Schlagwort: German Navy

German Navy releases video of Somali pirates hijacking German vessel in 2010

Almost to the day four years ago, on April 5, 2010, Somali pirates hijacked the German MV Taipan in the Indian Ocean. A few hours later, Dutch marines boarded the container vessel, arresting ten pirates who in the end faced trial in a German court. While the role of the Dutch boarding team had been higlighted in news reports (undoubtedly because the Dutch released video footage of the boarding rather soon; see below), the role of a German Maritime Reconnaissance


What’s all this about the „Gorch Fock“?

Today, the BBC World Service asked me if I could explain what’s behind these reports on the German tallship Gorch Fock. I would have loved to, but they cancelled the interview due to editorial reasons. So, I did the explaning myself, for those English speaking people who are wondering what the fuss is all about. (If you have an iPhone or iPad, you won’t see flash, so here’s the direct link:
