Kurzer Blick auf Kundus: Eine Kalaschnikow kostet jetzt 1150 $

Zur Lage rund um Kundus im Norden Afghanistans als Lesetipp eine Geschichte von Afghanistan Today: Kunduz residents take up arms as Chahar Darah is wrestled from the Taliban by Afghan forces

The price of an AK-47 in Kunduz has nearly tripled in the last 8 weeks from 25,000 to nearly 70,000 afghani (1150 USD approx). A gun dealer in Kunduz, who preferred not to be named, says he now sells an average of 20 guns per day, twice as many as earlier this year.  The arms supplier told Afghanistan Today that rather than import guns like before, he now simply buys from fighters on all sides, creating a vicious circle in which weapons are recycled from one side to another.

Nachtrag: Der Chief Executive der afghanischen Regierung, Abdullah Abdullah, besuchte am Montag (7. Juli) Kundus – seine Tweets dazu: