivka (Sumy oblast), Starytsya, Kolodyazne, and Novomlyns’k (Kharkiv oblast) came under fire.
Kup’yans’k axis: the enemy shelled the vicinities of Pershotravneve, Ivanivka (Kharkiv oblast), Stel’makhivka, and Miasozharivka (Luhansk oblast).
Lyman axis: Makiivka, Nevs’ke, Kuz’myne, Chervonopopivka, and Dibrova (Luhansk oblast) came under the fire of the occupants.
Bakhmut axis: Berestove, Bilohorivka, Vesele, Rozdolivka, Bakhmut, Bila Hora, Dyliivka, Druzhba, Zalizne, and New York (Donetsk oblast) were damaged by the invaders’ shelling.
Avdiivka axis: the enemy fired at Avdiivka, Nevel’s’ke, Mar’inka, and Novomykhailivka (Donetsk oblast).
Zaporizhzhia axis: the enemy fired tanks and the entire range of artillery at the vicinities of Dorozhnyanka, Charivne, Mali Shcherbaky, and Kam’yans’ke (Zaporizhzhia oblast).
Kherson axis: the occupant forces do not stop shelling the settlements along the right bank of the Dnipro river. Once again, Kherson came under fire of russian multiple launch rocket systems.
In order to maintain military discipline and prevent any panic sentiments among the personnel of the occupation troops operating on Zaporizhzhia axis, the adversary used the units of the russian national guard (Rosgvardia). Thus, 6 people who expressed their views on surrendering to the Ukrainian Defense Forces were reported shot near the settlement of Chystopillya on January 5.
In order to discredit the Ukrainian military leadership, the adversary is propagating disinformation about the preparation of an attack by the Ukrainian Defense Forces on medical institutions in Luhansk oblast, where wounded russian invaders are being treated.
The Ukrainian Air Force launched 10x air strikes on the concentrations of the enemy, as well as 2x air strikes on the positions of its anti-aircraft missile systems.
Also, our defenders shot down 3x enemy UAVs, probably Orlan, and 3x attack helicopters: 1x Mi-24 and 1x Ka-52, and the specific type of another one is being finalized.
In turn, units of the missile troops and artillery of the Ukrainian Defense Forces hit 2x concentrations of manpower and 1x warehouse of fuel and lubricants of the occupants.