Ukraine/Russland/NATO – der Sammler am 9. April 2022 (m. Updates)

Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine konzentriert sich zunehmend auf den Osten und Südosten des Landes. Nach mehr als sechs Wochen sollen die russischen Streitkräfte nun unter ein einheitliches Kommando gestellt worden sein, zudem gibt es Hinweise auf die Mobilisierung von rund 60.000 Reservisten. Der Sammler am 9. April 2022:

• Die russischen Streitkräfte sollen eine Lehre aus dem teilweise unkoordinierten Vorgehen in der Ukraine in den vergangenen Wochen gezogen haben und ihre Truppen unter ein einheitliches Kommando gestellt haben. Neuer Oberbefehlshaber des gesamten Einsatzes sei der Kommandeur des russischen Militärdistrikts Süd, General Alexander Dwornikow (englische Schreibweise Dvornikov), berichtet die BBC:

A Western official has confirmed Russia has reorganised the command of its operations in Ukraine, with the new general having had extensive experience in battle operations in Syria.
Speaking to the BBC’s Gordon Corera on condition of anonymity, the source said the commander of Russia’s southern military district, Gen Alexander Dvornikov, now leads the invasion.
“That particular commander has a lot of experience of operations of Russian operations in Syria. So we would expect the overall command and control to improve,” the source said.

• Das Briefing des Pentagon am (gestrigen) Freitag nennt eine Reihe von interessanten Details zu den US-Erkenntnissen über den Stand des russischen Vorgehens, deshalb der Verweis auf das Transkript. Unter anderem sollen die Verluste der Kampfkraft der in der Ukraine eingesetzten Einheiten durch die Mobilisierung von rund 60.000 Reservisten ausgeglichen werden Und es gibt eine Entwicklung, die exemplarisch sein könnte für die weitere Unterstützung der Ukraine auch mit schweren Waffen:

• Die Slowakei setzte am Freitag ihre Ankündigung von Mitte März um, ihre Flugabwehrsysteme vom Typ S-300 aus russischer Produktion an die Ukraine abzugeben.

Das NATO-Mitgliedsland, das eine direkte Grenze zur Ukraine hat, hatte diesen Schritt mit der Bitte um Ersatz seiner Flugabwehrsysteme aus westlicher Produktion verbunden. Ob und wann tatsächlich zum Beispiel Patriot-Flugabwehrbatterien geliefert werden, ließen die USA bislang offen – aber Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin kündigte die Verlegung von solchen Feuereinheiten mit US-Personal in die Slowakei an, als zeitweise Maßnahme:

In return for their efforts, the U.S. European Command will reposition one Patriot missile system, manned by U.S. service members, to Slovakia, the secretary said, adding that he expects this battery and its crew to arrive in the coming days.   
The length of their deployment has not yet been fixed, as the Defense Department continues to consult with the Slovak government about more permanent air defense solutions, Austin noted. 

Nun ist eine solche Feuereinheit noch kein vollständiger Ersatz – aber das muss sie auch gar nicht sein: Die Bundeswehr hat bereits zwei ihrer zwölf Patriot-Feuereinheiten in die Slowakei geschickt, die Niederlande eine. Die waren als Teil des stärkeren NATO-Engagements an der Ostflanke des Bündnisses entsandt worden, dürften also bis auf Weiteres dort bleiben. Vor allem aber: Das Muster, Material aus anderen Mitgliedsländern der Allianz an die NATO-Ostgrenze zu schicken, zeichnet sich als Weg ab, dort vorhandene schwere Waffen aus sowjetischer oder russischer Produktion schnell der Ukraine zur Verfügung zu stellen.

• Das britische Intel Update:

Russia continues to hit Ukrainian non-combatants, such as those killed in yesterday’s rocket strike on Kramatorsk railway station in eastern Ukraine.
Russian operations continue to focus on the Donbas region, Mariupol and Mykolaiv, supported by continued cruise missile launches into Ukraine by Russian naval forces.
Russian air activity is expected to increase in the south and east of Ukraine in support of this activity.
However, Russian ambitions to establish a land corridor between Crimea and the Donbas continue to be thwarted by Ukrainian resistance.

• Das Morgenbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The forty-fifth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military invasion continues.
The russian federation continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. The russian occupiers continue to prepare for the offensive in the east of Ukraine in order to establish full control over the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.
There were no changes in the position and actions of the russian enemy in the Volyn direction.
The russian enemy did not take active action in the Polissya direction. Some units that were withdrawn from the territory of Ukraine continue to be located on the territory of the republic of belarus. According to available information, in order to regroup troops, the enemy is moving units from the 35th General Army of the Eastern Military District and the 76th Assault Division of the Airborne Forces of the russian Armed Forces in Belgorod and Voronezh regions.
In the Siversky direction, the russian enemy completes the regrouping of forces and the restoration of combat capability of units of the Central Military District in Bryansk and Kursk regions, as well as the relocation of individual units from the 41st General Army and 90th Tank Division to Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.
In the Slobozhansky direction, the russian enemy continues intense shelling and partial blockade of the city of Kharkiv, It strengthens electronic intelligence. In the Belgorod region, the russian occupiers set up field camps for units relocated from other operational areas.
In the Izyum direction, the enemy launched an offensive in the direction of the settlements of Brazhkivka and Sulyhivka, but had no success.
The russian enemy continues to storm in the Donetsk direction. The main efforts are focused on taking control of the settlements of Rubizhne, Nyzhne, Popasna and Novobakhmutivka and establishing full control over the city of Mariupol.
In the South Buh direction, the russian enemy intensified reconnaissance. It carried out artillery shelling of the settlements of Maryanske, Novovorontsovka, Novohryhorivka and Shevchenkove. Continues to launch missile strikes on settlements of the Odesa region from the territory of the Crimean peninsula.
In the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, defenders of Ukraine repulsed seven russian enemy attacks, destroyed nine tanks, seven armoured units and five units of enemy vehicles.
The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has hit four air targets in the previous day: two helicopters, one UAV and one cruise missile. The information is currently being clarified.

• Das Morgenbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums – mit dem Vorwurf (oder eher: der Ankündigung?), es würden in der Ortschaft Irpin bei Kiew Leichen von Zivilisten entdeckt werden, die aber nach russischen Informationen aus den Leichenhäusern geholt würden, nur um Russland weitere Gräueltaten anzulasten:

During the night, high-precision air-based missiles destroyed a large ammunition depot of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near the Novomoskovsk, Dnepropetrovsk Region.
MiG-29 fighter jet and Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force, as well as a depot with aerial warfare equipment were detected and destroyed during aerial reconnaissance at Mirgorod military airfield, Poltava region.
Russian Air Defence means shot down 4 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air near Belogorka, Krasnogorovka and Krutaya Balka.
Operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 85 military assets of Ukraine.
Among them: 2 command posts, 3 multiple rocket launchers, 4 self-propelled artillery mounts, 1 field ammunition depot with an ammunition supply point, 2 logistics depots, and 4 strong points and areas of Ukrainian military equipment concentration.
In total, 127 aircraft and 98 helicopters, 425 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2,031 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 228 multiple launch rocket systems, 880 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,932 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.
According to confirmed reports, the Kiev nationalist regime is preparing another provocation to accuse Russia of allegedly massacring civilians in Irpen, Kiev Region.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that units of the Russian Armed Forces left the town more than a week ago.
The Security Service of Ukraine plans to bring the bodies of local residents killed by Ukrainian artillery shelling from the morgue of the town hospital on Polevaya Street to the basement of a building on the eastern outskirts of Irpen.
Then a staged action with shooting and „destruction“ of an alleged „Russian reconnaissance group“ that arrived in Irpen „to kill witnesses of Russian war crimes“ will be staged by the Security Service of Ukraine in Puscha-Voditskii forest area.
At the same time, the bodies of captured Russian servicemen previously killed by nationalists under torture will be presented as „undeniable evidence“ in the forest.
This cynical staged action is organised for later distribution of the video footage through the Western media.

• Bei einem zuvor nicht angekündigten Besuch in Kiew hat der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson der Ukraine weitere Unterstützung zugesagt – sowohl finanziell als auch mit Waffen (auch die Briten wurden, anders als die Deutschen, wohl nicht um Geheimhaltung gebeten):

The Prime Minister set out new military assistance of 120 armoured vehicles and new anti-ship missile systems, to support Ukraine in this crucial phase while Russia’s illegal assault continues. This is in addition to the £100 million worth of high-grade military equipment announced yesterday, including more Starstreak anti-aircraft missiles, another 800 anti-tank missiles, and high-tech loitering munitions for precision strikes.

• Zwischendurch ein Blick auf die Propaganda Russlands: Während in Russland selbst die Medien an der Berichterstattung über Krieg, geschweige denn Kriegsverbrechen gehindert werden, nutzt der russische Botschafter in Washington seine Redefreiheit im Westen. Ein russischer Journalist analysiert die Propagandasprache Moskaus.

