Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 23. Dezember 2022

Zum andauernden russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine der Sammler am 23. Dezember 2022:

• Eine Pressekonferenz des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin am (gestrigen) Donnerstag hat vor allem deswegen zu Aufsehen geführt, weil er den Begriff Krieg für den Krieg gegen die Ukraine verwendete und das nicht wie üblich als spezielle Militäroperation bezeichnete. Inzwischen liegt das Transkript der Pressekonferenz auch in englischer Fassung vor – und auch dort steht war. Das bestätigt zusätzlich, dass es kein Ausrutscher war. Die Passage im Wortlaut (und etwas mehr, weil es erneut grundsätzliche Aussagen Putins enthält:

Konstantin Kokoveshnikov, Zvezda TV channel:
If I may, I have one more question about the special military operation. As usual, you have said very little about the course of the operation, preferring not to speak about the details. However, do you see any signs of the conflict becoming drawn out?
Thank you.

Vladimir Putin:
You know, I have already spoken about this. The situation actually started developing – this was less perceptible here, while the West preferred not to speak or notice anything – way back in 2014, after the coup d’état that was instigated by the United States, when cookies were handed out on Maidan. I have spoken about this many times.
But our goal is not to whip up the military conflict but to end this war. This is what we want, and this is what we will try to do.
As for me speaking little or sparingly about it, this is logical. On the one hand, I may be sparing words, but the Defence Ministry holds daily briefings to report to the public and the country about what is going on, where this is taking place, in what manner and so on.
In short, we will do our best to end this, and the sooner, the better, of course. As for what and how this is taking place, I have noted on numerous occasions that the intensification of the conflict will lead to unjustified losses. Many a little makes a mickle.

Alexei Petrov: Alexei Petrov, Rossiya TV channel.
Mr President, my question essentially follows up on this theme.
Western political quarters have recently been saying, including in NATO, that the Western resources which are being provided to Ukraine as assistance are not unlimited; in fact, they are running out. At the same time, some Western experts believe that Russia’s resources are down to the last missiles, munitions and so on.
We have heard this before, but, nevertheless, what is the situation in our defence industry? Can it replenish the resources we need, on the one hand, and produce enough for continuing the special military operation, on the other hand?
Thank you.

Vladimir Putin: First of all, I do not think that the resources of Western countries and NATO members have been stretched thin. It is another matter that Ukraine is being supplied with weapons of the former Warsaw Pact countries, the majority of which are Soviet-made. This resource is running out indeed; we have destroyed and burned almost all of these weapons. There is only something like a few dozen armoured vehicles and a hundred of other weapon systems left. We have destroyed a lot of them. The stock of these systems is almost exhausted.
But this does not mean that Western countries and NATO do not have other weapons. They do have them. However, it is not easy to convert to new weapon systems, including NATO-standard ones. This requires preparation time, personnel training, stocks of spare parts, maintenance and repair. It is a big and complicated issue. This is my first point.
Second, there is also the question of the Western defence industry capabilities. The US defence sector is large and can be drummed up, but this will not be easy there either, because this involves additional allocations, and the allocation of funds is part of the budget process. It is not a simple matter.
It is said that the Patriot systems may be sent to Ukraine. Let them do it; we will weed out the Patriots too. And they will have to send something to replace them with or create new systems. It is a long and complicated process. It is not all that simple. We take this into account and count everything that is being sent there, how many systems there are in the depots, how many more they can manufacture and how fast, and if they can train the necessary personnel.
Now to our capabilities and resources. We are spending them, of course. I will not provide figures here, for example, how many shells we are using a day. The figures are high. But the difference between us and those who are fighting us is that the Ukrainian defence industry is rapidly moving towards zero if not a negative figure. All of its manufacturing capabilities will be destroyed soon, whereas our framework is being expanded. As I pointed out at the Defence Ministry Board meeting yesterday, we will not do this to the detriment of the other economic sectors. We must provide for the army anyway, one way or another, as the Minister said yesterday.

• Das britische Intel Update:

On 21 December, President Putin was presented with plans to expand the Russian military by around 30% to 1.5 million personnel. It isn’t clear when this level would be achieved.
Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shigou explained that the expansion would involve at least two brigades in north-western Russia growing to divisional strength. He cited the supposed threat from Finland and Sweden’s accession to NATO.
This constitutes one of the first insights into how Russia aspires to adapt its forces to the long-term strategic challenges resulting from its invasion of Ukraine.
It remains unclear how Russia will find the recruits to complete such an expansion at a time when its forces are under unprecedented pressure in Ukraine.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

