Afghanistan: 25 Prozent mehr Gewalttaten gegen Frauen – und die Rückkehr der Steinigung

Am (heutigen) Internationalen Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen muss Afghanistan mit einer bedrückenden Bilanz aufwarten: Die Zahl der – registrierten – Gewaltakte ist in diesem Jahr um ein Viertel gestiegen, wie die Unabhängige Menschenrechtskommission des Landes vorrechnet:

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) on Monday announced a 25 percent jump in reported cases of human rights violations against women in Afghanistan in 2013.
November 25 is the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women. The AIHRC released a report that stated 4,154 cases of human rights violations had been filed by Afghan women in only six months of the current solar year.
The report comes as many have expressed concerns about the future of women’s rights in Afghanistan, an issue which saw marked improvement since the fall of the Taliban but has since seen setbacks with 2013 seeing a spike in violence against women, according to the United Nations.

berichtet der afghanische Sender TOLO News. Und die Befürchtung, dass es für Frauenrechte am Hindukusch künftig noch viel schlimmer aussehen könnte, stützt eine Warnung der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch: Die anscheinend geplante Rückkehr der Steinigung als Instrument des normalen afghanischen Strafrechts.

A working group led by the Justice Ministry that is assisting in drafting a new penal code has proposed provisions on “moral crimes” involving sex outside of marriage that call for stoning. (…)
The draft provisions, seen by Human Rights Watch, provide that if a couple is found by a court to have engaged in sexual intercourse outside a legal marriage, both the man and woman shall be sentenced to “[s]toning to death if the adulterer or adulteress is married.” The provisions state that the “implementation of stoning shall take place in public in a predetermined location.” If the “adulterer or adulteress is unmarried,” the sentence shall be “whipping 100 lashes.”

(Foto: UNAMA/Fraidoon Poya)