• Das Abendbriefing des ukrainischen Generalstabs:

The russian federation continues its full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. The russian enemy continues to carry out preparatory measures to intensify offensive operations in eastern Ukraine to establish full control over the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.
The main efforts of the russian occupiers are focused on the capture of Mariupol and the offensive near the city of Izyum. There is still a high probability that the enemy will involve sabotage and reconnaissance groups to carry out sabotage of transport infrastructure.
The enemy continues to launch missile strikes on civilian targets throughout Ukraine.
No significant changes in the composition and position of the enemy’s troops were noted in the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky areas.
In Slobozhanshchyna, the russian enemy continues to partially block the city of Kharkiv. In order to covertly move the occupation units in the Kharkiv oblast, the enemy is carrying out electronic suppression of cellular networks. In order to increase the number of troops, up to two battalion tactical groups of the russian enemy were moved from the Belgorod region to the Shevchenkiv district of the Kharkiv oblast.
The russian enemy continues to provide assault actions in the Donetsk direction. The main efforts of the russian occupiers are focused on taking control of the settlements of Rubizhne, Popasna and Novobakhmutivka. At the same time, the russian invaders continue to strike at the settlements of Vuhledar and Novoselivka Druha. They are trying to resume the offensive in the Novotoshkivsky, Stepny and Marinka districts.
In the South Buh direction, the occupiers do not stop trying to keep positions and borders on the administrative border of Kherson region.

• Das Abendbriefing des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums – auffälliger Punkt: Die Russen nahmen ein Schiff unter maltesischer Flagge unter Beschuss, angeblich weil dieses Schiff die Blockade durchbrechen wollte.

During the day, operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces and missile troops hit 65 military assets of Ukraine.
Among them: 4 command and communication hubs, 3 logistics depots, as well as 41 strong points and areas of Ukrainian military equipment concentration.
Russian air defence means shot down 3 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle in the air.
2 near Mariupol and Kalininskoe, and 1 Bayraktar TB-2 near Sakhnovschina, Kharkov region.
In total, 127 aircfaft and 98 helicopters, 428 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2,037 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 229 multiple launch rocket systems, 886 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,941 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.
The Kiev regime has not abandoned its attempts to evacuate the leaders of Azov nationalist regiment and foreign mercenaries from Mariupol. Previous actions to evacuate them by helicopter have failed.
On the evening of April 8, the Kiev regime made another unsuccessful attempt to evacuate the Ukrainian Nazi leaders by sea.
The Ukrainian Apache, a Maltese-flagged dry-cargo ship assigned to the Maltese port of Valetta, was sailing in a caravan of ships from the Gulf of Taganrog to the Kerch Strait in the nighttime.
At 22:38 Moscow time, 30 km southeast of Mariupol, a dry-cargo ship suddenly changed its course and attempted to break through to the Mariupol seaport blocked from the sea by the Black Sea Fleet.
The Ukrainian dry cargo ship did not respond to Russian border guards‘ demands to contact them through the international channel and continued heading in the direction of Mariupol port.
Warning artillery firing by two border patrol ships along the vessel’s course did not cause the dry cargo ship to change course or slow down.
While heading towards Mariupol port, the vessel was engaged in radio communication, transmitting the messages „I am ‚Maniac‘, coming for you“. At the same time, signal fires were observed on the shore.
To block the movement of the intruder vessel, from 22.53 to 23.30, the Black Sea Fleet and the border patrol ships opened artillery fire on the Apache dry-cargo ship.
A direct hit caused a fire in the stern of the ship.
The Ukrainian dry cargo ship then went adrift, the crew got in touch with the border ships with a request to cease fire and confirmed their readiness to comply with all the demands of the Russian sailors.
No crew members on the ship were injured as a result of the firing. The fire was extinguished by the ship’s crew themselves.
After being inspected, the Ukrainian Apache and its crew are convoyed to the Yeysk port.

• Lesestoff mit Prognosen zur weiteren militärischen Entwicklung:

Washington Post: Battles may be tougher for Ukrainians as war shifts to wide-open terrain in east

Guardian: Why the battle for Donbas will be very different from the assault on Kyiv

(Beide Texte recht ähnlich, was wenig verwunderlich ist, weil Guardian-Gastautor Jack Watling vom britischen Royal United Services Institute auch in der Washington Post ausführlich zu Wort kommt)