Operational update regarding russian invasion as of 06.00, December 23, 2022
The three hundred third (303) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military large-scale invasion continues.
Over the past day, the enemy launched 6 missile and 6 air strikes, in particular, on civilian objects in the Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts. Also, the enemy launched more than 70 MLRS attacks.
At the same time, units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine repelled the attacks of the occupiers in the areas of settlements of Vysoke in the Sumy oblast, Khatne in the Kharkiv oblast, Stelmakhivka, Andriyivka, Nadiya, Makiivka, Ploshchanka, Chervonopopivka and Dibrova in the Luhansk oblast and Novoselivka, Yampolivka, Yakovlivka, Bakhmutske, Bakhmut, Mayorsk , New York, Vodyane, Krasnohorivka and Maryinka in Donetsk oblast.
No signs of the formation of enemy offensive groups were detected in the Volyn and Polissya directions. On the territory of the republic of belarus, military commissariats conduct checks on the enlisted personnel. Special attention is given to senior officers who are in the reserve.
In the Siverskyi direction, the enemy fired from anti-aircraft missiles in the areas of the settlements of Bleshnya in the Chernihiv oblast and Novovasylivka, Atynsk, Iskryskivshchyna, Pavlivka, Vodolahy and Krasnopillya in the Sumy oblast.
In the Slobozhanskyi direction, areas of Shevchenko, Strilecha, Neskuchne, Ternobe, Starytsa, Vovchansk, Volokhivka, and Stroivka of the Kharkiv oblast were hit by tank, mortar, and artillery shelling.
In the Kupyansk direction, the enemy carried out fire strikes near Novomlynsk, Kupyansk, Krokhmalne and Berestove in the Kharkiv oblast, and Novoselivka and Stelmakhivka in the Luhansk oblast.
In the Lyman direction, Makiivka, Ploshchanka, Chervonopopivka and Dibrova of the Luhansk oblast were shelled.
In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy fired tanks and the entire range of artillery at the areas of Verkhnokamianske, Bilohorivka, Bakhmut, Klishchiivka, Andriivka, Oleksandro-Shultine, Kurdyumivka, Ozaryanivka and New York settlements of the Donetsk oblast.
In the Avdiivka direction, Kostyantynivka, Vodyane, Nevelske, Krasnohorivka, Heorhiivka, Maryinka, and Novomykhailivka districts in Donetsk region were affected by enemy fire.
Vremivka, Velyka Novosilka, Neskuchne, Vuhledar, and Mykilske of the Donetsk oblast were affected by fire in the Novopavlivsk direction.
In the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson directions, Marhanets of the Dnipropetrovsk oblast and the city of Kherson were shelled by rocket and barrel artillery.
In connection with significant losses, the occupiers set up a military hospital at one of the recreation bases in Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhia oblast. In addition, several tourist bases in the specified settlement are used to accommodate servicemen of the occupation forces.
On the territory of the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea, enemy units are carrying out engineering equipment of defensive positions along the highway Krasnoperekopsk – Dzhankoy.
During the past 24 hours, the Air Force of the Defense Forces carried out eight strikes on the areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment, destroyed three anti-aircraft missile systems and one enemy UAV center.
At the same time, units of missile troops and artillery of the Defense Forces of Ukraine hit three control points, three ammunition depots and eight areas where the occupiers’ manpower was concentrated.

• Das Briefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums (in dem im Unterschied zu Putins gestriger Aussage nicht von Krieg, sondern weiterhin von einer speziellen Militäroperation die Rede ist):

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (23 December 2022)
Russian Federation Armed Forces continue the special military operation.
In Kupyansk direction, more than 30 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 infantry fighting vehicles and 4 vehicles have been eliminated as a result of the shelling of enemy strongpoints near Kislovka, Krakhmalnoye and Berestovoye (Kharkov region).
In Krasniy Liman direction, as a result of the Russian attack aircraft and artillery the enemy’s munition and artillery have been neutralised near Nevskoye and Novolyubovka (Lugansk People’s Republic). In addition, 2 AFU sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been destroyed near Medvezhye tract and Serebryansky forestry (Lugansk People’s Republic). Over 40 Ukrainian servicemen and mercenaries, 3 armoured fighting vehicles and 2 pick-up trucks have been eliminated.
In Donetsk direction, Russian troops, supported by attack aircraft and artillery strikes, continued their offensive.
High-precision strikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit enemy strongpoints near Artyomovsk (Donetsk People’s Republic). More than 80 Ukrainian servicemen and mercenaries, 2 tanks, 5 armoured fighting vehicles and 6 motor vehicles have been eliminated.
In South Donetsk direction, up to 45 Ukrainian servicemen, 4 armoured personnel carriers and 3 pickup trucks have been eliminated as a result of active actions of Russian units and complex fire attacks on the AFU near Novomayorskoye, Prechistovka and Vodyanoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).
Operational-tactical and Aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery have neutralised 62 AFU artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 87 areas. 2 AFU artillery munition depots have been destroyed near Novoselidovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).
1 US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery control station has been destroyed near Ivano-Daryevka (Donetsk People’s Republic). 1 Ukrainian S-300 surface-to-air missile system has been destroyed near Kharkov.
2 US-made M777 artillery systems have been destroyed during counter-battery warfare near Selidovo (Donetsk People’s Republic). In addition, 2 US-made M777 artillery systems have been destroyed near Konstantinovka, from which shelling of residential areas of the Donetsk People’s Republic had been carried out.
1 AFU Su-25 aircraft has been shot down by the Russian Aerospace Forces near Orekhovo-Vasilevka (Donetsk People’s Republic). 1 Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter has been shot down near Kramatorsk (Donetsk People’s Republic).
10 unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down by anti-aircraft defence forces near Makeyevka, Novovodyanoye and Kremennaya (Lugansk People’s Republic), Olginka, Volodino, Kuteynikovo, Yasinovataya (Donetsk People’s Republic), Malinovka, Maliye Shcherbaki and Pologi (Zaporozhye region). In addition, 2 US-made HIMARS multiple-launch rockets have been intercepted near Komissarovka (Lugansk People’s Republic).
In total, 351 airplanes and 189 helicopters, 2,704 unmanned aerial vehicles, 399 air defence missile systems, 7,207 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 936 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 3,702 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 7,722 units of special military hardware have been destroyed during the special military operation.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs (eine englische Fassung liegt noch nicht vor; die Übersetzung aus dem ukrainischen Original):

Operative Informationen über die russische Invasion (Stand: 18.00 Uhr, 23.12.2022)
Der dreihundertdritte Tag der russischen Großinvasion geht weiter.
Im Laufe des Tages führte der Feind 1 Raketen- und 4 Luftangriffe sowie 16 Angriffe mit Mehrfachraketenwerfern durch.
Der Feind hat den Transport von Personal, militärischer Ausrüstung und Munition in die Kampfgebiete auf der Schiene verstärkt.
Der Feind konzentriert seine Bemühungen weiterhin auf die Durchführung von Angriffsaktionen in Richtung Lyman, Bakhmut und Avdiivka. Im Sektor Kupiansk versucht sie, die taktische Lage zu verbessern. In den Sektoren Novopavlivske, Zaporizhzhia und Kherson – Verteidigung.
Die Gefahr von Luft- und Raketenangriffen auf kritische Infrastruktureinrichtungen in der gesamten Ukraine besteht weiterhin.
In den Sektoren Volyn, Polissia, Siverskyi und Slobozhanskyi ist die Situation ohne nennenswerte Veränderungen, es wurden keine Anzeichen für die Bildung von Angriffsgruppen des Feindes festgestellt. Die Insassen planen die Einrichtung eines Feldlazaretts auf weißrussischem Gebiet.
In Richtung Slobozhansky gerieten Gebiete von fünfzehn Siedlungen unter Panzer-, Mörser- und Artilleriebeschuss. Dazu gehören Goptivka, Kudiyivka, Krasne, Zelenne, Hatyshche, Vovchansk, Varvarovka, Zybyno, Dvorichna und Zemlianky im Gebiet Kharkiv.
In Richtung Kupjansk beschoss der Feind die Gebiete von vierzehn Siedlungen. Dabei handelt es sich insbesondere um Wyschneve, Iwaniwka, Zachidne, Kupiansk und Synkiwka in der Region Charkiw und Kysliwka, Jahidne, Kotljariwka, Kusemiwka und Kolomyichyha in der Region Luhansk.
Im Sektor Liman beschossen die Besatzer erneut die Gebiete Makiwka, Ploschanka, Tscherwonopopiwka und Dibrowa in der Region Luhansk.
Im Sektor Bakhmut beschoss der Feind die Gebiete von zweiundzwanzig Siedlungen. Dazu gehören Bilohorivka, Yakovlivka, Bakhmut, Klishchiyivka, Bila Hora, Kurdyumivka, Druzhba, Zalizne und Vesele in der Region Donetsk. Außerdem wurden Luftangriffe in der Nähe von Spirne und Bilohorivka registriert.
Im Sektor Awdijiwka wurden Wodiane, Perwomaiske, Nevelske und Maryinka in der Region Donezk von feindlichem Feuer getroffen.
Im Sektor Nowopawliwka beschoss der Feind mit Panzern und Artillerie die Gebiete Paraskowijiwka, Wuhledar, Zolota Niva und Welyka Nowosilka im Gebiet Donezk.
In Saporischschja und Cherson terrorisieren die russischen Besatzer weiterhin die Zivilbevölkerung am rechten Ufer des Flusses Dnipro. Mehr als vierzig Siedlungen wurden mit Raketen- und Kanonenartillerie beschossen. Dabei handelt es sich insbesondere um Zaliznychne, Charivne, Orikhiv, Magdalynivka und Kamianske in der Region Saporischschja und Kherson, Respublikanets, Dniprovske, Yantarne, Bilozerka und Stanislav in der Region Kherson. Der Feind führte auch einen Luftangriff in der Nähe von Kamianske durch.
Zur Verstärkung der Verwaltungs- und Polizeimaßnahmen in den vorübergehend besetzten Gebieten der Region Saporischschja trafen rund 500 Soldaten der russischen Garde in Berdiansk ein.
Im Laufe des Tages führte die ukrainische Luftwaffe 7 Angriffe auf Gebiete durch, in denen sich feindliches Personal, Waffen und militärische Ausrüstung konzentrierten. Und unsere Raketentruppen und Artillerieeinheiten trafen 2 Kontrollpunkte, 2 Munitionsdepots und 11 Gebiete, in denen sich die Arbeitskräfte der Besatzer konzentrierten. Die Informationen über die gegnerischen Verluste werden derzeit geklärt.
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